Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 945 How about you put on this pen and add my blood?

The moonlight became more bleak.

Each of those wet villagers is extremely fierce and ferocious, and their dead eyes are full of emptiness and resentment!

My body is shaking slightly.

For many years, except for the last time in Guan Xiantao's tomb, the collapse of the tomb left me at a loss.

This time, I rarely felt that pressure again

My mother is already very difficult to deal with, almost leaving me powerless to resist.

Now, so many zombie villagers are put up by her

She knows that I can predict her actions, and wants to use these villagers to trap me to death!

Over the years, my means have not been weak.

The bigger reason why she is so difficult to deal with is because I used that Liushen Water Dragon Talisman.

I stared at those zombie villagers as they wobbled towards me.

Pulled out the golden ruler for Tongqiao.

At the same time, I yelled towards Xuanhe: "I can't find Lai Qian, come back first!"

It's not the opponents of those villagers and my mother. It's meaningless for me to hold on.

When I fall down, my mother will go up another level fiercely, and Yang Qingshan will only have hatred!

This is probably the moment when his hexagram is fulfilled!

The boat on the river quickly moved towards the shore.

The whip in Yang Qingshan's hand was whipping violently by the river!

Those villagers have rushed over half the distance!

I took out the golden ruler and walked towards them!

When I got close to the first villager, I hit him extremely hard, and directly divided the positive side of the golden ruler with Tongqiao, and hit his fontanelle hard!

It's just a living corpse of Heisha, I only heard a cracking sound, the top of his head was completely split by me, and the whole person fell backwards!

However, what is difficult to deal with has always been not the one or two living corpses of the villagers, but the large number!

I knocked down the first one, and soon the second and third rushed up!

I knocked down another two behind, the fourth, and the fifth, and the swarming villagers made it impossible for me to attack again!

I can only run away!

But as soon as I turned around, I realized that my mother was behind me at some point.

I'm going to run to the right, and there are at least a dozen villagers surrounded on that side!

In just a few breaths, I was completely surrounded by living corpses

My mother didn't go any faster, but approached me slowly

My eyes became more and more red, and I held the Tongqiao Fenjin ruler in one hand and the ground pen in the other, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Mother!"

She didn't respond at all.

"Mom!" I yelled again, and the veins in my temples were completely bulging!

She was less than two meters away from me.

Those zombie villagers are also approaching at the same time, with such a shrinking range, I don't know which one I should attack!

The important thing is that I can only deal with one of them, and there are so many left, I can't target them at all, and I can't leave.

I'm almost cornered

But I have another trick.

This trick must never be used

The golden abacus can make out a hexagram, and I use it to set things right, and forcibly change the hexagram into a safe hexagram.

The danger here must be broken!

But in that case, I will also use up the last hexagram, and I will not be able to count again from now on!

They were getting closer and closer.

In my ear, I suddenly heard a gust of wind!

I turned my head abruptly and looked to the left!

"Li Yinyang, grab it!" The whoosh and strong wind approached at the same time!

A whip passed through the zombie villagers and wrapped around my shoulders.

When the whip was swung, part of it hit my chest. In severe pain, I raised my hand and grabbed the whip.

A force swept through my body, and I was pulled up abruptly.

Those zombie villagers all came towards me.

Their speed is not fast enough!

My mother is very fast, but she only grabs my pant leg!

With a ripping sound, the pants below the knee of my right leg were completely torn.

After I landed, I was beside Yang Qingshan who was a few meters away!

Yang Qingshan quickly put away the oxtail whip, and then, he pulled out several bronze swords from his waist with both hands!

"Slashing away the calamity of heaven, all the monsters will be damaged, the stars will come to protect them, and the sun and the moon will show their three lights!"

"Second chops off the ground, E has already sat in the middle, the corpses are all dispersed, and the monsters always perish!"

"Three cuts to get rid of ghosts, ghosts and ghosts are all hidden, dead souls surpass the fairy world, and the cave is always auspicious!"

A total of nine swords burst out!

At this moment, those zombie villagers just turned around and rushed towards us!

Nine swords pierced through the corpses of nine villagers, but there are nearly a hundred behind them!

An even weirder scene happened.

A dense white mist grew on the surface of the hanging river, and the white mist came ashore under the wind!

Except for those villagers whose souls were directly broken by me through the fontanelle, they couldn't get up.

The rest of the zombie villagers not only stood up slowly, even the black fluff on their bodies was turning towards blood.


"Does this count as lifting a rock and hitting your own foot?" Yang Qingshan suddenly said.

Big drops of sweat dripped from my forehead.

Yang Qingshan said hoarsely again: "The silver needles have been used up, and the acupuncture methods cannot be used."

"The mahogany swords are exhausted, and I only have the few ordinary bronze swords left."

"Except for an oxtail whip, I only have 54 willow-leaf bronze swords on my body, which can be used twice."

"Is there anything else you can do? If not, use up all these tricks, and I will take you to escape."

"Otherwise, you are sure that we will all perish here."

As those zombie villagers approached me and Yang Qingshan again.

My mother loomed among those villagers.

Although she was controlled, she was still smart, and she didn't have the way to resist Yang Qingshan.

My breathing became heavier and my chest rose and fell.

Yang Qingshan narrowed his eyes again, and said in a low voice: "Starting on Lai Qian is our only way to break the situation."

"But that old thing escaped into the water. I'm not good at water. I don't know where he is. He shouldn't dare to go too far." Yang Qingshan put a hand on his shoulder while speaking.

My pupils constricted, but my heart froze.

I remembered the moves that Liu Zhengdao used back then!

It was he who used that trick to deal with the Hanba, so that his body had so many wounds, and there was a wound he pulled out by himself, that when the Hanba's corpse exploded, there were too many bone spurs embedded in it, and the poison was the deepest!

This move was not only fierce, but also costly!

Hundred Disasters and Nine Swords Jue

Yang Qingshan can use it twice? !

I raised my hand and pressed Yang Qingshan's shoulder.

"These living corpses can't pose a threat to you. Don't use such ruthless methods. You can hurt the enemy by a thousand and hurt yourself by eight hundred."

"Your mother's threat is too great. I won't destroy the rest of the living corpses. Under their interference, if I get close to her, something will happen." Yang Qingshan whispered solemnly.

My heart froze again.

I was breathing more quickly, and said in a deep voice, "Is there any talisman that can calm my mother? Or these corpses?"

"The effect is not enough." Yang Qingshan answered me decisively.

"You put on this pen, this inkstone, and try using my blood?!"

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