Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 912 Beautiful peach blossoms all over her face, red lips and white teeth

I walked towards the back of the Eight Immortals table.

When I got to the front of the Taishi chair, I just glanced at it and sat on it directly.

The rest of the people in the main room were even more surprised.

I look calm.

Courtesy should not be required in this place.

Since I want to pretend to have something to do with Longdian and reduce their suspicion, I need to deter everyone!

The green smoke was still lingering, I half closed my eyes, and rested quietly.

Not too long passed, and heavy footsteps came from outside the house.

The sound of footsteps entered the room, and at the same time, there was an extremely sharp scrutiny on me.

"You are the gentleman invited by my elder brother?!" The rough and heavy voice was mixed with a broken gong.

I opened my eyes and saw a man around 35 years old.

He was about six feet tall, and his body was even more muscular, weighing at least two hundred catties. He was full of beards, and his skin was even darker.

This person's face is too fierce, his eyeballs are almost red, and he doesn't know how many people he has killed.

I looked at him quietly, and didn't speak immediately, but tapped lightly on the armrest.

"Why don't you speak?!" The Erdangjia's tone became more fierce. He arrived at the Eight Immortals table, stared at my face again, and put his hands on the table.

"Besides, you are sitting in my elder brother's place." His tone was full of dissatisfaction.

When I looked at his eyes, it gradually turned cold, and my tone became even colder, and I said: "The shape is like a pig, and the corpse will be divided when you die."

"Long Dian has to be respectful when talking to me, but you are just his younger brother, how dare you be so rude to me?"

"In my opinion, it's not just that you think you have a long life, you people don't have much future."

"You!" Er Dangjia's eyes widened like copper bells.

With a snap, he pulled out the pistol from his waist and slapped it heavily on the table!

"Second Master, calm down. Mr. Li is an expert, and he is as famous as Mr. Jiang." The soldier next to him, Su Kang, hurried forward and patted Er Master on the back, as if to appease him, and whispered in his ear again A few words.

During this period, Su Kang looked very cautious, and at the same time he showed me a somewhat flattering expression.

Of course, the second master was staring at me, so he couldn't see Su Kang's movements.

Seeing this, the rest of the soldiers and bandits also stepped forward to persuade them.

Generally speaking, their words are similar. The boss is respectful and polite to Mr. Jiang, but we still have to be more polite to Mr. Li. Otherwise, the boss will be angry when he comes back. If Mr. Li gets angry and leaves, the loss outweighs the gain.

Only then did the temper of the second master slowly subside.

However, his eyes were still very cold, and he said in a low voice: "I am a rough person, please forgive me, Mr. Li.",

"Don't hurt the friendship, my elder brother must have a good talk with Mr."

I lowered my eyelids halfway, and didn't answer the second leader immediately.

After half a cup of tea, I looked up at him.

At this time, there was already a lot of sweat on his forehead.

In my opinion, he is just a reckless man, so how could he have been able to compete with Mr.

I measured the size, took out my pocket watch, and glanced at the time. I felt that it was almost the same, so I nodded to him, and my eyes relaxed a little.

"What's your name?" I asked lightly.

The face of the second leader also showed a bit of joy, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and spoke a little more respectfully.

"Go to Hao Sheng again." He raised his hands and cupped his fists.

Immediately afterwards, he said unnaturally: "Mr. Li, what did you mean by what you said just now that you look like a pig, and you will be dismembered when you die? I have bad luck recently, and there is danger coming?!"

An uneasy look appeared in his eyes.

This is also the detail in what I just said.

Not only to suppress him with words and identity.

Also, I said something about facial features to scare him on purpose.

I looked at him with deeper eyes, and said again.

"The black air is lingering on the Yintang, the cheeks are black and blue, and the black air is pouring into the mouth. Within thirty days, you will be bloody and violent, and you will die suddenly."

Hao Sheng's face suddenly changed, his expression became cloudy, and he said in a low voice: "Could it be that Mr. is wrong? I am on the top of the mountain, how can there be a bloody disaster?"

I squinted my eyes slightly, calculating quickly in my heart.

It's not because Hao Sheng is a reckless man that he has been able to survive until today, he was not completely overwhelmed by my words.

My fingers tapped lightly on the armrest, and my tone became calmer.

"The eyes are radiant and oily, the face is full of peach blossoms, the lips are red and the teeth are white, and the head of the prostitute, Hao Er is the master, you like to go to the place of love and moon, you consume too much yang energy, and the daughter of contact, is it just a little red lips that thousands of people will taste and lose With one's own luck, the natural blood shines on the head."

The moment my words fell, all the soldiers and bandits around me started talking.

There was more surprise on their faces.

Hao Sheng's face suddenly turned red.

The suspicion in his eyes dissipated in an instant, he clasped his fists together, bowed deeply to me, and said earnestly: "Mr. Li, save me!"

What I said just now also judged Hao Sheng's behavior and style through Hao Sheng's appearance, and at the same time saw through his proclivity for prostitution.

When persuading Lin Zhen, I also saw through his details.

The best way to intimidate people is to bring out something they don't know, let them mess up first, and they will naturally believe it!

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