Of course, surprises are surprises, and I didn't ask more questions.

I just told her to let her rest, and we will be on our way at dawn tomorrow.

The speed of this carriage is much faster than those who kidnapped her, and it can reach the place she said in half a day at most.

Na Jin'er saluted me again, and said softly, "Thank you, Mr. Li."

She no longer looked out the window, just arched her knees and propped her chin, but looked at Yang Qingshan at the car door.

I leaned against the innermost side of the carriage and closed my eyes to rest.

Not long after, sleepiness rose, and I fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up the next day, Jin'er was already awake.

Yang Qingshan at the car door has not moved yet...

"Did you rest?" I asked Na Jin'er.

"Mr. Li, I'm taking a break." Na Jin'er smiled at me, and said softly: "The rising of the Li people is an ancestor's instruction."

I frowned and didn't say much.

Yang Qingshan at the car door looked back.

He pulled up the reins, let out a squeak, and started on his way.

At this time, Na Jin'er sat near the car door.

She carefully took out a piece of dry food and handed it to Yang Qingshan.

As a result, Yang Qingshan ignored her.

She called Daoist in a low voice, but Yang Qingshan still didn't respond, like an iceberg.

I don't have much to say about this.

In the blink of an eye, half a day passed.

We arrived at a village at the foot of the mountain.

Na Jin'er gave up eating for Yang Qingshan.

Because Yang Qingshan did not know where to get the dry food, he had already eaten it on the way to the car.

At this time, Na Jin'er whispered to me that she and her uncle were targeted by those people when they came out of this village.

Detour from here, about a mile away, at the foot of the mountain between two mountains, where the terrain is steep, that is where they attacked, arrested her, tied up her uncle, and threw her into the mountain.

I nodded and gave Yang Qingshan the direction.

Yang Qingshan drove in that direction.

After one mile, it's time for half a cup of tea.

Yang Qingshan got out of the car first.

Na Jin'er and I came down afterwards.

This place is indeed a narrow road between two mountains, with mountains on both sides, extremely steep.

There are many mountain roads and some caves.

That Jin'er's face paled a lot, and a look of annoyance appeared on her small face.

"I forgot which direction uncle was dragged to, those people said when they came back."

"Just tied him up, didn't kill him, let him fend for himself." Apparently, Jin'er's voice was full of worry.

Her immature face was even more disturbed.

"What's his name?" Yang Qingshan opened his mouth at this moment.

I was taken aback for a moment, Yang Qingshan was stealing what I wanted to say.

Na Jin'er whispered: "Na Meng." Yang Qingshan lowered his head slightly, as if he was thinking.

The next moment, he went straight to the southeast.

Na Jin'er looked at Yang Qingshan's back in a daze, and said slowly: "Has Daoist Liu gone to look for my uncle?"

"Like, that's the direction?" Her tone was full of uncertainty.

"Yeah." I nodded.Jin'er's blank eyes suddenly became more respectful.

"Liu Daochang is amazing. He actually knows where my uncle is by hearing his name. It's amazing." I didn't answer any more.

The gossip method is indeed miraculous to ordinary people.

Even in Feng Shui, ordinary gentlemen can't learn it well.

Geophysics is the quintessence of the predecessors, and the Fengshui of the Qiang people is definitely not weak. It is normal for Yang Qingshan to know this method.

Time, little by little.

After about a quarter of an hour, the trees in the southeast made rustling sounds.

Yang Qingshan got out of the bushes.

He also carried a dying person on his back...

Surprise burst out on Na Jin'er's face, and her body was trembling slightly.

However, she stood still and immediately suppressed her emotions.

Soon, Yang Qingshan put him down.

The man's legs gave way and he almost fell down, Yang Qingshan raised his hand to support his shoulder again.

Na Jin'er's reaction has already told me that this person is Na Meng.

He has a broad face with Chinese characters and a very burly figure. In fact, he is not very old, at most in his 30s.

His legs trembled most, followed by his hands.

Obviously, the group of people bound him, binding his hands and feet.

Namon's lips were uncracked.

It was just because of hunger that his cheeks were sunken.

"Uncle." Na Jin'er stepped forward and supported Na Meng.

Nameng trembled even more, his eyes were red, and he called Jin'er in a hoarse voice.

Then, with a bang, he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Yang Qingshan and me.

Even if he was so weak, Namon had a blood mark on his forehead.

"No gift required."

I frowned and went to help him.

Yang Qingshan shifted his position a little, avoiding Nameng's kowtow.

"You two benefactors, thank you for your great kindness! If it weren't for the two benefactors, it would be difficult for our uncle and niece to meet again, and what Jin'er will encounter is even more unimaginable."

Namon's tone was rough, and his eyes were even redder.

Obviously, when Yang Qingshan rescued him, he should have said something.

"Fate." I simply said two words, and I had already touched the shoulder of the man.

Namon grabbed my wrist with his backhand, he raised his head, but there was more pleading in his eyes.

"Jin'er and I, the place we are going to is still very far away. Can you let the two benefactors escort us for a journey? Thank you very much!" I haven't said anything yet.

Yang Qingshan frowned and looked at me, then shook his head directly.

His movement was astonishingly fast.

I smiled wryly in my heart, is he afraid that I will agree again?

Obviously, I will not agree to this request.

Namon and I shook our heads and said that we still have important matters to deal with and we cannot send them off.

Namon was still talking, I glanced at his face, and took a look at his face.

However, I frowned slightly.

When my eyes fell on Jin'er's face again, my eyelids twitched slightly.

Because Na Meng and Na Jin'er were both Yintang flashing with blood...

And cheekbones, Yintang, and Renzhong, three black and blue qi poured into the mouth.

This is three days of sad sudden death!

"We should go, you can give them a sum of money and let them go on their own way." Yang Qingshan urged me.

A look of disappointment appeared on Nameng's face, and Najin'er also lowered her head, her small face was pale, and she couldn't express much emotion.

I was silent for a while before my eyes fell on Yang Qingshan's face.

"Three days, how about another three days?"

Yang Qingshan: "..."

My eyes became more cautious, and I put my hand in the middle of the crowd, and gave Yang Qingshan a signal.

Yang Qingshan squinted his eyes slightly, thinking about it.

"The last three days, we can't delay that long." Yang Qingshan said in a deep voice.

I nodded, and then told Na Meng and Na Jin'er to let them walk with me for three days.

However, during these three days, they couldn't go the way they were going to go, but had to follow us.

If you go off the road, wait for three days before taking a detour.

Na Meng and Na Jin'er's faces were full of doubts.

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