Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 911 I have something important to discuss!

The walls of this house are at least three meters high, which is extraordinarily thick.

Even with such a high wall, I can still see the roof beyond the courtyard wall

It is conceivable that the house here is also extremely tall.

He took out his pocket watch and glanced at the time, it was almost half the time.

Lin Zhen and Guo Zhenmin's troops should still be on the way, according to the agreed time, there is still an hour and a half left.

I pondered for a moment and took out the compass.

The position I am in right now belongs to the gate of death among the eight gates.

It is also a place for excrement and filth, and there is a faint smell in the air, so there is no one here.

My original intention was to sneak into the house secretly, find the water source and poison it.

By the way, do some feng shui damage in the house to make it a corpse drying room.

But now the courtyard wall is so high, with my skills, how can I climb over it?

There is still an hour and a half before dawn. At dawn, there must be a group cooking in the house. If the water is poisonous at that time, it is the best time

Sweat was faintly visible on my forehead.

I bowed my head, thought for a while, and came up with an idea.

An extremely risky, but sure to have big rewards idea!

I stood up, walked out of the gate of death, walked around the forest, and walked towards the main entrance of the mansion.

I didn't walk a few steps, up to 30 meters.

Immediately, he felt the cold gaze and the killing intent on his back.

"Stop! Who are you?!" Bro Gong's voice was full of murderous intent.

There were rapid footsteps.

I raised my hands, making a movement of letting go of resistance and defense.

The footsteps came closer, and soon at least a dozen people surrounded me.

Most of these people were wearing civilian clothes, holding guns in their hands, staring at me vigilantly!

Almost everyone's eyes are protruding, and dense bloodshot can be seen on them.

I glanced at them.

Their eyes were even more suspicious.

Someone said in a low voice: "Fuck, if the second leader knows that someone has touched the mountain, I'm afraid we all will lose our heads!" Another person responded: "Buried directly?"

The third person scolded in a low voice: "Your brain is trapped by the door? What if this person has an accomplice? The recent rumors"

My eyes became cold, and my hands slowly lowered.

The eyes of those people are more vigilant.

Some people pointed their guns directly at my head and said in surprise: "Who told you to let go, lift it up for me! Believe it or not, I will kill you!" My face was cold, and my tone was even colder: "Move me, believe it or not Long You even dug up your ancestral grave and whipped the corpse?" The moment I said this, the group of people looked at each other, and their expressions were even more shocked!

For a while, no one dared to speak much, and they all stared at me in surprise.

"How can I come up? Hehe, sure enough, what Longdian said is right, most of the people under his command are living on nothing."

"Take me to see your second leader." I put my hands behind my back, without any sign of fear, and my tone was commanding.

They looked at each other even more.

Someone suddenly whispered: "Tang suit has a compass in his hand, but he is not Jiang Pan."

"Huh?" I glanced at him coldly.

When the bones are perfect, I think if people are sharp, they can give people the feeling of being pierced through the bottom of the heart.

At this time, this is just an ordinary soldier. My glance directly made his face turn pale. With a shake of his hand, the gun fell directly to the ground.

The rest of the people looked at me more vigilantly and uneasy, as well as dazed.

"My name is Li Yinyang, and I am Jiang Pan's younger brother. My elder brother is stubborn and refuses to cooperate openly and honestly with the Long family. The Long family has approached me, and now I have important matters to discuss with your second family."

"Delayed the business, carefully you all lost your head." I said coldly.

Another person whispered in the back: "I remembered that someone told me yesterday that the boss hit a wall again when he was looking for Mr. Jiang. Mr. Jiang's house also has a Mr. Yin and Yang. What kind of acquaintance is there? He is as famous as him."

I didn't answer, but my eyes were colder.

The next moment, the person who spoke first said tremblingly, "Please."

He immediately made a gesture of invitation, and everyone divided into two teams beside me, leading me towards the main entrance of the mansion

I carry my hands behind my back, even though I have experienced so many things, it seems that a hand is squeezed in my heart, and there is faint sweat on my back.

If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won the tiger.

Instead of taking a big risk to poison and destroy the feng shui in the house.

It's better to take risks with soldiers.

Simply because Long Dian is not here now, I just pretended that I have a close relationship with him, that he invited me here!

As long as I have fooled their second-in-charge, I may even let the soldiers and bandits do it directly if I destroy the house.

In a blink of an eye, we came to the main entrance of the mansion.

There were two groups of people standing on both sides of the gate, their expressions vigilant.

Especially after seeing us coming, he was even more surprised.

"Who is this person?!" The soldier on duty at the door, with a black cloth wrapped around his shoulder, was staring at me vigilantly.

Beside me, the person who spoke at the beginning immediately said in a cold voice: "Get out of the way quickly, did you see that this is Mr.?! The boss didn't invite Jiang Pan, but he invited Mr. Jiang's younger brother. Now Mr. Li has Important matters need to be discussed with the Second Leader, block the way, be careful of being shot."

Immediately, the soldiers and bandits at the door also showed shock.

The soldier wrapped in black cloth looked uncertain, but he didn't dare to block the way.

He looked surprised at me, and then at the person beside me, he was secretly angry.

These people who fell into bandits were not as kind as regular soldiers. They were all profit-seeking and bullying people.

Obviously, the person next to me is secretly flattering me.

After entering the mansion, the guards here are even stricter.

I was a little startled, but luckily I didn't climb over the wall to get in.

At least under the courtyard wall that can be seen by the eyes, there are people standing guarding it a few meters away

I followed them in and soon arrived at the main room.

There is a table of Eight Immortals in the house, and there is an incense burner on the table, and green smoke is rising slightly.

"Mr. Li, please wait for a while, I will go and invite the second leader to come over." The soldier next to me said cautiously, he grinned again, and added a word flatteringly: "The villain is Su Kang."

I hummed, with a little more satisfaction in my eyes.

He was even more excited, turned around and walked out of the main room.

The rest of the people show envy

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