Obviously, Jiang Pan came back safe and sound, so Jiang Pan misunderstood us and possibly subdued Yang Qingshan.

In fact, Yang Qingshan's astonishing skill, not to mention the few of us, even a group of people, may not be able to subdue him.

"Brother, although he is young, his skills are not weak. According to what Daoist Liu said last time, he started learning art when he was a few years old, and he should have learned Taoism for more than ten years, and his talent...is not enough Weaker than Dunkong..."

After I finished speaking, I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

There was a sob from beside him, with a bit of ferocity and dissatisfaction.

Turning his head, it was the red mastiff standing up from the ground, the circle of hair around its neck stood up suddenly.

I shook my head and ignored it.

Jiang Pan frowned and asked me, what happened after that?

I briefly talked to Jiang Pan.

And I also said that Huang Zhiyuan and Long Dian were here.

Especially when talking about this, I told Jiang Pan that Huang Zhiyuan might have some connection with Longdian.

In addition, I always feel that he is being watched by someone, and the Tengu Shashi in front of the Red River is sitting there, so we must be careful.

After a pause, I said again: "I'm afraid of Tianyuan's calamity." Jiang Pan suddenly became extremely silent.

I continued talking about what I wanted to send Jiang Munu and Su Yun away.

Jiang Pan hesitated for a moment, and said, "It's not impossible, let me think about it."

"Okay." I nodded emphatically.

Although Jiang Pan is generous, his personality is also very rigid. It is already a good sign that he can let go.

I glanced at the door again, and I said, "One night, Daoist Liu hasn't come back yet, so Lu Yi is not his opponent. Could it be that someone didn't show up?" people.

Isn't this person Jiang Shi? !

A look of panic appeared on Jiang Shi's face, and he said anxiously, "Father...something happened..."

My eyelids twitched slightly, Jiang Pan's expression froze, and he said, "What happened again?"

Jiang Pan put on the word "you".

It can be seen that the Red River during this period of time was really restless.

"Yesterday... an outsider came to live in the Red River Inn. This morning, that person died. He died very badly. The place between his eyebrows is still..."

My complexion suddenly changed!


Was it Cao Yu who came to ask Jiang Pan to do something yesterday? !

Jiang Pan's face sank, but he didn't interrupt Jiang Shi's words.

Before Jiang Shi finished speaking, he said with a pale face: "There is a copper coin inserted, it is your father's copper coin... The driver under his hand has been crying in front of the inn, saying that it was your father who killed you last night. …At this moment, a large group of townspeople have surrounded them, and they are all talking about it."

"But no one in the town believed him. Everyone saw that you were injured yesterday and have been in a coma..."

After saying this, the beads of sweat on Jiang Shi's forehead were the size of a bean.

Jiang Pan didn't say a word, and walked directly towards the outside of the courtyard.

I followed closely behind, and Jiang Shi quickly ran to Jiang Pan's side.

After a while, we reached a street in the middle of the town.

In front of an inn, there was a straw mat with a person lying on it, covered with a white cloth.

The coachman I saw yesterday was crying in front of the straw mat.

"Jiang Pan, the killer that day, asked my young master for a reward yesterday, and he killed the killer because of a disagreement! You still don't believe it!"

"Both stolen goods! My young master was nailed to death with his copper coins!"

"What kind of place is this! What kind of village! The villain who committed the murder is actually a good person, and he turned black and white!"

None of the surrounding townspeople had a good face.

Although there were doubts in their eyes, they were more angry.

Someone had already yelled in a low voice, telling the coachman to stop talking nonsense, Mr. Jiang will be here in a while.

Someone else just turned around and saw us.

Immediately, the eyes of those people showed joy, and someone said: "Mr. Jiang is awake!"

The next moment, with anger in their eyes, several people pointed at the coachman and cursed, saying that if he continued to talk nonsense, they would throw him out of the Red River and throw his young master's body into the water as well!

The coachman was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak again.

Jiang Pan raised his hand and made a movement of pressing down to stop it.

Then everyone stopped talking.

We walked to the straw mat.

When the coachman saw Jiang Pan, there was a bit of fear in his eyes. The fear appeared from the bottom of his eyes, so he didn't fake it? !

There must be something strange about this man's death. I thought someone was scheming Jiang Pan, and the coachman must be full of lies...

But his eyes now...

Did he really see Jiang Pan come to attack last night? !

"What did you see? Tell me all in detail."

At the same time as Jiang Pan opened his mouth, he reached out and lifted the white cloth.

Cao Yu's eyes were wide open, and his face was ferocious. Not only did he die, but only a small half of the copper coin embedded in the center of the Yintang was left.

Blood oozed from his forehead, and some of it trickled into his eyes, looking horrific.

The coachman next to him, with a sad face, repeated it again.

He still pointed at Jiang Pan, with a trembling tone, and said that he saw Jiang Pan, and after seeing his young master, he said how much it would cost to do this.

His young master couldn't afford that much, so he was murdered!

The surrounding townspeople became even more angry, and Jiang Shi was also furious. He said angrily: "If you spitting blood again, no one will care about you." The driver's face turned even paler...

Jiang Pan didn't speak immediately, his hand was on Cao Yu's face.

He murmured again: "In the border town, the hanging walls are as bright as vermilion, preventing disasters from flying. There are many broken lines in Yintang, disasters come from the sky..."

"He really didn't deserve to die. The loss of his life this time was calculated by others, and he suffered an unreasonable disaster." I had already speculated, and Jiang Pan's words made it even more clear.

It is true that someone is plotting against him, and Cao Yu has become a pawn.

Jiang Pan's hand landed between Cao Yu's eyebrows, holding the copper coin between his fingers, and pulled it out forcefully.

Amidst the unpleasant sound of bones rubbing against each other, the copper coins were slowly pulled out...

Not only black and red blood adhered to it, but also some white things...

I look gloomy.

The copper coins of Tianyuan Xiangshu killed people, and the cause and effect itself was on Jiang Pan. I am afraid that these fates will not be easy for Jiang Pan.

I also squatted down beside Cao Yu, and said in a low voice, "Let's see if there are any clues. That person is pretending to be you. If he enters Honghe Town, he may leave some clues, and he won't be able to leave."

"This man is so smart, there will be no trace." Jiang Pan shook his head.

During this period, I watched carefully, and I really didn't find anything from Cao Yu's body.

Of course, we speak, we speak.

The townspeople in the rear were all talking and panicked.

"Someone... looks very similar to Mr. Jiang?"

"Impossible, it's so late, this coachman has met Mr. Jiang several times, I'm afraid that the man will deceive him by changing his appearance and attire a little bit." The coachman's face turned even paler as the people continued to discuss.

Jiang Pan stood up, looked at me, turned his head to look at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Recently, don't go out of the house, I will not find anyone, if there is someone who looks like 'me', come in Don't pay attention to anyone's door."

My eyelids twitched slightly, but I didn't interrupt Jiang Pan's words.

Faintly, I noticed that Jiang Pan's face seemed to have changed.

The position of his stage horse bone is slightly sunken...

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