Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 947 Just Dream! You Will Know When You Dream

This old man's hiding place is really hidden!

At the same time, the sound of Yang Qingshan's incantation made the silent night sky sound like thunder!

"Master holds a mantra and cuts three times with a sword!"

"When the aura is active, stop at the coffin! Bury it to avoid evil spirits!"

"Ghost sees sorrow, ghost arrow feathers, blood talisman descends to the town, the evil soul rests in peace!"

The blood light suddenly appeared on the top of my mother's head!

The ground pen seems to have formed an afterimage!

Gold and blood interweave to present a strange color!

In just a split second, Yang Qingshan stopped!

From the top of my mother's head to her chest, a big talisman appeared!

This talisman is much, much more complicated than the normal magic spell.

Just a moment ago, my mother wanted to tear Yang Qingshan apart.

But now, she was frozen in place, motionless.

Yang Qingshan's body trembled back half a step, and my mother's palm was pulled out from his shoulder.

He seemed to fall, but at the moment of falling, he stood crookedly again!For a moment, I felt that Yang Qingshan really looked like a skinny mountain!

With his not-so-broad and muscular body, it withstood the road above his head!Oh my god!

I forcibly suppressed the tumbling in my heart.

My mother is fine for the time being, she is suppressed, and the only thing left to solve is Lai Qian!

In the meantime, I've reached the edge of the pier.

I kicked my legs suddenly, and my body showed a downward momentum. After entering the water, I quickly swung my legs and fell directly into the water.

The timing of my choice to enter the water was ingenious.

That was the moment Yang Qingshan retreated after dropping the talisman.

Even for me, it took a lot of perseverance to calm down from that shocking state.

My mother is Lai Qian's greatest strength, if she is suppressed now, it will definitely make Lai Qian mess up.

He must not have noticed the pier, he has been looking at Yang Qingshan and my mother!

Under water, I swim faster.

And with this depth, I can be sure that if Lai Qian didn't notice that I went into the water, he wouldn't even know that I was approaching him!

It was only then that I realized the only advantage that being alive had brought me.

That is when the moonlight shines into the river, the visibility in the hanging river is higher.

In half a cup of tea, I reckoned that I had already swam hundreds of meters away!

Vaguely, I saw a shadow in front of me!

There is not much light in the shadows, it is the water plants that block the moonlight!

Lai Qian, right there!

My legs swung faster, and I faintly felt that my breath was reaching the limit.

Because I didn't prepare in advance to go into the water, I didn't bring a pig urine bag with me, after all, it takes up a lot of space.

When it came to the front of the aquatic plants, it was completely breathless.

I quickly swayed my body and leaned up.

Suddenly the water broke through!

Breathing heavily, the air poured into my lungs, and I recovered from the state that was about to explode.

In front of the water plants, a human face stared at me blankly, his eyes were full of astonishment and disbelief!

My eyes suddenly fell on him, my eyes were hot and red!

In an instant, my eyes were tearing apart, and I shouted in a low voice: "Old man, it's time for you to die!"

Lai Qian's hideous and rotten face became extremely frightened.

He turned around abruptly and swam towards the opposite bank!

But his speed is not fast

Even, he was swimming with a piece of wood

This also really explains that Yang Qing's landscape is not good.

The timing of Lai Qian's launch must be when Yang Qingshan is not close to the boat.

So when Yang Qingshan arrived on the boat, Lai Qian had fled to a place that Yang Qingshan could not find!

I watched Lai Qian struggling to swim with cold eyes.

The splash he made was getting bigger and bigger.

After taking a few deep breaths, I completely adjusted my body and slowly submerged underwater.

At this distance, I can completely see Lai Qian's legs.

I slowly swam towards Lai Qian's direction.

At this time, I didn't swim too fast.

I have seen Lai Qian, unless he is a corpse hunter with higher qualifications and better physical strength than me.

Otherwise, he will never escape from my hands!

What he did disgusted me so much, and made me hate it very much.

How could I give him pleasure! ?

I just want to let him know that I am right behind!

Now, I let him escape!

After chasing for about half a cup of tea, I still kept a distance of about ten meters from Lai Qian.

Once again surfaced, I took a gentle breath.

Lai Qian swam faster.

But this quickness is like the flashback of a person before he dies.

I could see that he was almost at his limit.

Submerged in the water again, I swam to the bottom of Lai Qian in two or three strokes.

Raising my hand, I firmly grabbed Lai Qian's ankle with both hands!

Lai Qian's body struggled violently, and his legs kicked down fiercely!

This kind of kicking is the kind of random kicking when people lose control of their legs in the water.

When this happens, the upper body will lose its balance and choke on water!

Immediately following, I went directly downstream!

Shengsheng dragged Lai Qian into the water

When Lai Qian entered the water, he was struggling desperately.

But in less than a minute, he turned into a mass of rotten flesh, unable to move.

I let go of Lai Qian's legs, swam up a little, grabbed his shoulders with both hands, and led him to the surface of the water.

After coming out of the water, I supported his shoulder with one hand, and hit his chest hard with the other hand!

With a sip, he spit out a lot of water, and coughed until his entire face turned blue.

Lai Qian almost woke up from coughing, and raised his head trembling.

I directly held his head with one hand and pushed him into the water again!

He struggled frantically in the water again!

But this time, he struggled for a few breaths, and his body softened again.

I lifted him out of the water again, and pinched him fiercely!

While spitting water, Lai Qian's body trembled, and he raised his head again with difficulty.

A trembling voice came out of his mouth.

"Li Li Yinyang, you are cruel and merciless, you are in vain for Mr.

"Are you cruel? I'm only cruel to those who hurt my family and kill my family."

"If you bully my mother and I still want to be kind to you, then I will be in vain!" I grabbed Lai Qian by the collar and pulled him towards me!

Lai Qian's ferocious face immediately appeared in front of me, and our foreheads hit each other hard!

With a muffled bang, Lai Qian grunted in pain.

"Lai Qian, how did you use those two talismans to restrain my mother?!"

"Where did they come from?!" I asked each word with a hoarse throat.

Lai Qian's head drooped, and he could no longer support his neck.

He didn't answer me, but his body twitched, and while twitching, he grinned grinningly.

I raised my hand and grabbed his chin directly!

The index finger and thumb were dug into the bone gap, and I pulled down hard!

Lai Qian let out a shrill scream, which almost broke the sound!

Then, my hand pushed up again!

The palm hit the bottom of the chin, and it immediately returned to its original position!

Lai Qian opened his eyes wide and stared at me.

"Dream, you will know who is staring at you!"

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