Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 933 People die like lights go out

After a while, the light came closer.

It was a man dressed in luxurious brocade, but he looked like a housekeeper, with two servants.

This person has a small face and a taller figure, which is extremely strange to look at.

He didn't approach the shore, but stopped on the road outside the thatched cottage.

A servant beside him suddenly shouted loudly.

"People on the boat! You, are you Li Yinyang!" His voice was extremely loud, and there was a broken gong sound in his roar!

"There are three here now." Yang Qingshan said suddenly.

"It's not the real master, they are in a hurry." I squinted my eyes and replied.

After saying that, I supported the bamboo pole and slowly approached the shore.

But I didn't answer the man.

Immediately afterwards, the roar of another person reached my ears again.

"Li Yinyang! Don't you even dare to recognize your first and last name?!" His broken gong sound became heavier.I'm still punting steadily.

Between the two servants, the man who seemed to be the butler suddenly took out something from his sleeve.

I am now very close to the shore, and I can see clearly that what he is holding in his hand is a brocade box.

The next moment, he opened the brocade box and pulled up one of the ropes.

Under the moonlight, those are the four pierced ears.

The blood had already dried up, and there was a black blood scab at the cut of the ear.

His voice was slightly sharp: "Li Yinyang, no matter what plan you have, what medicine you sell in the gourd, if you come, you will definitely die!"

"Do you know whose ears belong to these two pairs of ears?!"

The boat was on the shore.

My eyes fell on the man in the middle, his pupils were bulging, and his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

"The sound of the gong is broken, the pupils are blood-lined, the seal is short, the dent in the middle is not cracked, the cheekbones are pointed, and the thin lips are black."

"Not only murder, but at least dozens of lives."

"The two people next to you are also people who kill people without blinking an eye. Your Dou family is as ruthless as I expected."

I opened my mouth softly.

The housekeeper showed a sneer on his face, and said: "Oh? Cruel and merciless? Li Yinyang, you don't know what it means to be ruthless and merciless."

"The Patriarch ordered you to come to the gate of your Li family's mansion immediately. If you don't arrive within half an hour, there will be no survivors in this Red Pine Village."

"Also, the corpses of your grandpa and grandma will also be chopped up by knives!" He said, and with a flick of his hand, those two pairs of pierced ears were directly thrown towards me.

I squinted my eyes slightly and didn't move.

The next moment, there was a slight sound of wind around me.

No, it's not just the sound of the wind, but Yang Qingshan's movement, bringing a strong wind!

In the next moment, three heads were thrown into the air.

Blood splashed in the night sky, forming three bloody flowers.

The eyes of the two servants were still stunned and shocked, including the butler, they didn't seem to have expected it at all.

Just a moment ago, they were still threatening me.

At this moment, all heads are moved!

I'm not surprised, in other words, it's in my calculations.

The Dou family used the whole village to calculate me.

There must be no living people left in the village.

It's just that I didn't expect that they would spare the lives of the villagers and threaten me directly.

It seems that they knew too many things about me before they did it.

But they definitely didn't realize that there was another Yang Qingshan beside me.

Yang Qingshan, who was instilled by Liu Sanyuan since he was a child, to eliminate evil and do all things, to do justice for the heavens, was a natural Taoist priest!

Yang Qingshan landed and just stopped in front of the three corpses.

With a bang bang bang sound, the three heads fell to the ground and rolled towards the surface of the hanging river.

I stepped off the boat.

I picked up the rope that fell on the ground, and I lifted my ears.

Under the moonlight, the ears looked very old.

"You didn't tell me that the Dou family is so ruthless that they can threaten people with the lives of a whole village." Yang Qingshan turned his head.

At this time, the center of his eyebrows almost formed a vertical line of the word Chuan.

In his hand was a slender bronze sword, not a single drop of blood was left on the sword.

I haven't spoken yet.

The way Yang Qingshan looked at me suddenly became sharper.

"Are you planning on me?! Use me as your sword?"

The moonlight stretched Yang Qingshan's shadow extremely long.

The sword in his hand is longer.

I didn't dodge even half of it, and looked straight into Yang Qingshan's gaze.

"I didn't plot against you, we are friends." I said.

"Friend?" The vertical lines on Yang Qingshan's forehead became deeper.

I nodded and said, "If it's just enemies, you can protect me from death. If they do all kinds of evil, then you can take their heads."

"That's what you told me."

Yang Qingshan nodded.

I took a deep breath and said again: "You didn't have to come, but you came, so I think you treat me as a friend. Think so."

"Most people in this world are greedy for profit. If you don't do it for yourself, even if you have a conspiracy, it's not a calculation."

"I am for revenge, you come to protect me, you are my friend, you protect me is righteousness. Killing them is not for righteousness, but for the righteousness of the chest and for the teacher's teaching."

"If they are just villains, I will let you kill people, it is a calculation."

"But now, you don't count me, I don't count you, how can you be my sword?"

In Yang Qingshan's eyes, there was more thoughtfulness.

I still have deep eyes.

He was fourteen or fifteen years old, still a child.

Although smart, he is still not so sophisticated in his mental calculations.

In my overall calculations, Yang Qingshan is indeed a sharp sword!

But I really didn't count him.

Because Taoist priests must do justice for the sky, if you want to talk about calculations, it is because I used the methods of Taoist priests of the Liu family, not to deceive Yang Qingshan to kill people.

Yang Qingshan is really smart, he faintly sensed something, that's why he questioned me like that.

My words should be enough to call him.

There is another reason.

If I do this, Yang Qingshan will be alerted.

When Qiu Tianyuan and Liu Sanyuan use him again in the future, he will definitely have some comparisons, associations, and discoveries!

This is the way to kill two birds with one stone!

Yang Qingshan and I looked at each other for about half a cup of tea, and he nodded.

Although the vertical lines between the eyebrows have not dissipated, the way he looks at me has eased a lot.

After a while, he said again: "We must put the lives of the villagers as the most important thing. Since your grandparents have died, it would be a shame for you to be held hostage by corpses."

"A person's death is like a lamp being extinguished. No matter what happens, nothing happens. Keeping the rest of the villagers and killing those villains is the right way."

"Don't blame me."

"At most, for the sake of friendship, I will leave your enemy behind and leave it to you to deal with."

After saying that, Yang Qingshan turned around directly, and he galloped towards the village road!

I didn't stop, I quickly chased forward.

However, I faintly felt that there was a watching gaze behind me.

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