My pupils constricted and my face changed again.

This Longdian is the warlord who has something to do with Jiang Pan? !

He threatened Jiang Pan to help him with the safety of many people in Honghe, so that Jiang Pan didn't dare to do anything to him, so he could only protect them with Fengshui for the time being.

Huang Zhiyuan came here, basically for a show.

When Ke Longdian came here, it was not like this.

He leaned against the tree Jiang Pan, if Jiang Pan fell, who would protect him and his men?

Winners and losers, those who have fallen into the grass will be wiped out in a short time.

Thoughts flashed in an instant, and Long Dian and I looked at each other and said, "Brother is just in a coma. After he wakes up, he will make a decision."

"Hundreds of guns, Master Long's wrist is very tough, but this matter should not be too big. I will tell my elder brother what you want, and please stay safe and calm." Regarding Long Dian, I obviously can't be too tough .

This kind of person can only eat soft, not hard.

Otherwise, Jiang Pan would not have such a delicate relationship with him.

Long Dian frowned, his expression softened a little, and the way he looked at me changed a bit.

"Huang Zhiyuan, get out." Long Dian glanced at Huang Zhiyuan, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Stop coming to Jiang's house to mess around, otherwise, I will make you look good sooner or later."

Longdian's tone was very cold.

Huang Zhiyuan showed fear and uneasiness, laughed twice, led the people, and walked towards the outside of the courtyard in desperation.

It was only at the moment when Huang Zhiyuan turned around that I realized something was wrong.

"Huang Zhiyuan." I immediately called out to him.

Huang Zhiyuan froze, stopped in place, looked back at me in surprise, cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Li, what's your order?"

I fixedly looked at Huang Zhiyuan's face.

At this moment, I can see clearly.

Huang Zhiyuan's eyes flicked left and right, and then up, and even his tongue was sharp.

In the face, looking left and right, deceiving and sneaking.

If you look up with your eyes, your heart must be high.

And the sharp teeth of the ghost are treacherous, treacherous and greedy!

Huang Zhiyuan didn't lie to people before, but it was just about delivering food and those water ghouls...

Now, Huang Zhiyuan's lies are exposed in my sight!

Glancing at Longdian again, Longdian's face changed even more.

His eyes seemed to be red, and his face was also a little blue.

The so-called people with red sand eyes are sinister, and their blue faces are full of conspiracy!

There must be a ghost between these two!

It's no coincidence that they came one after the other!

"Patriarch Huang, there are many dangers in the Red River. You have a large number of people. Try not to walk along the river to avoid problems. If there is an accident, it will be difficult for us to take care of it now." I showed an easy-going expression and warned.

Huang Zhiyuan cupped his hands again, bowed slightly, and said, "Thank you for your reminder, sir."

After finishing speaking, Huang Zhiyuan waved to his subordinates, and the group left Jiang's house.

Then I looked at Long Dian and said, "Master Long, you can go back for now. If you really need your help, the elder brother will send someone to come to you. Now we can handle this matter for the time being."

Long Dian nodded, and said: "Since Mr. Li has a well-thought-out plan, Long will not say much. I am just a rough person and have no plans." After speaking, he glanced at the sides behind him and said, "Everyone line up, Get outside."

The large group of people he brought followed the order and walked out of the courtyard.

The person walked away for a while, and Long Dian looked at me again, clasped his fists and said, "Before coming, I inquired about Mr. Li's identity a little bit, and I already know that you are a geographer with the same name as Mr. Tian Yuan. , I would like to invite Mr. as a guest, how would you like it?"

My face remained unchanged, I nodded and said: "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders."

There was a bit of excitement in Longdian's eyes.

He turned around with a smile on his face and walked out of the courtyard.

"Yin really want to be with this person..." He Zhi walked behind me, her voice was not loud, but her eyes were filled with doubt and displeasure.

"It's expedient, he has too many guns, one or two can be jammed, hundreds of them, no matter how hard they are, they can't stand it." I replied to He Zhi.

He Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

She frowned and said again: "It's really not easy for elder brother to deal with this person."

"There is a problem between him and Huang Zhiyuan." I spoke again.

"Question?!" He Zhi's face tightened.

I nodded first, then looked at Jiang Munu and Su Yun, and asked, "On weekdays, what is the relationship between Huang Zhiyuan and Longdian?"

"It doesn't matter..." Su Yun replied in a low voice.

I narrowed my eyes slightly and murmured, "It's okay?"

"Yes." Su Yun nodded, her expression became more serious, and said: "There is no intersection, apart from Longdian's contact with Mr., the rest should be strangers, they dare not."

I didn't speak immediately.

Judging from the changes in facial expressions just now, Long Dian and Huang Zhiyuan's words, both of them revealed a conspiracy.

The two not only have intersections, but also have calculations against Jiang Pan.

This matter was completely concealed.

What are they planning?

After my thoughts settled down, I looked at Jiang Munu again.

Finally, I looked out of the courtyard again.

After a long while, I vaguely thought of a possibility, and murmured: "Long Dian is relying on elder brother, because the grass is now a bandit, and there is no definite foothold, so it is very unsafe. Huang Zhiyuan's family has a great career and courage. Most of the people under his command are grass bandits on the mountain, if these two work hand in hand... Huang Zhiyuan can give Longdian a foothold, and Longdian's people..."

When I analyzed and deduced this point, I felt a strong palpitation, and my face completely changed.

Once it was really like what I thought, the two of them conspired.

Then it is very possible that Huang Zhiyuan and Longdian will directly threaten Jiang Pan!

Ask him to give better Feng Shui...

And even more greed!

This directly destroyed the delicate balance between the present, Huang Zhiyuan, Long Dian and Jiang Pan.

I also faintly feel that there is a pair of eyes in the dark, still staring at Jiang Pan...

I remembered one more thing.

It's what Jiang Pan said back then... the catastrophe of Tianyuan!

There is a catastrophe in Tianyuan Physiognomy, and Jiang Pan is the one who should deal with it.

Could it be that the catastrophe started with some small things and gradually came true? !

"Sister-in-law, you and Mu Nu, do you want to live in another place? My eldest brother was born in Tang Town, and was sent to Panjiang before finally arriving at Honghe."

"Master, I haven't seen your mother and daughter yet."

I smiled and said to Su Yun and Jiang Munu.

At the same time, I forcibly suppressed the throbbing and restlessness in my heart.

Once the robbery begins, it must not be underestimated.

Otherwise, my master would not let his son respond to the catastrophe, and he certainly did not want Tian Yuan to be directly defeated by this catastrophe.

As the old saying goes, one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

But if one person responds to the robbery, I am afraid that the whole family will also suffer.

Jiang Pan is the authority, and the authority is a fan. I have to quickly solve some of his weaknesses that hinder him.

"Mr. mean, you want us to pay homage to the father-in-law?" Su Yun's eyes showed a trace of confusion, and said again: "But we have never been to Tang Town, sir, he is now..."

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