Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 952 My name is Na Jin'er

In the direction of Yang Qingshan, he was walking towards the table that I thought was problematic just now.

It's too late to grab Yang Qingshan now.

His movements seem to be calm, but they are actually very fast!

In one or two breaths, he had covered more than half the distance.

Most of the people rushing in the hall had excellent eyesight and found something wrong.

Almost half of the people were paying attention to Yang Qingshan and the table he was walking towards.

I frowned, and quickly followed Yang Qingshan.

The men at the table got up, with a slightly hurried look, and directly pushed a woman, signaling them to go back.

Next to them was a back door, obviously behind that was the resting place of the station.

Those women got up, and then staggered back.

"Wait." Yang Qingshan suddenly said a word.

His voice was cold, although it was not like that of Hong Zhong, but it penetrated the entire lobby with great force.

The men moved faster.

Yang Qingshan frowned.

He stopped suddenly, and the next moment, he waved his sleeve.

A chair next to him flew out immediately.

There was someone on the chair, that person looked at Yang Qingshan in shock and anger, and almost didn't fall down.

But he dared to be angry and dare not speak

The chair slammed, hitting one of the men.

He screamed and fell directly to the ground.

The rest of them turned ruthless and drew their knives almost at the same time.

Those women were so scared that they immediately hid in the corner.

In an instant, the people in the lobby quickly dispersed towards the surroundings

Most people who go out on their way understand the truth that it is none of their business.

I stopped beside Yang Qingshan.

However, I didn't question Yang Qingshan, but looked at those people again.

Yang Qingshan and I are always different, he is a Taoist priest who hates evil like an enemy, and when he encounters injustice, he will never be like me.

Since he is going to take care of it now, I have no reason to pull him away.

Besides, I can't pull it away.

I glanced at those people, and now that the distance is getting closer, I can see their faces clearly.

There are five of them in total, and most of them have thin lips. There is a saying that the tongue is thin and the lips are thin, frivolous and treacherous.

Not only that, they also have triangular eyes, broken eyebrows, or squinted eyes.

This is superficial appearance, talking about hypocrisy and cunning!

In terms of expressions, those four people were all shocked, their faces were like dirt, and they were sharply cut.

This is the main dirty thief!

I narrowed my eyes slightly, and then glanced at those women.

There are six girls in total, the oldest is only 21 two years old, and the youngest is only eleven or twelve years old.

Most of them look upright and gentle.

Although they are frightened now, they all keep their eyes on

This kind of personality is a chaste daughter, belonging to a good family woman.

In addition, they have a kind of compatibility.

The tip of the nose is red!

There is a word in the bones, the nose is accurate and the head is red, and you must go west and east!

How could a good woman from a good family leave her home? !

The personality of these two kinds of people is connected together, and I have a judgment.

These men must have kidnapped these women!

I judge the face very quickly, but only in an instant.

Yang Qingshan looked cold.

Those five people were so beaten that one of them didn't get up for a long time, and the other four all looked shocked and glared at Yang Qingshan with murderous intent.

"Ox-nosed Taoist priest, are you sick?!" The first man with thin features and a hooked nose stared straight at Yang Qingshan and cursed.

Yang Qingshan's face was calm, his hands were behind his back, and his tone was even lighter: "I told you to slow down."

"What are you? Tell us to slow down, but we will slow down? Believe it or not, I will chop you up later! Fuck!" The man yelled again.

The expressions of the other three became more fierce.

"Brother, Old Fifth's leg was broken and he can't get up. If you mess with this kid, give Old Fifth a bad temper!" Another person said in a fierce tone.

Yang Qingshan frowned slightly, he hummed, and said again: "At first I wanted to ask you a few words, but seeing that you are so vicious, you want people's lives if you don't agree with each other, it seems that you are indeed not a good person." During the words, Yang Qingshan Pulled out the waist whisk.

The four of them yelled almost at the same time, and rushed directly towards Yang Qingshan!

Yang Qingshan didn't move at first.

Until they get close to the body.

When almost four of them hacked at Yang Qingshan's head at the same time.

Yang Qingshan moved!

His body spun violently.

The white whisk formed an afterimage.

The four people hit it at the same time, let out a muffled grunt, and then shot in all directions like cannonballs, flying backwards with a bang bang bang.

With every bang, they knocked over a table and chair.

With just one move, they all fell under Yang Qingshan's hands.

No one can get up.

The man named Lao Wu who fell at the very beginning stood up half of his body tremblingly, and shouted in fear: "In broad daylight, there are evil Taoist priests who have killed people and robbed them!"

However, his yelling didn't help the people watching the theater around him.

There were even some people who stopped watching the excitement and left the station in a hurry.

Those people on the ground were wailing and trying to get up.

The old fifth was trembling with fright.

Yang Qingshan started to approach him.

At this time, a few people finally ran out from both sides.

Aren't the clothes of these people the same as the servants in the station?

The boy in the lead was the one who received us just now.

His face was pale, and he stood in front of Yang Qingshan tremblingly.

"Master Dao, please be merciful. They didn't offend you when you came here just now."

"We still have to do business at this post station, it can't be done in broad daylight"

Before the boy finished speaking, I had already walked to Yang Qingshan's side.

I calmly said: "Hey, it's already dark. Also, although these people didn't offend us, they are all thieves who rob. These women were either robbed or cheated by them. of."

"If you still want to continue the business of the post station, you should not stop us, but you should find an official to deal with it immediately." After I finished speaking, Yang Qingshan frowned at me, and the eyes of the women at the base of the wall became panicked when they looked at me. , but some people have joy in their eyes.

As for those boys, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

The fifth child with a broken leg looked at me and Yang Qingshan dumbfounded, and his face turned pale.

At this moment, another middle-aged man with a fat body walked towards us hobblingly.

He was dressed in the shopkeeper's clothes, and he came up to me and Yang Qingshan with an apologetic smile on his face.

He clasped his fists in both hands, and said with a sneer: "This gentleman, this Taoist priest has nothing to prove, our station can't do it"

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

Among the women, the youngest girl suddenly struggled and stood up.

Although her face was a little dusty, it still couldn't hide her beauty.

She has a full and smooth forehead, a delicate and straight nose bridge, and a pair of extremely beautiful glass-colored eyes.

She bit her lower lip slightly, and said in a low voice, "I can testify, my name is Na Jin'er, and they kidnapped my uncle and abducted me here." As soon as she finished speaking, another woman came He quickly pulled her back and made a booing motion.

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