Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 977 Someone Robbed In Broad Daylight

"Your father?" I was a little surprised.

I find it odd that he knows my name.

Because in front of Luo Zhongliang, only someone ever called me Mr. Li.

It's just that this Jiugua is a clever liar. I'm surprised, but not surprised.

When he came to me, he must be trying to lie to me.

Luo Zhongliang and a large group of people in the temple were deceived, which also showed that he did have some skills.

Without a little preparation, he will not make a move.

"Who is your father?" I asked calmly.

"Zhang Jiuzhong!" Zhang Jiugua spoke again, with that old-fashioned expression again.

"Your name is Zhang Jiugua, and your father's name is Zhang Jiuchong? This is someone of the same generation." I opened my mouth.

Zhang Jiugua's body visibly stiffened for a moment, and faintly, his eyeballs also rolled rapidly for a moment.

"Hehe, the name that Mr. pays attention to is more about its meaning. He doesn't care about what is not in the same age."

"Just now, it was inconvenient for him to talk to you, and many people outside were listening and watching."

My pupils tightened again.

Both He Zhi and Dunkong came to my side.

Dun Kong was startled, and murmured: "Father, he belongs to that man"

He Zhi's eyes were also full of astonishment.

However, she soon became thoughtful.

I roughly understood that Zhang Jiugua was nearby at the time and heard our conversation.

He definitely wouldn't be that man's son.

They don't have the slightest similarity in bone appearance.

That person has a ninety-five appearance, and will not give birth to a child with only a smart appearance.

"Then, what did he ask you to tell me?" I still didn't immediately expose Zhang Jiu's hexagram, and my tone was a bit puzzled.

Zhang Jiugua lied in front of me, and he has nothing to hide.

But if I try to deceive him, even if I say a hundred words, he can't see the problem.

"My father asked you to do three things. The first thing is that there are a large number of water ghouls outside Kaiyang City and inside Yangjiang River, making life difficult for the common people."

"The second thing is that in recent years, there have been natural disasters and man-made disasters. The immortal master just happened to be in seclusion, and the people's harvest has decreased. He wants you to find a way to help the people."

He Zhi thoughtfully was interrupted, with surprise in her eyes.

The coachman between me and Zhang Jiugua was already in a daze, and he retreated tremblingly to the side.

There are also many passers-by who pass by around, their eyes are full of blank curiosity.

Zhang Jiugua's thin waist is more straight.

There was even a smug smile on his face.

"As for the third thing, my father asked me to follow you as an exercise for me, and he also wanted me to learn some fortune-telling techniques from you."

"There are only two big things, and the last one is almost insignificant. As long as you can finish it, he will ensure that you can meet the immortal master!"

Zhang Jiugua raised his hands and clasped his fists to the side.

In the eyes of those passers-by watching, they were full of reverence and piety.

I laughed, and looking at Zhang Jiugua's eyes, it was already a bit strange.

Zhang Jiugua's eyelids twitched slightly, he frowned and said, "What are you laughing at?"

"Aren't you laughing too?" I said.

"I..." Zhang Jiugua spoke, but he was a little speechless for a while.

The next moment, his eyes were even more respectful, and he said in a deep voice: "I am in awe of what the immortal master has done, and I am proud of being a person of Kaiyang!"

"Okay!" A slightly immature voice shouted from among the passers-by, and there was another slap.

Immediately, everyone on both sides applauded loudly, applauding repeatedly!

I nodded and said, "Of the three things, the first two are really reasonable, and the third is like a gift."

Zhang Jiu raised his hexagram slightly, and said, "My father is not someone who intentionally makes things difficult."

"Come here and get in the car with us." I raised my hand and made a gesture of beckoning.

Zhang Jiugua immediately walked towards me.

I glanced at He Zhi slightly and gave her a look.

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Jiugua will come to me.

I sideways, out of the way.

It seems that this is to let him get in the car, but in fact, it also opened up the gap between me and He Zhi.

Zhang Jiu's hexagram came in front of He Zhi.

Just this moment!

Zhang Jiugua suddenly paused.

He looked up again, panic appeared in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he tried to remain calm: "I remembered that my father asked me to copy the hexagrams several times before I could go out."

The next moment he turned around and was about to run!

He Zhi snorted coldly, she raised her hand, and grabbed Zhang Jiugua's shoulder!

He let out a scream, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"What are you doing?! You don't have to do what the fairy master asked, but why did you attack a child of mine!"

In addition to screaming, Zhang Jiugua struggled and shouted desperately!

"It's really smart. I didn't even see it. How did you notice it?" He Zhi said, and gave another soft drink. She raised her leg and kicked Zhang Jiugua's calf.

Zhang Jiugua gasped and fell to his knees.

"Killed! These two people are going to kill the book boy in the Immortal Master's Yin-Yang House! Hurry up and help!" Another voice exploded in the crowd.

All of a sudden, the passers-by became noisy and confused.

Dunkong suddenly dodged into the crowd.

The next moment, there was another scream, and another child of his age was thrown out from the crowd and landed heavily in front of Zhang Jiugua.

Dun Kong quickly came back behind me, his eyes full of vigilance.

The passers-by around me wanted to move forward, so I clasped my fists, turned around slightly, and bowed at the same time.

"My humble Li Yinyang, who came from Jiuhe, in order to see the immortal master, has negotiated with the person in front of the immortal master to do three things for Kaiyang."

"This kid lives by cheating around Kaiyang. Last night, he happened to trick my disciple who hadn't entered the sect. Now he's cheating on me again. Please go away."

My tone was very humble, and passers-by showed a sudden look.

Some of them just broke up, and some retreated a little to the distance to watch the excitement.

The child on the ground had fear in his eyes and a bit of despair.

Zhang Jiugua turned his head suddenly, he stared at me with wide eyes, and there was still a bit of anger in his eyes.

However, it doesn't make sense to me.

I stretched out my palm towards Zhang Jiugua, and at the same time slightly hooked it.

Zhang Jiugua pursed his lips, his lips turned white.

"If you want to kill or kill me, you can do whatever you want. You asked your wife to hold me down, and hooked me up to make me stand up. Isn't that playing tricks on me?!"

Zhang Jiugua's small face was also pale.

It can be seen that he is trying to be calm now, but in fact, he is already terrified in his heart.

"I just asked you to hand over the two little yellow croakers you cheated from Zhongliang." I shook my head and said, "I have no intention of playing with a child."

Zhang Jiugua was stunned for a moment, then he suddenly lowered his head and said, "It's gone."

"No more?" I frowned.

"The flowers are over, I went to Zuixiangju to spend the night last night, and I still owe half of the small yellow croaker's accommodation fee." Zhang Jiugua didn't finish.

He Zhi frowned, and she directly held Zhang Jiugua's collar with both hands, lifted him up, and shook him vigorously!

With a rattling sound, at least a dozen bulging money bags fell from him!

It all fell to the ground!

Zhang Jiugua's face changed drastically, and he panicked: "What are you doing! The two little yellow croakers of that idiot yesterday have already been spent! These are all my money!"

"In broad daylight! Someone robbed!"

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