The reason is simple.

Jiang Pan has lived in Honghe for many years, and the name of Mr. Tianyuan has already spread throughout the lower reaches of the Panjiang River.

The hordes of water ghouls are a problem.

Of course, there is also the possibility of a coincidence for the water ghoul.

But the dog corpse under the water cannot be a coincidence.

Its position is also very special

There is no other possibility except that someone is watching Jiang Pan.

I put away the Tongqiao sub-golden ruler, held the divination knife in my right hand, and untied the pig urine bag around my waist with my left hand, and put it on my lips to take a breath.

I didn't touch the dog corpse, but turned around and glanced in other directions.

Obliquely in front of me, stood a huge rock, and there was a crack in the center of the rock.

In the crack, there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at me.

My heart beat slightly, I moved my legs a little, and swam forward.

Halfway through the swim, I instinctively looked back and took another look thoughtfully.

The dog corpse at that position, from this angle, seemed to be trembling, ready to get up at any moment.

I murmured in my heart: "Tengu Shashi?"

However, what makes me even more puzzled is that there is a dog corpse in the position of the dog, which belongs to the position of God.

According to the Zhaijing, this is a taboo on the day of marriage!

There is a god sitting on the position of the tengu evil spirit, who will kill the evil spirits!

My body stopped suddenly, and I looked up.

Then, I looked at the position of the huge rock just now, and the eyes staring at me in the gap disappeared.

I feel like I've caught something vaguely, but it's not clear yet.

Continue to swim forward, and after a while, I arrived in front of the rock.

Staring at the gap, this place, at most one person can get in

There are only two things that can stare at me underwater.

One is the corpse in the water, and the other is the water ghoul.

There are many grievances in the corpse, even if it is a walking corpse, it is impossible to be so flexible.

One moment it was staring at me, the next moment it was gone.

The biggest possibility left is the water ghoul

It's just that I dare not drill into this rock.

There are too many water ghouls. If I go in, there will be a group of them inside, or after I go in, some will come out around me and block me to death. Even if I have the protection of fate, I will inevitably not be severely injured.

The most urgent task is to find out who wants to play Jiang Pan's idea, and also has to get rid of the dog's corpse that day.

Turning around, I returned to the front of the dog corpse, took off the green hemp rope from my shoulders, tied the dog corpse's head, and swam vigorously upwards.

The dead body was extremely difficult to pull.

It took me a lot of effort to force myself to swim out of the water.

As a result, the moment the probe came out, the rain fell on my face.

There was a bang of thunder, followed by lightning, and the white light illuminated the entire surface of the Red River.

This lightning almost blinded me.

When I barely regained my sight, I heard a sharp whistle in my ear!

No, not just once, but three times in succession!

On the dock in the distance, there are still people shaking their arms vigorously!

My complexion suddenly changed!

Three whistles are the password for the corpse hunter to recall.

The sharper and sharper it is, the more dangerous it is!

My vision finally returned to normal, but out of the corner of my eye I saw dense numbers of heads floating on the water around me.

Those are all water ghoul heads!

My heart skipped a beat!

However, I soon calmed down.

Leaving the bottom of the water, no matter how many water ghouls there are on the surface, they may not be able to hurt me.

However, I have confirmed that the six boatmen were all dead, and their flesh and blood were gnawed clean.

In addition, I was pulling the dog corpse, so there was absolutely no need to entangle with these ghosts underwater.

I swam directly towards the pier.

At this moment, those water ghouls all submerged in the water

On the blurred surface of the water, one can see waves of undercurrents, waves formed by those water ghouls, and they are all approaching me!

The weight on my shoulders suddenly loosened!

Suddenly, my face changed again!

I know, those water ghouls didn't fight me first, but broke the green hemp rope

The green hemp rope is broken, and the dog's corpse is about to fall back.

I choked on my breath!

The next moment, a hole suddenly opened in the water in front of me.

What emerged from it was an old water ghoul that was so old that its hair almost fell off.

It bared its teeth, its sharp teeth were shining with a cold light, and it rushed towards my face directly!

Suddenly, it opened its mouth, clearly intending to bite through my neck!

I frowned, but ignored its attack.

The moment the old water ghoul was about to touch me, its entire body suddenly fell heavily into the water.

It looked back in horror, then went under the water and disappeared

The ripples on the water around me disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The rest of the water ghouls also ran away?

What is it that scares them back? !

I looked out over the pier, and with this visibility, I couldn't see anything at all.

The green hemp rope on my shoulder was empty, and I didn't have time to go down to salvage the dog's carcass again.

Swimming forward, it took about half a cup of tea, and I finally approached the pier.

When I got closer, I saw that the townspeople from just now were still here.

It's just that the torches were all extinguished because of the heavy rain, and I didn't see them.

"Yinyang, you come up first." From the right side of the crowd came He Zhi's voice calling me.

I climbed onto the pier, and He Zhi immediately stepped forward and gave me the clothes I had taken off before.

The townspeople backed away a little, Gou Xuan also called out to me nervously, asking if I was not injured?

I nodded first, and glanced at He Zhi. Apart from being drenched a lot, she had no other problems.

Immediately afterwards, I glanced at the rest of the places, and I have seen all the people.

At a glance, I didn't find anyone special.

But something must have happened just now, otherwise all the water ghouls would not be scared away.

"Mr. Li?" Gou Xuan called me again.

At this time, the crowd suddenly and gradually separated.

Two people came from behind.

One of them was Jiang Shi, and his expression was extremely respectful.

It was Liu Zhengdao who followed behind Jiang Shi.

Immediately, I suddenly realized, is it because Liu Zhengdao is here?He used some means? !

The Taoist priest of the Liu family breathed righteousness into his chest, not to mention water ghouls, even ghouls that are not fierce enough dare not turn evil after seeing them.

Just now I asked Jiang Shi to invite Liu Zhengdao to avoid the danger of me being unable to deal with the water ghoul.

"Daoist Liu." I cupped my fists and said in a deep voice, "Thank you." Liu Zhengdao frowned slightly, his eyes slightly puzzled, and said, "Thank you for what I'm doing."

My body froze, and I said, "Didn't you drive away the water ghouls on the water just now?"

Liu Zhengdao looked at the surface of the water, squinted his eyes slightly, and said: "I was in meditation just now, and I was delayed for a while before I came out with Jiang Shi. I just arrived here, and I didn't help you."

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