Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 932 You seem to have miscalculated

This time, Xuchanglin was full of weirdness from every aspect.

The reason why I didn't think of Xu Changlin before was also because of Xie Mancang's death. I didn't see the death before.

From my apprenticeship to now, only in Huang Zhiyuan and the old man in the carriage, the face has not fully worked.

But because of this, I also know that bone physiognomy is not really a perfect method. When the husband is strong enough, he can still hide some things.

When I saw Xie Mancang's body, I only thought of Lai Qian and Mr. Shi Nian Town.

Now it seems that it is because of the talisman on Xie Mancang's body.

That talisman is too special, there is a high probability that it is a talisman combined with yin and yang, and there is also Huang Xian who is on the horse.

Therefore, I didn't see the fate that Xie Mancang was about to encounter.

I thought quickly, and Yang Qingshan stepped forward.

"Poor bandits don't chase after him, and it's been a long time, you won't be able to catch up." I grabbed Yang Qingshan's wrist.

Yang Qingshan didn't chase him out, he closed his eyes and didn't speak.

"I'll tell Uncle Xu about this later. Xu Changlin probably won't come to us after suffering such a big loss."

After I finished speaking, I walked towards the outside of the forest.

Yang Qingshan followed closely behind me, and the two of us quickly left the forest.

Walking in the direction of my house, during this period I have been deducing things about my mother's village and Dou's family.

Could Xu Changlin be related to Mr. Dou Jiana?

It seems that this probability is not high.

There is a high probability that I bumped into Xu Changlin by accident.

Did the Dou family look down on me?Caught off guard by me?

In this way, Mr. Yin Yang behind the Dou family is too weak and too arrogant.

Not long after, I returned to my house.

I checked the inside of the house, and there was no more paper or anything else left.

After getting acquainted with the room and arranging one for Yang Qingshan, I also went back to a room.

When I lay down to rest, I thought of my dad again.

Inevitably, there is still some embarrassment in my heart.

It's just that time cannot be turned back, and there is no panacea for bringing the dead back to life in this world.

Drowsiness hit me, and I fell into a drowsy sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Yang Qingshan was practicing sword in the courtyard, his skills were sharp and his moves were also very fast.

Looking at me, Yang Qingshan stopped what he was doing.

I told him that we will set up another Feng Shui bureau today to target Dou's family, and we can enter the village at night.

Yang Qingshan nodded, and he also said: "Three feng shui bureaus, either the gentleman will be directly defeated by you, or the Dou family has prepared means to deal with you, and your feng shui bureaus are useless."

I squint my eyes slightly.

What Yang Qingshan said is also a possibility.

I made a gesture of invitation, motioning him to go outside.

The two walked out of Li's house and reached the shore, I punted the boat, and Yang Qingshan got on the horse.

As soon as I supported the bamboo pole, Yang Qingshan suddenly said: "A lot of people came from the entrance of the village."

I shook my head and punted without even looking back.

Yang Qingshan followed me with his horse's belly, he was a little puzzled: "Why don't you wait for them to come over before leaving, you will only waste half a cup of tea, these villagers should have a lot to say to you. Every time my father goes out, There are city people and common people to send them off."


Qiu Tianyuan was just pretending, and his giving away was also blindfolding the common people.

He cannot be compared to me.

Besides, how could the villagers of the Li family be grateful to me?

They will be more hypocritical, just trying to borrow my reputation.

"My father died. Although the people in this village didn't applaud him, they thought he deserved to die. They wanted to spit a few times. Before I died, they sent me to the mourning hall."

"You treacherous villain, you don't need them to send you." I said directly.

Yang Qingshan frowned, he didn't speak, and hurried along.

When I arrived in Jiuhe County, I went to buy some food to share with Yang Qingshan.

After that, I continued to walk on the waterway, and Yang Qingshan followed me on the side of the bank.

Along the way, I found another suitable location and posted a talisman.

The function of this talisman is to suppress the water, so that the vitality of the hanging river will not flow back to the shore.

In this way, my mother's village will only be filled with anger, and it will become more and more dead silent.

After the three arrangements are completed, at least in terms of Feng Shui, the Dou family has been suppressed by me.

It's impossible for them to use Feng Shui to target me.

Seeing that the village was getting closer, I told Yang Qingshan to put the horse in a safe place first and board the boat with me.

Yang Qingshan frowned and asked me why I didn't go directly to the village.

I was silent for a moment before I told him that I wanted to seek revenge from the Dou family, not just to fight them.

When I walked on the water, I walked past my mother. Although I couldn't see her, she could see me go to Dou's family to ask for an explanation.

Similarly, this will also give the Dou family an oppressive force.

Yang Qingshan was thoughtful.

After contemplating for a moment, he turned over and got off the horse directly. Then, he patted the horse's buttocks, and the horse neighed, and went straight into the woods on the bank.

Yang Qingshan jumped into my boat and stood beside me.

I punted much faster and slowly moved to the middle of the hanging river.

Finally, the thatched huts on the shore appeared in my sight.

The difference from the previous day was that those people on the water had completely disappeared, not even half of the boat remained.

After I entered the waters in this range, even though it was broad daylight, I also felt cold for a while.

And amidst the coldness, there was a bit of warmth.

The coldness comes from the accord, and the warmth is the exuberant vitality.

As the distance gets closer, you can even see that the stone ground on the shore has grown thin turf.

This is also a manifestation of the strong anger and excellent feng shui!

When the boat stopped in the middle of the hanging river facing the thatched house, I stopped.

Sitting cross-legged on the bow, I quietly looked at the shore and waited.

Yang Qingshan was sitting on the other side of the boat, he was looking down at the water, and at some point in his hand, he also took out a compass.

I am not surprised.

Even if the Qiang people didn't have the burial shadow view mountain, Feng Shui wouldn't be too weak, otherwise Qiu Tianyuan wouldn't be able to reach the present stage.

Time, little by little.

Days, slowly getting dark.

It's just that no one came to the shore.

Until it was completely dark, still no one came.

"You seem to have miscalculated." Yang Qingshan put away the compass a long time ago, and he said something to me.

With half-lidded eyes, my eyes fell on the water.

"Whether they come or not, I took the lead." I shook my head and answered Yang Qingshan.

"Huh?" Yang Qingshan looked at me suspiciously.

"Come on, I'll let my mother watch how they died."

"If you don't come, it's because they are afraid. They can only stick to the place they have calculated. The so-called inviting you into the urn is just a group of shrinking turtles."

As soon as I finished speaking, the light of torches came from the village road further away from the bank.

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