Sighing lightly, I dispelled the thoughts in my head and closed my eyes.

Not long after, I fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up again, the light coming in from the window was much weaker.

I got up and went out the door, and I saw Lin Zhen in the courtyard at a glance.

He is pacing up and down.

"Mr. Lin." I cupped my fists and called out to him.

Lin Zhen looked back at me with a serious look on his face.

"Mr. Miao, all the preparations are in place. If you start, we will also start, but the speed cannot keep up with you. In order to deceive people, we will also disperse the team after leaving the city." Lin Zhen said in a deep voice.

I nodded and said: "I won't ask more about specific matters, I hope you don't make any mistakes."

Lin Zhen stood up straight, but his hands were tilted to the side of the temple.

The next moment, he made a gesture of please.

I followed him towards the back yard door.

When we got outside the door, there was a tall and handsome horse tied there, and there were two cloth bags hanging on the horse.

Lin Zhen told me that there were dry food and water bags in the cloth bag.There was also a sealed leather bag containing laxatives.

I nodded and said thank you in a low voice.

Lin Zhen bowed to me again, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Miao is righteous, I hope you are safe and sound. If this matter is successful, the superior also wants to see you." I hummed, but did not refuse.

Although I won't go, I can't directly deny Lin Zhen's kindness now.

Turning on the horse, I pulled the reins, then pulled the whip attached to the edge of the horse's neck, and lightly whipped the horse's buttocks.

The horse neighed and ran towards the other side of the street.

Lin Zhen is also careful in doing things. I walk from the backyard, so I can have less eyes and ears.

By the time I walked through a few alleys and entered the street, I didn't know how far I was from the mansion just now.

The twilight was very deep, and the sky was full of fiery clouds, as bright red as if stained with blood.

Some passers-by on the road looked at me, and most of them avoided me, moving towards the side of the road for fear of being hit by me.

I knew roughly where I was going out of the city, and kept the horse's speed.

It took less than half an hour before I left the city.

After arriving outside the city, I immediately lost my scruples and whipped my horse's butt vigorously.

After a loud neighing, the horse rushed up the road like an arrow from the string!

With great speed, I hurried towards the direction of the Red River!

God, it's completely dark.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, the avenue looked very cold and extremely lonely, only the sound of the wind and the sound of kicking horseshoes could be heard in the ears.

It would have taken half a day's journey, but it took me less than two hours to arrive near the mountain range of Yanzi Lianbiaolong.

There are woods on the side of the road, I found a hidden place to tie up the horse, then took off the package and wrapped it around my body, and rushed towards the entrance of the mountain range.

Riding a horse, if you encounter some soldiers and bandits, you will definitely be suspicious. I just carry my luggage and seem to be on the road, but it is better.

Of course, I was also extra careful.

I didn't go in directly from the front of the mountain, but took a detour and found a path to enter the mountain from the side.

Around the end of Haishi, I arrived at the foot of Yanzilian Biaolong Mountain.

The full moon is cold in the night sky, and the stars are dim.

I took out the water bag and drank water, and while eating dry food, I hurried towards the mountain.

The midnight is here, and this coincides with the time I want

The mountain road I am walking now is the mountain with only two ups and downs.

Gao Zhai, I'm not sure which hill it's on, so I can only look for it first.

I didn't take the normal path, but used the fixed compass to determine the direction of the eight gates, which belonged to the categories of shock, injury, and death.

Everything has its own destiny in the dark, and if nothing happens to people, their instincts will not go on these paths.

This is fate.

When I walk these dangerous roads, it is very difficult to meet soldiers and bandits standing guard!

It didn't take much time to go up the mountain, but this time I was not lucky enough to finally reach the top of the mountain, but the place was empty, where is there any mansion?

The top of the mountain is a raised turf field with trees only at the edge.

This is an excellent Fengshui place, not Longshan or Zhilongshan.

Then no matter whether it is the Yang house or the Yin house, there will be no conflict.

However, there was a hint of coldness in the warm wind on the top of the mountain.

The warm wind is angry, and the coldness is that I destroyed the tomb on the other side of the Yanzilian Biaolong.

The coldness brought about by Long Lian's unwillingness to die!

I think it's coldness, and when it comes to Na Longdian's body, I'm afraid it will make him sleepless and depressed.

Originally, I was going to go straight down the mountain.

But standing in the middle of the mountain, I subconsciously glanced at another mountain in the distance.

The distance between the two parallel mountains should be hundreds of meters.

I can't see the houses and mansions, only the dense forest on the top of the mountain.

I gazed for a while, then looked down at the hollow between the two peaks below.

I determined the direction to go, and then descended from the dangerous place on the side of the mountain.

The road here is not very smooth, it can even be said to be steep.

I pull the vines on the mountain wall, or use the trees to descend the mountain.

About the end of the midnight, I reached the valley in the mountainside and headed for another peak.

Although it took a lot of time, it was still within the controllable range, so I didn't panic.

During this process, I tried my best to go as far as possible, and when I reached the forest beyond the top of the mountain, I didn't encounter any soldiers and bandits!

But obviously, the breath given to me here is much colder and more depressing than the other peak.

I hibernate in the forest, lying on the ground carefully, looking through the trees, I can see a big house in the middle of the open space on the top of the mountain!

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