In about a quarter of an hour, we returned to Jiang Pan's house.

When I entered the door, I saw Su Yun cleaning the yard, and Jiang Munu sitting under the threshold of the main room, picking up insoles.

Su Yun first looked up at us, then immediately lowered her head.

But the next moment, she suddenly raised her head again, with panic in her eyes.

"Mr. Xian" Su Yun shouted in panic, and ran towards us.

Jiang Munu also saw Jiang Pan, and she panicked even more.

The mother and daughter ran to us, and Su Yun went to help Jiang Pan, her eyes filled with tears.

"What happened? My husband"

Although Su Yun complained about Jiang Pan.

But Jiang Pan had an accident at this time, and her worry was not a lie.

Jiang Munu also had red eyes and looked at me helplessly.

"It's just a coma, there is no fear of life, so let's send the eldest brother back to his room to rest."

After I finished speaking, Su Yun and Jiang Munu breathed a sigh of relief.

The mother and daughter supported Jiang Pan on my back, one on the left and the other on the right, and sent Jiang Pan into the room with me.

The red mastiff whimpered, and lay powerlessly on the ground. He Zhi and I looked at each other, and said softly, "I'll give the red mastiff medicine first, it's seriously injured." I nodded.

Dunkong patted the red mastiff's shoulder again, and whispered to it, and then the red mastiff dragged his body into the main room with difficulty.

He Zhi had already taken out the golden sore medicine from the room, and began to heal the red mastiff.

I also had pain in many places and suffered many minor injuries.

Sitting in the main room, I tried to calm down as much as possible.

The sky began to get darker and darker.

Liu Zhengdao wanted to follow Lu Weiyan, and he wouldn't be able to come back for a while.

Then Yang Qingshan will definitely not stay away from Honghe Town, but listened to our words and waited for Liu Zhengdao to come back before appearing again.

Another thing I am worried about right now is Yang Qingshan's attitude towards Liu Tianniu. His stubborn character may make Liu Zhengdao furious.

At that time, Liu Zhengdao still has injuries on his body.

This thing is extra tricky

I lowered my head and thought, and began to consider what was inappropriate in my previous thoughts.

I'm afraid, Liu Zhengdao cannot bear all the pressure alone.

We still have to calculate one or two.

Yang Qingshan won't submit so easily, only after he is taken down, he can tell him clearly about Liu Tianniu, explain the whole story of the Qiang people, and let him know what Qiu Tianyuan did.

He might change.

While thinking, I took out the Tiangan inkstone and the ground pen, took out the hemp paper, and started to sketch.

What I drew was a map of the entire Honghe Township, including Honghe.

Since you want to calculate, you have to use Feng Shui

I'll have to work on the location of the Red River itself.

it's dark

A full moon climbed into the night sky.

Jiang Munu went to cook, brought me, He Zhi, Dunkong some food, and sent some to Jiang Pan's room.

During this period, Su Yun came out for a trip, and she looked extremely haggard.

He Zhi and I went to see Jiang Pan once. He was still in a coma, but he was fine.

We persuaded Su Yun a few more words, and she calmed down a little.

As for the red mastiff, after He Zhi gave it medicine to stop the bleeding, it recovered a lot.

Dunkong didn't go back to the room to rest, he lay down on the ground, holding the red mastiff's leg, and fell into a deep sleep.

"Liu Daochang will not come back tonight, you go to rest, I will watch the night." He Zhi whispered.

I shook my head and said, "He won't come, unless Daoist Liu comes back, and Taoist priests of the Liu family should disdain sneak attacks."

As soon as I finished speaking, He Zhi wanted to speak again.

There was a knock on the door of the courtyard.

I frowned, He Zhi was going to open the door.

Jiang Munu happened to be in the courtyard, so she went to the courtyard gate first.

After opening the door, Jiang Munu ran towards the main room in panic again!

A lot of people came in at the door.

These people are all aggressive!

And at the front of the crowd was Huang Zhiyuan!

At this time, Huang Zhiyuan's face was full of resentment.

His eyes fell on Jiang Munu, and there was obviously a bit of greed in his eyes, but soon, he suppressed it.

Looking at me again, he spoke urgently:

"Mr. Li, where is Mr. Jiang?!"

"I have already heard the report from the people below. A vicious Taoist priest came to Honghe Town today and beat Mr. Jiang into a coma. You are all seriously injured."

"That Taoist priest is so unreasonable, he is simply vicious and brutal. I brought my men and insisted on taking him down and giving Mr. Jiang an explanation!"

He Zhi's face was cold, and her eyes on Huang Zhiyuan did not soften in the slightest.

I looked calm, and my heart was not even a little bit turbulent.

This Huang Zhiyuan is somewhat sincere and somewhat false. Although I can't fully see through it, I can still tell the difference.

"Ordinary people will not be the opponent of that Taoist priest. My elder brother and I have our own arrangements, so Patriarch Huang doesn't need to intervene to avoid accidental injury." I said.

However, Huang Zhiyuan took two steps forward, straightened his chest, and said very seriously: "Mr. Li's words are wrong. Although I, Huang Zhiyuan, do my own business, I will tell Mr. Li that some of my subordinates They were not very clean in the past, which is why many people are afraid of me, but Mr. Jiang also believes that if the prodigal son returns, the money will not be exchanged, and I am willing to give them a chance."

"Now, this is also their chance. Mr. Jiang is dedicated to the people. Now that he is injured by gangsters, they can do their best, even if they risk their lives!"

Jiang Munu was stunned for a moment, a little gratitude appeared in her eyes.

At this time, the door of Jiang Pan's room opened, and Su Yun came out. She looked at Huang Zhiyuan uneasily.

Huang Zhiyuan cupped his fists at Su Yun, bowed and saluted, and called his wife.

Su Yun was obviously at a loss.

I paused, and then said something, even if they risked their lives, it would be useless. No one else can interfere in this matter.

I didn't pause, but continued to speak.

Outside, there was another sound of footsteps.

The voice was extremely neat, and the momentum was much thicker than when Huang Zhiyuan came.

The next moment, two groups of people walked in from the gate of the courtyard.

These people are all wearing mandarin jackets, felt hats on their heads, and cloth belts around their feet.

They all have a long gun hanging from their waists!

The leader was a bearded man in his 50s.

There are two shiny black pistols hanging on his waist, his eyes are huge, and the eyeballs are full of bloodshot eyes.

Obviously, there was still uncontrollable anger on his face.

"Huang Zhiyuan is just a small country gentleman, he is not qualified for this."

"Then, sir, what do you think of me, Longdian?"

The big man's voice sounded like a broken gong, but it was extremely murderous.

He continued in a cold voice: "Mr. Jiang has protected me for many years. I still have hundreds of people under my command, all pointing at the shadow of Mr. Jiang. Today, someone dared to hurt him. I have hundreds of guns. He is not a vegetarian, no matter how fierce he is, he will be beaten into a sieve by me!"

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