Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 951 One more thing is worse than one less thing

"Besides Lai Qian, I really don't know who else is plotting against you."

"It must be Lai Qian who still cooperates with others! But it's not the Dou family anymore," Dou Kaiyang said tremblingly.

In this situation, Dou Kaiyang still didn't lie, and the fear on his face grew more and more.

In this way, the possibility of him lying again is extremely low.

Yang Qingshan loosened his whisk a little, and gave the gentleman a chance to breathe for a while.

"Don't you have anything else to say?" Yang Qingshan asked the gentleman lightly.

That gentleman's eyes were bloodshot, staring at Yang Qingshan and me.

"If you dare to kill me, the three seedlings will never let you go." He said in a hoarse voice, sternly.

Yang Qingshan's face didn't change at all, and he said calmly: "If you let me go, all the villagers in this Hongsong Village will not agree." After he finished speaking, he raised his hand violently!

The whisk tightened again.

The gentleman's waist was straightened, but there was a light click on his neck.

The staring eyes are completely unrepentant.

Dou Kaiyang's face was ashen.

I drew a dagger and prepared to finish him off.

For a person like him who does all kinds of evil, if I kill him, it won't have half the impact on his fate.

"Mr. Li, wait a minute"

"Can you give him to me?!" There was an old tree on the side of the road in the distance, Dong Feng ran out from behind the tree, and ran towards us staggeringly!

Dong Feng is probably the only living person left in this village.

When he got close, he stared at Dou Kaiyang firmly.

Dong Feng said in a hoarse voice: "My wife, they killed her! Mr. Li gave him to me, is it okay?"

I glanced at Yang Qingshan, asking about Yang Qingshan's attitude.

He let go of the whisk, and the gentleman's body fell to the ground.

At the same time, Yang Qingshan nodded.

I moved away from my body a little bit.

Dong Feng's eyes are full of gratitude to me and Yang Qingshan.

When he looked at Dou Kaiyang, it was resentment!

With a soft bang, the divination knife was pulled out from his waist!

Dou Kaiyang squirmed and hid behind.

Dong Feng swung his knife, like a vicious dog rushing for food, he threw himself at Dou Kaiyang!

He tightly covered Dou Kaiyang's mouth with one hand, and the divination knife in the other hand had already sunk into Dou Kaiyang's chest

After that, we stayed in Hongsong Village for about three days.

Within these three days, the corpses of all the dead villagers would be collected and buried.

Although they are all gone, the dead are the most important, and all the villagers are innocent people.

Finally, Dou Kaiyang's body was buried in the Li family mansion.

This place has been turned into a murderous grave by Dou's family. Dou Kaiyang is buried here, and they will reap the consequences.

I don't mean to strike hard, but the Dou family is a generation that kills without blinking an eye, starting from the servants.

Those Dou family members who escaped did not die here, they must go to other places to do evil.

Like them, where do they have the qualifications to have so much wealth?status?

With Dou Kaiyang entering the grave, Feng Shui broke the fate of the Dou family, and letting it run down is the retribution of the Dou family!

As for that gentleman's body, it was handed over to Dong Feng.

Dong Feng's enemy is not only Dou Kaiyang, Mr. Na also has a fortune.

I don't know how Dong Feng treated the corpse.

After all, when they left Hongsong Village, everything had been dealt with cleanly.

Yang Qingshan summoned his horse in the forest downstream. This time, it was the two of us who used one horse to return to Jiuhe County.

I went to the Huo family, but I didn't see any Huo family.

I left a letter, telling them that they are safe now, and explained a few words to Huang Qi, and I also left a few talismans, all for Huang Qi.

With the intelligence of the Huo family and Huang Qi, they should come back to check once in a while.

When the time comes to see my letter, there is no need to hide.

After that, we left Jiuhe County and rushed back towards Honghe.

It's just that we can't go any faster along the way.

My big horse died at the hands of Xu Changlin, so I couldn't ride Yang Qingshan all the time, and both he and I were injured.

Therefore, I can only buy a carriage, let Yang Qingshan's horse-drawn carriage, and we alternately drive the carriage to recuperate.

After all, Honghe is safe, He Zhi, Dunkong, and Liu Zhengdao are all learning the corresponding spells, so we don't need to rush too much.

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed on the road.

It is not far from Qianxinan.

On the night of the seventh day, the carriage passed by a post station.

We stopped to let the horses rest, and to add some dry food and water.

Yang Qingshan was waiting for me on the carriage, I went into the post station and asked the young man inside to come out.

In fact, the spirituality of Yang Qingshan's horse does not require guards.

It's just that Yang Qingshan doesn't want to go to such a place, because it seems too noisy.

I went in alone.

The inn was not small, and there were many stables outside, almost none of which were empty.

There are also many people who are also on the road and are feeding the horses.

Inside is a wooden building.

I entered the hall on the first floor, where the lights were bright, and there were more than a dozen tables, all of which were full of people.

Most of the people are busy with travel and dust, there are food such as wine and meat on the table, and there are servants greeting them in the hall.

Subconsciously, I glanced at the hall.

It's instinct.

Traveling outside for so many years, going to a place and looking at the environment of a place is already a necessary vigilance.

Most of the people on the road were businessmen, some of them lowered their heads and whispered.

What this type of people do, either need to be cautious, or they are not visible.

In a corner of the hall, there is another group of people who are slightly special.

A few men are dressed in decent clothes, but there are many women around their table.

At a rough glance, most women are between the ages of their teens and 20s.

They looked normal, but there was a hint of fear in their eyes.

The other men's faces were flushed, and they were obviously more excited than they could hold back.

I frowned.

This group of people is the biggest problem.

"Does the guest want to hit the tip or stay overnight?" A slightly obsequious voice came into my ears.

I looked back, and there was a boy with a white cloth on his shoulders in front of me.

"Buy some dry food, drink water, and another person will help clean up our carriage and feed the horses food and grass."

After I said this with my eyes half down, I found some big money.

The boy nodded repeatedly.

I turned around and was about to go outside.

For me, one more thing on the road is worse than one less.

There are so many people with problems that I can't handle them all.

"One more person is needed to change the horseshoe." Yang Qingshan's voice came from behind.

I just looked at Yang Qingshan and nodded.

I looked back at the boy again, and without waiting for my instructions, he said with a smile: "Come right away! Wait a moment, both of you!"

After the boy said this, I didn't leave immediately, and stood at the entrance of the lobby with Yang Qingshan.

A lot of people started looking at us.

In fact, I'm fine, the Tang suit is old and not very special.

But Yang Qingshan was wearing a light blue Taoist robe, and his hair was combed high.

Coupled with the fact that he lost his lifespan by using the Suppressing God Mantra, he looked like a young man in his twenties, and he exuded an aura of green pine like a sword.

It's hard not to draw attention.

At this moment, Yang Qingshan suddenly stepped forward.

The entire lobby suddenly became quieter.

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