Not Liu Zhengdao?

My eyelids twitched a few times.

Then, who is it? !

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, Gou Xuan beside him, his face was extremely pale.

The wound on his lute bone began to ooze blood again.

I took a deep breath, glanced at everyone, and said in a deep voice.

"All townspeople, go home and don't go out at night. If there is any problem, I will send someone to inform everyone."

"In addition, recently, there are no weddings in the town."

After a short pause, I said again: "The six townspeople just now have lost their lives, and only the bones are left. It is not easy to salvage them today. I will fish them up at another time."

Many townspeople showed signs of panic, but they all nodded at the same time.

The crowd began to disperse.

Liu Zhengdao and I clasped our fists together and said, "Let's go back first, and I will tell the Taoist priest what happened later." Liu Zhengdao nodded and said a good word.

Turning my head to look at Gou Xuan, I signaled him to follow us.

Gou Xuan nodded, he could not restrain the tiredness in his eyes.

"Jiang Shi, go and support Gou Xuan, let's go." He Zhi supported Su Yun, Jiang Munu shrank her shoulders, and the three followed me together.

Our group returned to the town, and after a while, we returned to Jiang Pan's house.

He Zhi urged us in a low voice to change into a dry suit, and I asked Jiang Shi to find a suit for Gou Xuan.

After a quarter of an hour or so, everyone sat down in the hall.

Su Yun was still wiping her tears with her head down, He Zhi was at the side persuading, Jiang Munu was at the side, and she remained silent.

Liu Zhengdao and I sat across the wooden table, Jiang Shi was pouring ginger tea for us, Gou Xuan was sitting on the other side, curled up slightly.

After drinking ginger tea, Gou Xuan finally regained some of his complexion.

I told Liu Zhengdao what happened just now.

Of course, Liu Zhengdao couldn't understand that Tiangu Shashi had a god.

He brows sullenly, and said: "Water ghouls, except for the dog corpses under the water, just pick them up and burn them. If someone has a plan for Mr. Jiang, then they will be caught. Heaven follows the law, if it is the first offense, after punishment, make it afraid to come to Honghe again."

What Liu Zhengdao said was simple and straightforward.

For Taoist priests of the Liu family, this method is not considered rude, but straightforward, the simplest and most convenient.

However, this person is not easy to find.

There is also no clue about who the person who helped me just now was.

I didn't continue talking to Liu Zhengdao, because neither of us could tell why.

After a short pause, I asked Jiang Shi, has anyone in the town got married and died in recent days?

Jiang Shi shook his head and said no.

This simply corresponds to my guess.

It has not yet appeared, but it will appear soon. The dog corpse in the dog's position on this day is a preparation in advance

Once a married woman falls into the water, it will form a woman-killing evil spirit!

After pondering for a moment, I told Liu Zhengdao to rest tonight and discuss the details with my elder brother tomorrow.

After Liu Zhengdao nodded, he turned and walked towards his room.

Jiang Shi didn't know where to find a paper umbrella, and left Jiang's house in a hurry.

After repeated persuasion by He Zhi, Su Yun and Jiang Munu finally went to sleep in another room.

I went back to the house with He Zhi.

Tunkong was still sleeping soundly. On a rainy day, he slept very deeply, very sweetly.

He Zhi went to the innermost side of the bed, and I slept on the outer edge.

It took a long time before I could barely fall asleep.

But even when I fell asleep, I was still thinking, who would an upright person like Jiang Pan offend?Putting up such a game at his door?

I didn't sleep well all night.

The next day, I opened my eyes at dawn.

When I got up, Dunkong just woke up, and he called me father.

He Zhi was still fast asleep.

I signaled to Dunkong not to wake He Zhi, and asked him to leave the room with me.

Soon, we will leave the house.

There is a figure shaking in the main room, I see, isn't it Jiang Pan?

He was setting up a small stove and making tea.

I immediately walked into the main room.

When Jiang Pan turned around, he was much more energetic, apparently completely sobered up.

"Yinyang, you got up very early, sit down first and drink tea with me."

"I just went to see Mu Nu's room. She and Su Yun are still sleeping. When they wake up, they will go to eat."

His gaze fell to Dunkong again, and he said, "Dunkong, take out the old man's handwriting. Today, uncle asked you to start drawing two talismans. If you finish it, you can become the black Mr. Yin and Yang just like uncle and father." .”

"In addition, you also heard what happened yesterday, we will let Daoist Liu learn talisman."

Dunkong nodded, took out Xu Fu's travel notes, and pushed it in front of Jiang Pan.

Jiang Pan didn't open the travel notes immediately, but poured tea for me and Dunkong.

I took a deep breath and said directly, "Brother, have you offended anyone recently?"

Jiang Pan was surprised. He poured me more than half a cup of tea, shook his head first, and then asked me, why did he suddenly ask this question?

I straightened my mind and told Jiang Pan in detail what happened last night.

I focused on the matter of Tengu Shashi.

Jiang Pan's face suddenly became extremely solemn.

He frowned and said, "Except for my brother's unavoidable contact with the hidden warlord, I have never offended anyone."

"I haven't offended any gentleman."

"After all, it has been more than ten years since my brother inherited Tianyuan Xiangshu. For a while, I really can't think of anyone who would inexplicably plot against my brother."

Jiang Pan lit his hand on the table, making a tinkling sound.

I was also bowing my head and thinking.

Suddenly, my pupils constricted, and I murmured: "Last night, Huang Zhiyuan asked those boatmen to unload the cargo. He had to time the time correctly before the six people died. Otherwise, some townspeople had accidents before. If they were not forced, they would not Possibly risky work."

"Huang Zhiyuan" my eyes narrowed slightly.

Jiang Pan frowned even tighter.

He let out a bad breath and said, "This person does have some problems. It's hard to deal with as a brother. As a squire, he treats the people in Honghe Town very well. However, he wants Mu Nu, which is absolutely impossible."

"And it's hard for me to punish Huang Zhiyuan for this matter."

"I think he has some problems, and he would rather make a thousand mistakes than miss one." I took a deep breath and said.

The reason why I say this.

It is because Huang Zhiyuan, a country gentleman, can think of so many ways to elevate Jiang Pan, a benevolent man, so that Jiang Pan can't do anything to him.

There must be problems

After a short pause, I continued: "It is not advisable to kill people, but you can ask Daoist Liu to go there and warn him not to be harmful to others. From my observations, most of his hands have the appearance of murder. If necessary , please ask Daoist Liu to replace the sky"

Before I finished speaking, Jiang Pan's complexion changed slightly, he slapped the table heavily with his hand, and said in a low voice, "Yin Yang!"

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