Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 946 Use the law to suppress the roots, and there will be no future troubles!

"Keep yourself, hold them down, as long as you procrastinate long enough, I will definitely be able to drag Lai Qian out of the water!" I said in a cautious tone, and at the same time took out the Tiangan inkstone.

Biting my tongue again, I sprayed a mouthful of blood into it, and handed it to Yang Qingshan along with the ground pen.

The vertical lines between Yang Qingshan's eyebrows became deeper and deeper.

"The Magical Artifact of Geophysics." He looked at me suddenly with a bit of complexity.

He glanced down at his waist, raised his head, and said suddenly: "I have a talisman, if you use your magic weapon, it should be enough."

"I'll try my best to delay until you go ashore." After saying that, Yang Qingshan suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell into the Heavenly Stem Inkstone.

Then, he dipped the tip of the ground pen into the Tiangan inkstone.

After the tip of the brush was full of blood and ink, he directly put the inkstone on the ground, but the pen on the ground was caught between his fingers!

The next moment, he pulled out the oxtail whip from his waist.

I could hear the complexity and tenacity in Yang Qingshan's words.

Taking a deep breath, I stopped looking at him, turned my head, and my eyes fell on the surface of the hanging river!

Pulling up my legs, I walked quickly towards the half-damaged pier.

During this time, I never took my eyes off the water!

It is impossible for Lai Qian to leave Xuanhe too far.

When he goes a certain distance away, his control over my mother will inevitably be invalidated or weakened.

He will never give up this chance to kill me, so he will never go!

It is even more impossible for him to go ashore!

If he comes up, he will surely die!

So he's still in the water, and within sight!

Yang Qingshan is not good at water, but I grew up splashing in the water. I dare to go down the Red River full of water ghouls, let alone catch Lai Qian in the water? !

In a blink of an eye, I arrived at the front of the pier, and the fog covered a lot of sight, making it difficult for me to find it for a while.

I calmed down, didn't lose my footing, and observed and captured carefully.

At the same time, I am still waiting for Yang Qingshan to make a move!

After he strikes again, the mist will definitely be sucked away by the shore. At that time, it's my chance to find Lai Qian!

Part of my peripheral vision, I am also observing Yang Qingshan!

At this time, he put the oxtail whip into his hand from the position of the head of the whip, firmly grasped the body of the whip, and pulled it hard.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the entire oxtail whip was soaked in blood.

Yang Qingshan headed towards the many living corpses!

While running wildly, the oxtail whip in his hand whipped three times in mid-air!

That crackling sound seemed to tear up the night sky!

"The secret is that the Taoist who holds the whip of the oxtail in the sky rings three whips in the air to destroy evil!"

Yang Qingshan kicked his legs suddenly, jumped into the air, and his whole body spun in the air!

Pull out the whole oxtail whip!

The sharp sound of incantations even had a bit of pop!

"Curse! In the ancient tomb of Tianniu, the divine whip is attacking outward! The descendants will prosper for generations, and the wealth and honor will come out of the Sangong!"

"I obey the Jade Emperor's order of pardon! Be as urgent as the law!"

With this lash of the whip, all the zombie villagers in front were thrown out!

I have seen the Liu family whip more than once!

But Yang Qingshan used it like this, but it was the first time!

The three hollow beeps seemed to strengthen the power of this spell!

After the zombie villagers fell to the ground, they couldn't get up from the ground for a while.

The only one who was still standing there was my mother.

The three talisman seals on her head are still the same, her hands are hanging by her sides, as if she is bowing her body, and she is about to approach Yang Qingshan!

The mist on the water squirmed slowly, as if it was about to approach the shore.

It's just that the speed of this mist moving is too slow!

Yang Qingshan just trapped those zombie villagers, and the damage wasn't big enough to arouse the anger here!

"Is there any way to hit them hard!"

With a low growl, I gave Yang Qingshan instructions!

Yang Qingshan's body paused.

He had already held the ground pen in his hand, and the oxtail whip was also wrapped around his waist.

The next moment, he held the ground pen between his fingers again, while the other hand grabbed the Taoist robe on his shoulder and tore it fiercely!

The Taoist robe burst instantly!

Under the moonlight, Yang Qingshan's upper body was completely naked!

He was too young to be described as lean.

Around his waist are two cloths.

It is covered with bronze swords like willow leaves!

The quantity of this cloth is more than one piece of Liu Zhengdao, naturally there are twice as many bronze swords with willow leaves!

Yang Qingshan drew a sword and swiped across his chest!

I can't bear it.

But now, there is no better way.

My mother was rushing forward!

She stopped suddenly, but instantly grabbed the two villagers on the ground and stood in front of her!

"Confucius gave me an exquisite heart, and I will return it to heaven!"

"Destroy evil spirits with blood-coated swords! Destroy evil spirits with your heart!" Yang Qingshan's voice became extraordinarily sharp!

That upright energy seemed to have turned into a sharp blade!

From the fact that my mother stopped to block her body, it can be seen how tyrannical this move is!

Yang Qingshan stepped forward!

With every step that hit the ground, the stones on the ground burst out!

"Gai Wen, the sky is round and the earth is round, there are nine chapters of laws and regulations!"

"I'm going to kill it now, and get rid of all the disasters!"

"Nine swords get rid of disasters from heaven, nine swords get rid of disasters from the earth, and nine swords get rid of ghosts! Slay all devils, demons and monsters will perish by themselves! Slash all evil things, and the world will live in peace!"

"I am pardoned by the Jade Emperor's law!"

During the spell, Yang Qingshan pulled out the first cloth belt around his waist, used his hand as a palm knife, and hit the back of the cloth belt hard.

Nine willow-leaf bronze swords shot out in one burst!

Each one pierced the chest of one of the zombie villagers!

A total of 27 swords were shot!

No sword shot at my mother!

Obviously, Yang Qingshan deliberately avoided it!

After the spell was exhausted, the life on the surface of the water surged wildly, rushing towards the shore!

Yang Qingshan has to pull up the second cloth belt again!

At this time, he already has some signs of the end of his battle!


I let out a low growl, and most of my attention was completely drawn back!

There is a little bit of peripheral vision left, because I am afraid that Yang Qingshan's eyes will turn red, and if he uses up the rest of the sword, then his vitality will be hurt even more!

Yang Qingshan's hand stopped, and he didn't take any more cloth.

He held it with his backhand, but the ground pen fell into the palm of his hand!

My mother violently pushed away the two zombie villagers in front of her.

She stood up suddenly, let out a sharp roar, as if she could see Yang Qingshan's concerns, and rushed towards him directly!

In an instant, Yang Qingshan and my mother collided together!

My mother's hands formed into palms and directly inserted into Yang Qingshan's shoulders!

Nails into flesh and blood three points!

The ground pen in Yang Qingshan's hand fell on top of my mother's head!

The runes were quickly outlined, and Yang Qingshan roared: "The curse says, the sky is round and the earth is round, and there are nine chapters of laws and regulations. I will go down to the town today, and all disasters will be retreated, and all ghosts will hide! The house is safe, everyone can come and go, and the population will live forever!"

This is the magic spell that I have seen before!

The spell seemed to be bloody, piercing through the two talisman papers above my mother's head!

Those two talismans were about to shatter!

But the last layer of talisman has become strangely profound.

The anger gushing out of the water poured into my mother's body!

The blood of the Taoist priest and the master, and the magic weapon of the geography geography and painting talisman, have greatly threatened my mother!

In the thick anger, the talisman drawn by Yang Qingshan is actually weakening!

But Yang Qingshan hasn't retreated yet!

He growled once again: "Use the law to suppress the roots, and there will be no future troubles!"

he!Start drawing characters again!

I am horrified!

At first, Dunkong said that this talisman was incomplete!

Liu Zhengdao said he wanted to use it in its entirety, but he had no chance to use it.

Is Yang Qingshan going to use the complete Suppressing God Curse? !

In an instant, there was no fog on the water.

I also saw a human head looming faintly on the surface of the water with a group of dark water plants about one-third of the distance from the shore.

Lai Qian!

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