Obviously, the other woman is afraid and doesn't want to cause trouble.

Yang Qingshan's gaze fell on Jin'er in an instant.

His eyes are still very calm.

Then, he glanced at the shopkeeper and the other servants.

The boys looked at each other.

The shopkeeper said in a low voice: "Don't report to the police yet? Order a few more people and take them all first!"

Those little servants got the order, some ran towards the outside of the station, and some went to grab the five people who had fallen to the ground.

The shopkeeper brushed off his sleeves, bowed to Yang Qingshan, and said, "May I ask the elder's name?" Yang Qingshan ignored the shopkeeper at all, and walked towards the women.

The shopkeeper was obviously embarrassed, and he hugged me again.

"Li Yinyang." I nodded slightly.

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, lowered his head and murmured: "Li Yinyang?" He seemed to be thinking, and I followed Yang Qingshan to those girls.

Jin'er who came out to speak just now struggled to walk forward again, and whispered to the woman next to her: "Sister, someone rescued us, what are you afraid of?"

It was only now that the other five women realized the situation.

They looked at the few people who were tied up by the servants just now, and some of them covered their faces and cried.

Jin'er walked up to me and Yang Qingshan.

She looked at Yang Qingshan curiously, with admiration evident in her eyes.

She bowed to Yang Qingshan sideways, and said: "Then Jin'er thanked the Taoist priest." The clear and sweet voice was like a silver bell.

At this time, several girls from behind stepped forward one after another, thanking Yang Qingshan and me.

At this moment, a voice of astonishment and excitement reached his ears.

"Li Yinyang...I see...you are Mr. Yinyang, Li Yinyang!"

The shopkeeper hurriedly walked to my side, embraced it with both hands, and directly bowed and saluted me!

His expression was even more excited: "I never thought that Mr. Li, who travels the world and supports justice, would actually come to such a small place like us. It really makes the villain feel so radiant..." Yang Qingshan looked at me with a little surprise.

My complexion remained unchanged, I raised my hand to signal the shopkeeper that there is no need for such a big gift.

The rest of the girls also looked at me blankly, especially Jin'er, with a bit of doubt and strangeness in their eyes.

I took out a money bag from my arms, weighed it a little, opened it, poured out all the big money, and divided it into six equal parts.

"Everyone was deceived, or kidnapped, and left their homes. Presumably, they will not have any money on them, and Mr. Li still has some money to spend. Each of you will take a share. Tomorrow, I will trouble the shopkeeper to find a carriage for them and send them home."

I glanced at the girls first, and finally at the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper nodded again and again, and said, "Mr. Li, don't worry, it's my honor to be able to do things for you!"

Yang Qingshan looked at me with a little more thought.

Soon, there was only one silver coin left on the table.

When the five girls took the money, they all bowed to Yang Qingshan and me, very grateful.

Only that Jin'er didn't move, she pursed her lips slightly, her eyes, which were bright just now, were a little red now.

Earlier that Jin'er stood up and said that her uncle was tied up by those people.

Isn't that her only family?Perhaps already dead?

I thought about this and was about to speak.

But Jin'er looked at me again, turned sideways and saluted again, with an extremely courteous tone: "Mr. Li, can you and the Daoist benefactor give me a way? I was kidnapped by them three days ago. Did you break free, I want to go back."

What Jin'er said was pleading, but it wasn't that kind of pleading.

Although it looks like she is only eleven or twelve years old, she is completely ladylike.

Also, she's smart.

Although it was Yang Qingshan who rescued them just now, I didn't care when I first came in.

But now she is begging me, not Yang Qingshan, obviously she can see that Yang Qingshan is not as good as me.

I haven't spoken yet.

Yang Qingshan turned around and walked straight out of the station.

Obviously, he only cares about saving people, and after ensuring that people are not in danger, he doesn't care too much about the aftermath.

"Do you remember the location, or the address?" I asked Na Jin'er.

Now that I have rescued people, I have also arranged for the rest of the people to deal with the aftermath.

Then Jin'er has nowhere to go, so I can only send the Buddha to the west.

If something happens to her halfway and hurts her life, it will also become the cause and effect of Yang Qingshan and me.

"I remember the location."

There was surprise in Jin'er's voice.

I nodded.

If she is still so calm now, I have to wonder if she is actually a mature person with a child's face.

I explained a few more words to the shopkeeper to help me arrange manpower and replenish water and food.

The shopkeeper was a little apprehensive, and whispered: "Mr. Li, you're going to leave overnight without a rest?" "Yes." I nodded.

The shopkeeper's eyes were even more hesitant.

"Go and kill the three-headed silver unicorn, and place it at the gate, with the unicorn's head facing north."

"Within this year, transform the three evil spirits in your inn to ward off evil spirits and attract wealth. In the coming year, you can remove them, or find another gentleman to help you find your location."

After finishing speaking, I nodded to Jin'er, motioning for her to go out with me.

"Thank you, Mr. Li!" The shopkeeper's voice was trembling with excitement.

Soon, I took Jin'er back to the side of the carriage.

Yang Qingshan sat in front, and finally frowned slightly.

"Bodhisattvas save people's lives, and Taoist priests go down the mountain to drive away evil. We have to bring a girl with us on the way, which will delay the time." Yang Qingshan said.

"Mr. is not a monk. There are causes and effects in this world. Either you don't care about it. After you manage it, you have to manage it to the end. You are also half a gentleman." Yang Qingshan and I explained.

Yang Qingshan closed his eyes.

The Jin'er next to me looked at Yang Qingshan even more curiously.

I didn't get into the carriage, but she stood beside me very politely.

Not long after, several young men came out, holding fodder, brushes, and buckets respectively.

They brushed the horse, dried it, and fed it hay.

There was also a boy who delivered the dry food to the carriage.

It took about half an hour to cook the horses.

During the period, I asked Jin'er for the direction, and the direction she pointed happened to be where we were going, so it didn't waste time.

Leaving from the post station, let the horse go slowly.

After walking for a while, we stopped at the side of the road to rest.

Na Jin'er kept looking out of the car window, lost in a daze.

I took a look at her face, full earlobes, slender brow bones, thick eyebrows, and plump Yintang.

However, there is a distinct beauty peak on her forehead and hairline.

In the facial appearance, those with beautiful hairlines usually left their hometowns voluntarily.

Her overall appearance is very blessed, and she exudes nobility all over her body, she should be from a "famous family".

This can't help but make me a little surprised, how could this real "everyone" lady be abducted on this kind of road?

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