Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 869 But it doesn't matter

"Go and cook first, and I will tell you at night."

Jiang Pan raised his hand to touch Su Yun's head.

Su Yun's face turned pale in an instant, her body trembled, and her eyes were faintly red.

"Why did you say at night that you didn't bring Wu'er into the provincial capital, why did you and Yin Yang come back, my Wu'er?" Su Yun, who was always gentle, suddenly became emotionally almost out of control.

She tightly grasped Jiang Pan's sleeve.

Jiang Pan waved his hand, but did not shake off

Jiang Munu was also panicked, she walked to Su Yun in a hurry, and asked in a low voice, "Father, where is your brother?"

He Zhi's face suddenly darkened.

She looked at me again with a bit of bewilderment and bewilderment, and then her face was startled.

As if thinking of something, she turned her head and looked at the horse beside me.

He Zhi is not stupid, obviously, she guessed something.

Dunkong was about to come forward, but He Zhi held his shoulder and did not let him go forward.

Jiang Pan frowned and said in a low voice, "Su Yun!"

Su Yun still didn't let go, her eyes were extremely red, and two lines of tears welled up in her eyes.

Jiang Pan's face sank like water, he turned and walked into the room, Su Yun took his arm and was dragged into the room.

Jiang Munu panicked even more, followed Jiang Pan and Su Yun closely, and soon, the three of them entered the bedroom.

With a complex expression on my face, I walked to the side of the carriage and tied the horse to it.

At the same time, He Zhi and Dun Kong walked out of the main room.

When he got close to me, He Zhi asked in a low voice: "Yin Yang, what's going on, you hurried to catch up in the morning, is it because of Jiang Wu?"

"What did you count? Big brother him"

He Zhi didn't finish his sentence, obviously, there was a deep meaning.

My heart is more complicated.

After a moment of silence, I said, "Brother Liao, I want Jiang Wu. Brother sent him away."

As soon as I finished speaking, He Zhi's face suddenly changed.

A little bit of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she murmured: "Is it because Jiang Wu is sent away that brother Liao will come to Honghe to help us and Daoist Liu detoxify?"

"You said last night that the eldest brother paid a great price. The price was his son?!"

He Zhi's tone changed, and he said again tremblingly: "Yin Yang, how could you agree to this? That's the only son of the elder brother."

Dunkong on the side was also dumbfounded.

Liu Zhengdao in the main room also turned his head to look into the courtyard.

"Brother Liao must have a deep meaning in doing this. My opinion is not important to elder brother. He is a stubborn person."

"I went to catch up with my elder brother in the morning, but..." I couldn't continue when I got to this point.

Because for He Zhi, the other part of the three souls of Dunkong is also a secret that cannot be said.

"Didn't stop it?" He Zhi bit his lower lip, his face pale, and said: "But how can we face their family of three?"

Obviously, He Zhi has more sensibility and will completely ignore what I said, and Liao Cheng will have deep meaning.

Jiang Wushang is not He Zhi's child, she will feel like this.

How about Su Yun? !

Just as I thought of this, Jiang Pan's door was knocked open with a bang.

With tears all over her face, Su Yun ran out in a daze.

Standing in the yard for a few seconds, she turned her head to look at the house, with only sadness in her eyes.

The next moment, Su Yun's tears became more violent. She turned her head and stumbled out of the yard.

Jiang Munu hurriedly chased out from the room, also crying to chase Su Yun.

He Zhi's complexion was even paler, his lower lip was tightly pressed, and his body trembled slightly.

"You go after Su Yun and Jiang Munu, and don't let them have any surprises." I immediately told He Zhi, and my tone was very cautious.

He Zhi ran out of the yard directly, chasing after Su Yun and Jiang Munu.

After a while, Jiang Pan walked out of the room.

With his hands behind his back, his back is still straight, and his whole face is still calm and composed.

However, his faintly red eye sockets and the few scratches on his face all showed that it was not easy in the room just now.

"Brother, I asked He Zhi to chase after his sister-in-law and Mu Nu." I whispered.

"Women, how can I understand that I may be wrong about my husband's peeping of fate." Jiang Pan shook his head, and there was obviously a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

"Big brother, sister-in-law and Mu Nu are just ordinary people, so you must not be harsh." My complexion changed slightly, and my tone was serious.

Jiang Pan bowed his head, hummed, and walked straight into the kitchen.

I wanted to go forward to help, but Dunkong wanted to follow me, but he obviously wanted to speak, but he didn't dare to speak.

As a result, as soon as we arrived at the kitchen door, the door was closed with a "snap!"

I sighed, and let out a heavy breath.

"Let's wait in the main room, give Uncle some time to relax." I patted Dunkong's head.

The two returned to the main room and sat down.

Liu Zhengdao was still sitting upright in his seat.

My heart was very complicated, and I didn't even look directly at Liu Zhengdao.

Jiang Wu was sent away.

But in essence, I know that Liao Cheng probably won't come.

Then our own plans will change.

He Zhi and Dun Kong had a chance, but Liu Zhengdao's chance turned out to be nothing.

But at this time, Liu Zhengdao also opened his mouth, and he said in a deep voice, "The Liu family owes a large debt to the Jiang family."

"Mr. Li, I heard the conversation between you and Mrs. Li, and I have some guesses. Mr. Jiang, he exchanged his parents and children for the chance to detoxify us."

"For this matter, Zhengdao may not be able to repay it, and Mr. Li's famous words are needed, what should I do to repay this matter."

I didn't know how to answer, and there was only silence for a while.

Liu Zhengdao lowered his head, as if thinking.

Not long after, Jiang Pan came out of the kitchen.

He was carrying a tray with some simple food in it, probably some bacon, sausages, pickles and flour pancakes.

"Yin Yang, Daoist Liu, I don't know anything about the things that the women in the kitchen order. You should eat some dry food first, and wait for Su Yun to come back before cooking properly."

In the past few minutes, Jiang Pan seemed to have adjusted more.

He put down the food and shared the chopsticks with us.

It was only then that I discovered that there was still a cup of wine hidden in Jiang Pan's sleeve.

He didn't eat any food with his chopsticks, so he took a sip of wine first.

My mood is disturbed, my appetite is not very good, and I am full after a few mouthfuls.

After everyone finished eating, Jiang Pan was still drinking.

Compared with the past, his drinking capacity is actually somewhat better, and he is still not drunk yet.

"Your siblings haven't chased Su Yun back yet?" Jiang Pan's tone was a little gruff.

"Brother, don't worry, there will be no accidents, Pheasant's skills are very good."

Jiang Pan hummed and took another sip of wine.

I couldn't help but glance at Liu Zhengdao again.

Liu Zhengdao was slightly puzzled, and he said, "Mr. Li, before a meal, you looked at me three times, during the meal, you looked at me seven times, and now, you looked at me a second time."

"What's the matter, you just say it's okay."

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