I frowned, walked up to Dong Feng, and cut the ropes on the feet of him and the villagers next to me.

The villager helped Dong Feng out.

Dong Feng turned his head and glanced at the door of Li's compound, and said hoarsely: "There are still some villagers inside... let's go, Mr. Li, there is no way to save them, and you don't want to get involved with them anymore."

My heart sank a lot.

Yang Qingshan released several villagers and gave them two bronze swords.

They started letting go of the other villagers.

"What did they do in there?" I asked Dong Feng.

A little uneasiness flashed in Dong Feng's eyes again, and he murmured in a low voice: "Old man Li and his wife, their bodies were roasted by fire, and the corpse oil was burned out. I don't understand what they want to do, but they put the corpse oil poured on a dead body..."

"If I remember correctly, it's Dou Kaikai's body. It's been decades. I don't know how they got Dou Kaikai back."

"Old man Li and his wife have already cheated on corpses. The oil of ordinary water ghouls is very fierce, let alone murderous corpses."

"At this moment, I don't know what Dou Jianlian has become..."

"Well, I see." I nodded.

Dong Feng still wanted to talk, but Yang Qingshan walked beside me.

"Li Yinyang, they will let everyone go, since there are still villagers here, and your enemies are also inside, let's go."

Yang Qingshan's tone was very calm, without any fear.

"This..." Dong Feng opened his mouth again, he hesitated to speak.

Then, Dong Feng broke free from the villagers who were supporting him, and staggered towards the other side of the village road without looking back.

The scattered villagers helped other villagers untie the ropes.

Soon, there was no one under the wall of the Li family compound.

In one hand, I hold a Tongqiaofen golden ruler, and in the other hand, I hold a talisman.

The Five Sacred Fate Talisman that Dunkong gave me!

Taking a step, I walked straight into the gate of the compound.

Yang Qingshan followed closely behind me.

A string of white bells hung on the gate of the compound, and when we entered, the bells would jingle.

Looking at the Li family mansion from the outside, the roof is covered with tiles, like a domed grave.

But in fact, the courtyard is still surrounded by corridors, with rockery and pools.

Looking through the rest of the place, I saw a grave bag until I saw the center of the main room.

The tomb bag was extremely dark, and at first glance, it seemed as if someone would be dragged into it.

There are candlesticks around it, and the candlelight is glowing with faint green.

From the current position, you can only see these, and you can't see the rest.

The main members of the Dou family, Mr. Dou Jiana, and the rest of the villagers do not know where they are.

I didn't relax at all, I turned to look at Yang Qingshan.

Yang Qingshan squinted his eyes slightly, and said: "Since the grave is left here, first cut up the grave and kill the corpse, no matter what schemes they have, there is nothing they can do."

With a leap, he directly missed the corridor, but rushed into the rockery pool, and leaped lightly towards the main room.

Naturally, I don't have such good skills, so I can only sprint through the corridor.

Yang Qingshan's method is to reduce ten meetings with one force!

The corpse of Dou Kaikai in the tomb is the temporary livelihood of the Dou family, and it is also a means of dealing with me.

Kill him, at least one strategy of the Dou family can be broken.

In a blink of an eye, Yang Qingshan fell into the tomb.

After I walked into the corridor, I couldn't see the situation of the main room.

Suddenly, I heard a swishing sound in my ear, and at the same time, I also heard a muffled sound from Yang Qingshan.

My face changed suddenly, but I couldn't move forward, I looked around very vigilantly.

The swishing sound came from beside me.

Three bodies fell from the corridor.

They all had ropes around their necks and looked at me with wide eyes.

There was a lot of resentment and despair on his ferocious face!

Their mouths suddenly opened together, and three black and red blood arrows shot out, hitting my face!

My body suddenly fell backwards.

But there was another gust of wind behind me, and the position of the back of my heart was suddenly hit by a huge force!

I was hit hard, and my chest felt tight.

But I will avoid those three blood arrows.

The body suddenly turned to the side, and at the same time, I waved the golden ruler in my hand, and slashed backward!

With a soft snap, one hand caught the golden ruler.

However, there was a sneering sound from its hand, and bursts of white mist rose up.

I took advantage of my strength and saw the person behind me clearly. She looked old and vaguely familiar.

Isn't it Dong Feng's wife? !

I vaguely remember that Dong Feng's wife is called Aunt Zhang.

This is naturally not her name, it is what others call her.

Only then did I understand why Dong Feng hesitated to speak just now.

His wife was also one of the villagers who was taken into the house!

Dong Feng explained to me in a real way, what is meant by a husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes.

In the flash of my thoughts, I quickly pulled out the golden ruler and slashed at the top of Aunt Zhang's head!

I mastered the strength and split her fontanel!

And I use Yang ruler!

Heavy chopping with a negative ruler will damage the fate and cause misfortune.

Chopping with the Yang ruler can have the effect of dispelling evil spirits and warding off evil spirits.

Aunt Zhang was just bumped into, just wake up.

The Yang ruler surface hit Aunt Zhang's fontanelle.

She fell straight backwards!

But two other villagers rushed out from both sides of the corridor. They were holding two sticks similar to mourning sticks, with white silk wrapped around them, but the white silk was particularly greasy and had a strong corpse smell.

I stabilized my mind, squinted my eyes slightly, lunged forward, first drew the golden ruler to the top of one person's head, and at the same time raised my leg, and kicked another villager's chest!

This corridor is really dangerous!

When I walked in here, I just fell into the scheme of the Dou family.

Yang Qingshan walked to the pool and rockery in the center, but there was no arrangement.

It's just that he should have been caught in front of the grave.

I have to rush over there as soon as possible. I don't know how he is now and whether he can cope.

The golden ruler of Tongqiao won the top of No.1's head.

Pushed and kicked another villager.

Another villager slapped my leg fiercely.

At the same time that the oily stick fell on me, I only felt a strong palpitation in my heart, and I seemed to hear two screams in my ears.

My heart suddenly lost half a beat.

I didn't kick the villager away, but he hugged my legs hard instead.

The villager who was hit by me on the fontanelle on the top of the head fell to the ground, already unconscious.

"Get out!" I growled.

It is to dispel those palpitations in my heart.

It was also scolding the villager who was holding my leg.

But his expression became sharper, as if his teeth were uneven, showing ghost teeth!

"You unfilial thing! Don't care about our life or death!"

The voice was extremely old and vicious, completely unlike the voice that this middle-aged villager could utter.

I suddenly broke out in a fine layer of cold sweat!

It was old man Li who bumped into these villagers? !

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