"It's over here, let's go together." I said decisively.

The calamity of Tianyuan will definitely not be Yang Qingshan.

Now that Yang Qingshan is outside the Red River, it is not so easy for us to leave.

He came here, on behalf of the former teacher and Qiu Tianyuan, he was eyeing me, if this matter is not resolved, it will be a big hidden danger.

Also, Liu Tianniu is devoted to the Qiang people. Now that his reputation has been tarnished and he is regarded as a traitor, then Qiu Tianyuan has become a person who is loved and loved, and may even rule the Qiang people in the future. Such things that are black and white are absolutely impossible. occur!

Yang Qingshan is not a person of great evil, but a misunderstanding, Liu Zhengdao here may also be an opportunity.

While speaking, I went through the deduction and thoughts in my mind again, and made sure that there was no major problem with my judgment.

At this time, Su Yun and Jiang Munu also had a lot of joy in their eyes.

Su Yun saluted sideways, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li." I also bowed back, and said, "Sister-in-law is very polite." The next moment, Su Yun had a hesitant expression again, she turned around, and wanted to go back to Jiang Pan's room .

Jiang Munu's courage is obviously much greater.

She took a step forward, but knelt directly on the ground.

"Uncle..." Jiang Munu's voice trembled slightly.

Before, Jiang Munu called me, and she had never been so close.

I immediately raised my eyebrows and said with a frown, "Mu Nu, what are you?"

"Mother and I both want to see my younger brother again. Father said that he was sent to Mr. Liao. Mr. Liao has no wife or son and he wants to adopt him."

"However, we can't let our siblings, mother and him not have a chance to say goodbye... Could it be that we can't see each other again in this life?"

As she said that, Jiang Munu burst into tears.

He Zhi next to me raised her hand to hold my arm, her eyes became more complicated.

I was silent.

"Mu Nu!" Su Yun called her in a low voice, her tone trembling, but also slightly harsh.

Jiang Munu was still sobbing in a low voice, and this scene made me more complicated and sad.

This time, Liao Cheng cheated Jiang Pan and one of his sons.

If Jiang Wu and Su Yun were really allowed to disappear, Jiang Munu would be too cruel.

I bowed my head and thought for a while, before I said: "In a few days, the eldest brother will think it over clearly. I told him to see if I can find an opportunity for you to meet Jiang Wu." Just after saying this, the long hair on my shoulder Inside the wooden box, there was a soft cracking sound suddenly.

This crisp sound is clearly the collision of the beads.

And my heart is also stagnant.

I thought of one thing and murmured: "Outside..."

"The Tribulation of Tianyuan...the outsider...Brother Liao..."

Liao Cheng has lost the fate of Dunkong, and he is sure that Dunkong will survive the catastrophe.

At this moment, we are in trouble. With Liao Cheng's temperament, he shouldn't make trouble...

Could it be that he has figured out something, and knows that we will use this method to survive the disaster before us.

But there are still problems with Jiang Pan's Tianyuan Tribulation, so he wants to leave Jiang Wu?

Is this related to Ying Jie?

Or is it... related to the rest? !

"Yin Yang?" He Zhi called me in a low voice.

"Hush!" I raised my hand and put my fingers between my lips, signaling He Zhi not to interrupt me.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jiang Mu'er being supported by Su Yun, and the mother and daughter bowed to me again before returning to Jiang Pan's room.

I turned around and walked straight into the hall.

There were so many people and so much noise just now, Dunkong woke up long ago.

He guarded beside the red mastiff and did not come out.

He stood up a little after I went in.

"Dunkong, have you ever dreamed about your Uncle Liao again?" I asked Dunkong directly.

"No..." Dunkong was slightly puzzled in his eyes.

I was silent again.

After a while, I said, "If you have any dreams, tell me right away."

"Okay." Dun Kong nodded again.

"Yin Yang, what did you think of? Ask me.

"There are a lot of things and things are messy. My eldest brother and I are afraid that we will have a hard time walking. Pheasant, you have to learn the scriptures as soon as possible, and let your eldest brother teach you the positive calculation."

After I finished speaking, I looked down at Dunkong again.

Among them, there is another trouble that I cannot avoid.

That is the soul that escapes the sky...

He was afraid that he would not be able to use Xu Fu's talisman to get rid of the black...

If you can't draw the Five Elements Suppressing Soul and Hundred Phases Returning to One Talisman, you will be on the verge of success, and it will be difficult to make the last step...

Could this be Liao Cheng's miscalculation? !

Or, this matter, I can actually solve it? !

"Good Corpse Pill... If there is another Good Corpse Pill, just like how I forcibly detoxified it back then, it will definitely be able to detoxify." I murmured.

After thinking about this clearly, I realized that the solution to the problem is in front of me.

It's just that, before, I was always thinking about Liao Cheng, thinking about seeking a doctor, and I always had some retreats. I didn't focus on finding another good corpse pill.

"Yin Yang... You said so many things, so confusing, I'm a little confused."

"Why do we need the Good Corpse Pill again? We can't..." He Zhi said anxiously.

I didn't tell He Zhi that there is no way to get out of the black.

Having said that, it must mess with her belief.

I took a deep breath and said: "This is the second hand. Over the years, we have encountered many hopes and disappointments. Although this matter has been well thought out, in order to avoid hidden dangers, I can't stop until you fully recover." Now, I can find more feasible methods and feel more at ease."

He Zhi showed a dazed expression. Obviously, she was not suspicious, and didn't ask any other questions. She just said softly, "I'm going to read a book." Then she turned and went into the back room.

Dunkong walked to the table, took out the inkstone, paper and pen, and began to sharpen ink and practice talismans.

I sat on the other side of the table and sat quietly for a while. After Dunkong practiced a few talismans, I said with some distress: "Dunkong, I'm going to rest soon. I can't rush for a day or two." Dunkong's eyes were firm , whispered: "I understand, father, I'm not tired yet."

Time, slowly passing by,

Soon after midnight, He Zhi came out and called Dunkong and me once before we entered the room.

After going to bed and resting, He Zhi put his head in my arms and asked me some questions about the scriptures in a low voice.

We talked for a while before falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning, just before dawn, I woke up.

I got up carefully, without waking up He Zhi and Dun Kong, I got out of bed and left the room.

The original intention was to visit Jiang Pan.

Only then did I find out that Jiang Pan was already in the yard.

He was alone, sitting in front of the wooden table a little tiredly, with a cup of strong tea in front of him.

"Brother? When did you wake up?" I whispered and entered the main room.

"Before a cup of tea... Mu Nu and Yun'er are fast asleep." Jiang Pan's voice was slightly hoarse.

His eyes were full of inquiries, and he said again: "What about the Taoist priest? Have you subdued him?"

"This..." For a moment, a wry smile appeared on my face.

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