That look was very cold.

But for me, the coldness was familiar, and there was also an indescribable feeling, which made me feel cut off.

I wanted to stop and look back.

But I'm afraid that once I look back, I won't be able to restrain the change of mood!

Now the Dou family wants to invite you into the urn, Yang Qingshan did it as I expected.

In this way, no matter how confident the Dou family is in their calculations, how powerful the gentleman behind them is, and the huge change in Yang Qingshan, they have never expected it!

This is the deepest reason for me to come here!

If it wasn't for Yang Qingshan being by my side, I certainly wouldn't have come straight in!Instead, it will slowly calculate in the dark.

The speed under my feet became faster, and I gradually caught up with Yang Qingshan.

At this point, I didn't tell Yang Qingshan what he should do.

Yang Qingshan himself is a variable outside of the calculations of the Dou family.

Letting him go his own way will make the Dou family even more unable to cope.

Not long after we reached the main road in the village, Yang Qingshan's speed suddenly slowed down.

He walked forward steadily, with his hands behind his back, and his hands were no longer one sword, but two!

I naturally slowed down too.

This road is leading to the Li Family Courtyard.

Not long after, I saw the Li Family Courtyard

No, it can no longer be considered a compound.

The courtyard wall is still there, but above the courtyard wall is a piled up tile roof

If you look carefully, it is a tile roof, but if you look at it roughly, it is a huge grave mound!

The door of the Li family's compound was opened wide, and a cloud of black air faintly flowed in the air, pouring into it.

Traces can still be seen on the ground. There should be a tombstone repaired in front of the door, but it has now been removed.

In addition, many people were tied up on both sides of the courtyard gate, and densely packed villagers surrounded the corners of the courtyard wall.

Firewood was piled up in front of or beside those villagers!

The firewood reflected a faint dampness under the moonlight, and it was still a bit oily, obviously soaked in oil.

There is also a part of the Dou family who are dressed similarly to the three people just now, patrolling around and guarding the villagers.

I squinted my eyes slightly, and murmured: "They plan to plan. Originally, the house was an auspicious tomb for raising corpses. After the anger was sucked away and the dead energy was poured in, it was simply changed into a murderous tomb, including the murderous energy. Let Dou open the house." To be a murderous corpse?"

"It seems to these villagers that Dou's family doesn't want them to live anymore."

The guards all held torches in their hands.

As long as the torch falls to the ground, the firewood will burn in an instant.

If you look closely, those villagers seem to be covered with oil.

"The fierce tomb bears the fierce energy, and then hundreds of people are burned, and the resentment is soaring. The dead bodies inside don't know how vicious it is."

"I decided to kill hundreds of people in one go, what a Dou family." Yang Qingshan's voice was even colder.

We got closer, and those Dou family members guarding outside the gate of the Li family compound seemed to have reacted, and they turned their heads almost at the same time.

At present, there is a person who looks suspicious.

I looked at him, and at a glance, I could see the reason for his surprise.

Only we are here, not the three of Dou's family just now!

He was about to speak.

However, before he could speak, Yang Qingshan's figure flashed past.

A head was thrown into the air, and his body was hit hard from the back, and was smashed to the distance of the village road!

Even with the torch in his hand, it formed an arc and fell to the distance of the village road.

Yang Qingshan's body also suddenly stopped in front of the gate of the Li family!

Obviously, those members of the Dou family did not expect that Yang Qingshan would make a direct move!

Cursing in their mouths, they strode towards Yang Qingshan, and some people threw out torches directly, wanting to set fire to those villagers!

Horrified screams came from the crowd.

At the same time, a righteous voice came from Yang Qingshan's mouth.

He twitched his waist, and what fell into his hand was another oxtail whip!

"The curse says, in the ancient tomb of Tianniu, the divine whip is attacking outward! The descendants will prosper for all generations, and the wealth and honor will come out of the Sangong!"

"I obey the Jade Emperor's pardon order, and I am as urgent as the law!"

The oxtail whip whistled and whipped in mid-air!

The screams of those from the Dou family penetrated the night sky!

Not a single torch fell to the ground!

They were all sent flying tens of meters away!

And the oxtail whip never stopped!

After fully unfolding, it was pulled back by Yang Qingshan!

There was a sharp crackling sound, and three Dou family members were whipped in the chest, and blood was thrown out in a wild spurt!

This move made the rest of Dou's family feel as if they were sifting through chaff.

The fierceness on their faces completely disappeared.

Instead, it was panic.

Turning around, they were about to run away into the distance!

Yang Qingshan rushed out, kicked his legs on the ground suddenly, and jumped several meters high!

"Qianyuan Henry Zhen, the acupuncture method is especially profound! It can be used to sacrifice housework, and the yin and yang are wonderful and spiritual! The secret is like supernatural powers, and the most spiritual sense!"

"I invite Miao Guangqiao, Zhao Guangpu, Yuan Tiangang, and Li Chunfeng, all the former teachers, to pay attention to the true fragrance and worship together! Now there is a Taoist priest Yang Qingshan, please destroy the evil!"

"The sky has three wonders, the earth has six appearances, elves and monsters, dead bodies with old spirits, yellow mud and terracotta, graves of rubble, shining a hundred steps, you can see it with a needle!"

"Hurry up as a law!"

Several sticks of burning incense shot out from Yang Qingshan's sleeve, fell to the ground, and white smoke rose up!

Then, a piece of needle clothing that was added was swung out by Yang Qingshan.

His body suddenly spun in mid-air, and his strength fell on the needle belt!

The bursting silver needles are particularly glaring.

In the past, the needles, talismans, and Taoist methods of Taoist priests of the Liu family all fell on the murderous corpse.

But Taoist priests of the Liu family are by no means the ones who only kill murderous corpses.

Yang Qingshan was taught by the most orthodox Taoist priests of the Liu family.

It is their essence to punish evil and destroy evil, and to do justice for the sky.

Of course, because of righteousness, because those who are exterminated are all evil, villains who kill without batting an eyelid.

Fate will not cast aside Taoist priests of the Liu family, but instead endows him with a stronger sense of justice, even above his appearance, there is no murderous appearance.

In an instant, those silver needles all pierced the bodies of the Dou family members!

The screams resounded through the night sky again.

Almost instantly, everyone fell to the ground!

No one can get up again

When Yang Qingshan fell to the ground, the vertical lines between his eyebrows became slightly loose.

Putting away the needle belt, he glanced at me, then immediately turned to look at the rest of the villagers.

The villagers were also dumbfounded, obviously frightened.

No one dared to stand up.

Only then did I realize that they were still tied with ropes.

It was an extremely long rope that bound everyone around the wall.

This way of binding was similar to those who were arrested outside Guan Xiantao's tomb at that time.

But those people used steel cables, and the ones used here are ordinary ones, but each of them had their feet tied up and couldn't escape at all.

I quickly took out the divination knife, walked quickly to the villagers, and went directly to break the rope on one of the villagers' feet.

The villager stood up tremblingly. He bowed vigorously to me and Yang Qingshan several times, looked at the crowd tremblingly, and begged: "Save my wife and children!"

At this moment, the voices among the villagers became pleadings.

"Shut up! Mr. Li will save people! Don't make noise!"

The roaring voice in the crowd was very familiar.

For a while, the villagers fell silent.

I just saw a person a few meters away on the right, isn't that the same corpse hunter Dong Feng? !

It's just that Dong Feng was blind in one eye, and there were countless wounds on his face.

He stood with difficulty, but he supported a villager with his hands to stand firmly.

"Mr. Li let people go, you should go here quickly, don't go in here!"

"If you go in, you will definitely die!" Dong Feng said tremblingly, his one-eyed eyes were full of fear.

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