"Your money? You didn't learn well at a young age, and cheated everywhere! There are more than a dozen money bags here, but I don't know how many people have saved their lives in recent years!" He Zhi yelled, and directly threw Zhang Jiugua to the ground. Throwing, pointing to Zhang Jiugua's nose and saying: "Sixteen or seventeen years old, the soul is not full-grown, and it's time to learn to enter the fireworks alley."

Zhang Jiugua was thrown into a mess.

He Zhi squatted down and swept all the money bags in his arms.

"Last night, you cheated Zhongliang with two large yellow croakers. The money is not enough to pay you. If there is less, you owe it."

He Zhi's voice was cold.

Zhang Jiugua was stunned for a moment, his eyes were rounded, and he said, "Why are you talking so casually?! It's obviously two small yellow croakers, and I just paid them back. How come they turned into two big yellow croakers!"

"The unicorn bought by the little yellow croaker entered the temple, and the money they earned was more than two big yellow croakers."

He Zhi threw all the purses back into the car.

She frowned again, and said in a low voice: "This little thief reminds me of Xu Baipi. If he is young, he will do evil things sooner or later. Let's not deal with each other."

I motioned for He Zhi and Dunkong to get in the car first.

After they went up, I said something to Zhang Jiugua: "Intelligence, you should put it in the right place. You don't have to cheat to make a living. You don't cheat. It's easy to come. You think it's your talent."

"Let me remind you, love is born from the heart. Now you have a smart and intelligent face, but after a few years, you will become a person with evil eyebrows and mouse eyes. Let's go on the right path as soon as possible."

"I will hand over your money to Zhongliang. You cheated most of it from poor people and used it for the people to accumulate virtue for you."

After speaking, I turned around and returned to the carriage.

The coachman came up in a hurry and drove out of the city.

I subconsciously glanced out the window.

Zhang Jiugua was extremely embarrassed and pitiful, he limped to help another child who had collapsed on the ground.

"Zhang Er, get up quickly, don't pretend to be dead, they are leaving"

The child turned over and got up from the ground, but he looked eagerly in the direction of our car.

I hesitated for a moment, picked up a money bag in the compartment, and threw it out the window.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Zhang Er grabbed it directly into his arms.

Zhang Jiugua looked up, but before he and I looked at each other, I pulled down the curtain and blocked the car window.

"Yin Yang, why do you give them back one?!" He Zhi froze for a moment, there was obviously dissatisfaction in her eyes.

"Enough punishment, Zhongliang suffered a loss, and just got back his money with interest. I exposed him in front of everyone. Kaiyang, he is not good at cheating, and it is not good for two children to starve to death on the street."

"Child? Go to Fireworks and Willow Lane to spend the night, and he is still called a child?!" He Zhi was obviously out of breath.

I smiled wryly.

He knew that He Zhi was so angry because he thought of Xu Baipi back then.

I didn't speak.

Women at this time are not easy to provoke.

Dunkong also carefully shrank in the corner of the carriage.

He Zhi said a few more words, and then began to gather up the scattered money bags.

When our carriage returned to Feng Village, the coachman took us to the gate of He's house before leaving.

I asked Dunkong to take all the money to Houshanmiaozi, and at the same time explained the direction clearly to him.

In the main room in the courtyard, Grandma He and He Qiyue came out.

Dunkong left in a hurry, and we moved all our things in.

Grandma He was obviously a little embarrassed, but He Qiyue was a little lost in thought, not knowing what she was thinking.

Packed everything.

The atmosphere in the house became a little stagnant.

He Zhi said in a low voice that she was going to the room to read, and hurried into the room.

Only me, He Qiyue, and Grandma He were left in the main room.

Grandma He hesitated to speak.

He Qiyue pursed her lower lip slightly.

"Grandma, I want to ask you something." I spoke before they wanted to.

"What's the matter?" Grandma He was slightly puzzled.

"Yangjiang, is there a water ghoul causing trouble?" I asked.

Grandma He nodded and said: "It is true, did you hear about it when you entered the city?"

I thought about it, and said: "When I entered Kaiyang Realm, there were famines everywhere along the way, natural disasters and man-made disasters, except Kaiyang, but this Kaiyang, there will be famine soon?" I still inquired.

Grandma He nodded, and sighed softly: "There is an immortal master in Kaiyang, but no one in the world can survive this natural disaster alone, and the immortal master is still in seclusion."

"Half-truth, half-false, no wonder nine out of ten lies." I murmured.

"What?" Grandma He was puzzled.

"No problem." I shook my head, and told Grandma He that I'm going out for a while, and if the head of the Liu family comes back, let them wait for me.

Grandma He nodded.

I immediately turned around and walked out of the main room.

There is still our original carriage in the courtyard. I untied a horse, and after getting on the horse, I headed straight for Yangjiang!

I remember the way I came here, and it didn't take me long to arrive at Yangjiang.

At this time, the sky was bright and the sun was shining on the Yangjiang River, making the turbulent river water appear particularly turbulent.

There are many fishing boats along the river, and there are people fishing on the river.

But even in broad daylight, the river still has a sense of haze.

"It's so dark." I got off my horse by the river, walked a few steps forward, and looked at the river with a frown.

"This Feng Shui"

I looked around and murmured: "Big rivers and rivers, come ten or twenty miles, and don't look back, a small dry dragon."

"Branching water but never reaching the boundary"

"Kaiyang's anger was gradually taken away?"

"Should not"

I squinted my eyes slightly and looked at the river.

There is a problem with Feng Shui here.

A river without boundaries is like a dragon traveling without turning back, taking away all life along the way.

Kaiyang obviously has Mr. Da, so how could there be such a river?

Or, did the river water problem arise in the past three years?

But this is also impossible, there was Yangjiang on the map back then, and I asked Liu Tianniu to find it here.

The current water is like a flood.

But even if there is no flood, this is still a moving dragon, and it will take away Kaiyang's anger.

Mr. Big, turn a blind eye?

I took a deep breath and stopped thinking.

Feng Shui issues, I put aside for the time being.

There happened to be a fisherman coming ashore on the left side, and I walked straight towards him, cupped my fists and asked, "Brother, please ask me a few words."

The fisherman stopped, wiped the water from his forehead, and asked me what?

I directly asked about the water ghoul.

The fisherman's expression changed suddenly, and he quickly made a hissing gesture, intending to cover my mouth.

My pupils constricted and I immediately shut my mouth.

Of course, it's not that I'm afraid, but that I do as the Romans do, and these fishermen are afraid.

I have to hold them steady and ask about the situation.

The fisherman beckoned and trot towards the shore.

I followed him until we were a few tens of meters away from the shore, before he wiped the sweat off his forehead and said, "Sir, is this your first visit to the riverside?"

"By the river, I don't want to say those words. The fairy master has not been here for a few years, and those ghostly things have come out to make trouble again."

"You can go quickly! Otherwise, tonight, those things designated to call will drag you into the river and bite your face!"

There was panic in his words.

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