"There is no conclusive evidence to prove that Huang Zhiyuan has plans for Brother Wei, it's just an inference, how can we let Daoist Liu go?"

"This is not called acting on behalf of the heavens, this is called making wild guesses and hurting people's lives!"

"Although Huang Zhiyuan's thoughts displeased my elder brother, what he did was indeed for the benefit of the people. In the early years, many people were forced to become bandits. If Huang Zhiyuan's subordinates were also like that Humanoid, they are just awakened."

"If the prodigal son turns back, he won't exchange money. If they really do harm to others, I will take action for my brother!" Jiang Pan's expression was extremely stern.

He looked at me deeply, and said again: "In recent years, your methods have become more aggressive. It seems that you will stay in Honghe for a long time. Also, Dunkong can't always follow you to learn."

"Being a human being, especially being a husband, the most important thing is a kind heart."

"This is the heart that my father, and even Mr. Hei Yinyang, a geographer of all ages, insisted on!"

Jiang Pan's words, from the sternness at the beginning to the end, are already earnest.

For a while, I didn't know how to refute him.

Dunkong looked a little uneasy, he lowered his head slightly, and whispered: "Uncle, Dunkong understands."

Only then did Jiang Pan nod, and said in a deep voice: "Dun Kong is still young, Yin Yang, you can't teach him this style of behavior, I hope you understand the painstaking efforts of big brother."

"As for the person who plots against me, let's take a look first, he will definitely show some tricks."

"During this period, don't disrupt our plan. Teach your younger siblings the yin and yang art, let Dun Kong get out of the dark, and then let Liu Daochang learn the talisman art, and wait for brother Liao to come by the way."

I was silent for a while, and I could only nod my head

In the blink of an eye, it was already dawn, and the light-transmitting tiles above the windows and the main room were all shining with morning light.

However, the sunlight shining into the house did not make me feel the slightest warmth.

An elder brother is like a father. On this matter, Jiang Pan made a point, so I can't refute it.

At this time, Su Yun and Jiang Munu left the house.

They went to the main room first, Jiang Munu and Jiang Pan saluted, and called Dad, but Su Yun remained silent for a long time, and went straight to the kitchen.

After that, Jiang Munu followed.

After the meal was ready and the mother and daughter brought it up, Jiang Pan asked Su Yun to call Liu Zhengdao, and Jiang Munu to call He Zhi.

I also got up, went to the room where Gou Xuan lived, and called Gou Xuan to come out.

After a night of rest, Gou Xuan's complexion improved a lot.

After sitting down in the main room, Gou Xuan looked at me nervously, then at Jiang Pan, hesitant to speak.

Just when Gou Xuan hesitated several times and was about to speak, Jiang Panxian said: "Gou Xuan, let's eat food later, you can go back to recuperate your injuries. Yin Yang and I will deal with the matter of Honghe. It is not suitable for you to intervene in this matter."

Gou Xuan froze slightly, then nodded and said a good word respectfully.

After finishing the meal, Su Yun said in a low voice that she was going to work, and left the house.

Jiang Munu stayed in the house to tidy up.

Jiang Pan asked Dunkong to practice the talisman in the main room first, then opened the beginning of Xu Fu's handbook, found the Hekui corpse-killing talisman, and asked Liu Zhengdao to read it.

Liu Zhengdao held the travel notes, lowered his head carefully, and stretched out his right hand to draw in mid-air, as if copying.

Dunkong raised his head, glanced at Liu Zhengdao, and then lowered his head to draw a talisman.

This scene made me feel a little sad.

Previously, Liu Zhengdao wanted to learn the Liu family's talisman from the sky.

But now by accident, Liu Zhengdao has joined Xu Fu's family.

I don't know what kind of expression Liu Tianniu will have when he finds out.

I also asked He Zhi to go back to his room to read the Zhaijing.

After Liu Zhengdao got acquainted with the Hekui Corpse Slaying Talisman, Jiang Pan asked him to draw the Talisman with pen and paper.

Afterwards, Jiang Pan began to search for the manuscript again, and in the second half of the manuscript, he found two adjacent talismans.

I was on the sidelines, taking a peek.

The first talisman that Jiang Pan searched for was the Five Elements Suppressing Soul and Hundred Phases Returning to One Talisman!

The talisman was indeed extremely complicated. It looked like a human face on the outside, but in the details, there were a considerable number of small talisman seals, pieced together to form a complete talisman.

This is a match!It's positive!

But the other one is not a mountain.

The symbol is in the shape of a house, but the shape of the house seems to be a tomb.

This is a Yin spell!

The drawing method of talisman paper is too complicated, I can't describe it at all.

The name of the talisman is: "Go out and kill the talisman!"

Below, there is another sentence description.

"When disaster rises, disaster kills men and women."

"Men and women are like coming to the tomb, sitting in the house." My face suddenly changed.

At least, from the talismans I have seen on Dunkong now, and I have roughly read Xu Fu's travel notes before, but I have never found that there is such a fierce talisman in this travel notes

Most of the talismans and seals are either Zhenshan, Zhenshui, Zhenren, or some Feng Shui spells, or Fus that change people's faces.

But without a talisman, it would be really fatal!

This talisman of transforming qi, calamity, killing and pushing death is consistent with the description about Gangsha in the Zhaijing

That part of the description is about the most vicious ghost

Why does this talisman seem to call out that big ghost out of thin air?

Is such a talisman really suitable for Dunkong to learn? !

Just as I was thinking about it, Jiang Pan had already spoken, and he asked Dunkong to draw these two talismans.

A look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Dunkong's face.

He whispered to Jiang Pan that he had already memorized the drawing methods of all the talisman papers on the handbook a long time ago, and he also knew their functions.

But these two talismans, he couldn't draw them no matter what.

Because he felt that when he drew the Five Elements Rejuvenating Soul and Hundred Phases Returning to One Talisman, he felt a sense of pulling, just like when he was a child, his soul would leave his body

He didn't dare to finish drawing that talisman.

As for the second talisman, he has a feeling that if he draws it, there will be serious consequences, and he can't draw it unless it is a last resort.

Even when he was writing, he didn't dare to put down the last stroke.

Jiang Pan frowned. He stood up, with his hands behind his back, and paced back and forth in the room.

After a long while, Jiang Pancai sat down at the table again, looked at Dunkong deeply, and said, "Dunkong, this last talisman, uncle remembered, the old man did say before that only when life is at stake, can it be done." You don't need to draw it completely, but you must keep in mind how to draw the character quickly and without any mistakes, you can practice to the last step, but you can't draw the last stroke."

"But I saw the old man used that five-element soul-suppressing hundred-phase return-to-one talisman."

"This talisman is extremely powerful. It belongs to the soul-fixing talisman. Even when a person is about to die, his soul will be scattered. Using this talisman can make people stay together."

"You shouldn't be unable to draw this talisman. It must be because you haven't practiced enough to fully concentrate."

Jiang Pan's expression became more serious.

He raised his hand, and what fell on the table was a ruler.

"From now on, you have to practice these two talismans every day. If you don't practice thirty times a day, replace it with a ruler."


Jiang Pan slammed a ruler on the table, and continued to say in a deep voice, "This is the family law of my Jiang family."

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