Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 868 "Little Junior Brother" "Born Elsewhere"

After thinking about it to the end, I was a little bit worried.

Drowsiness gradually hit me, and I fell into a deep sleep.

When I awoke the next day, it was already broad daylight.

He Zhi was not in the room, but Dun Kong was sitting at the table in the room drawing symbols.

The light-transmitting tiles on the beams reflected a lot of sunlight, so much so that the inkstone on the table was somewhat reflective.

I propped myself up and sat up, finally regaining my senses.

"Father." Dunkong put down the pen in his hand and looked back at me.

"It's okay, you can just draw a talisman, I'll go and see what your mother is doing." I rubbed my brows, rolled over and got out of bed.

As a result, Dunkong stood up from the chair, with a slight uneasiness in his eyes.

"What happened?" I asked Dunkong.

"Last night, I had a dream, and I dreamed about Uncle Liao Cheng again." The uneasiness in Dunkong's eyes turned into the whole person's uneasiness.

I frowned slightly, motioning for Dunkong to speak.

The soul of the other part of Dunkong is somehow related to him.

But apart from me and Liao Cheng, no one knows about that part of the soul.

Dunkong would "dream" about Liao Cheng all the year round, and told me a lot.

Most of the time, I tell Dunkong that it is purely a dream and a hallucination, but I often ask Dunkong about the specific content.

Actually, that's probably not an illusion.

It's what the other part of the soul that escapes feels, has happened, or is happening.

Dunkong hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "I dreamed that Uncle Liao Cheng told me that he would find me a junior brother in a short time, and at that time, the two of us will have companionship."

"He also said..." Dun Kong paused for a while before telling me that Liao Cheng also said that brother Jiang has always been easy to trust others, and he wants to give him a deep memory. If he doesn't fall into the trap, he will never change himself .

At this point, Dunkong smiled bitterly again, and said in a low voice: "Father, I always feel that the things I dreamed seem to have happened, but in fact they didn't happen. Is this a sign? But Uncle Liao Cheng is not here, he How can you lie to Uncle?" My expression changed, and I felt bad.

Pulling up my legs, I walked directly towards the outside of the house.

Duan Kong hurriedly followed me.

I walked out of the house in three or two steps.

The sun was shining outside, He Zhi was chatting with Su Yun, and Jiang Munu was cleaning the yard.

On the other end, Liu Zhengdao was practicing his sword.

"Sister-in-law, where's the eldest brother?!" My eyes fell directly on Su Yun.

Obviously, Su Yun was taken aback by me, and immediately replied: "Get up early, before dawn, Mr. took Wuer out, he said to enter the provincial capital early, so I can come back early, otherwise it will be tomorrow."

My face changed again, and my eyelids twitched wildly: "How long have you been walking?"

"An hour and a half." Su Yun replied.

"Yin Yang, what happened?" He Zhi's expression was also slightly disturbed.

I look more cloudy and uncertain.

Liu Zhengdao also stopped practicing his sword, and looked at me suspiciously.

I didn't answer He Zhi, and went straight to the side of the yard, where the carriage and horses were parked.

After I untied the reins, I quickly pulled out the whip at the front of the car, and turned directly onto the horse's back.

"Now I'm going to chase big brother, you don't want to go anywhere else." After I finished saying this, I slapped the horse's buttocks with a whip.

The horse neighed and ran towards the courtyard gate!

In a blink of an eye, the horse rushed out of the courtyard gate and galloped on the town road.

After leaving Honghe Town, I headed towards the provincial capital of Xingshi.

The distance from Xing City to Honghe is not short. It takes almost half a day for an ordinary carriage. Even if Jiang Pan rode there, it would take at least three hours to get there.

Although he walked an hour and a half earlier, the horses of the Qiang nationality are fast enough, and I should be able to catch up with him when he enters the city!

Besides, Jiang Pan had to take Jiang Wu to buy a lot of things before sending Jiang Wu away. He needed someone to send Jiang Wu away, and it took time.

Even if my calculation of the time is wrong, I will definitely be able to catch up with them before Jiang Pan sends Jiang Wu away.

I never expected that Liao Cheng would count Jiang Pan on this matter.

He used this method to teach Jiang Pan a lesson? !

At this moment, even in my heart, there was a bit of uncontrollable anger.

Speeding up the horse, the big horse galloped on the road, bringing up patches of dust.

Along the way, I didn't rest for half a minute.

Finally, when I saw the city wall of Xingshi, the scorching sun hung high on the top.

I deduced in my mind, calculated Jiang Pan's whereabouts with the gossip method, and he was about to enter the city immediately.

But what I didn't expect was that when I arrived at the city gate, I saw Jiang Pan coming out of the city gate.

He was riding a reddish-black horse, which was still snorting. From the outside, it was even more handsome than the horse under me.

Da Ma also snorted and neighed.

My heart sank a lot

Because, I did not see Jiang Wu.

"Yin Yang? Why did you come to Xingshi?" Jiang Pan's surprised voice came from afar.

I let out a sound and approached Jiang Pan.

I couldn't restrain the embarrassment on my face, and said in a low voice, "Brother, where is Jiang Wu's nephew?"

Jiang Pan smiled and said: "I have entrusted a familiar caravan. The place they passed happened to pass through a town under the gate of Lingzheng Ershen Mountain. They had picked up Wu'er half an hour ago."

My complexion changed again, and I asked, "Which direction are they going?!"

Jiang Pan frowned, he kept looking at me, and suddenly stopped talking.

"Brother, where did they go!" I asked again, my voice became a lot heavier.

"Yin Yang!" Jiang Pan's voice became much heavier, he looked at me with a slightly stern look, and said: "Last night, we two brothers have discussed everything, what is your reason?"

"Brother Liao lied to you, he won't come to Honghe." I said it directly without hesitation.

"Cheat me?" Jiang Pan's eyes were full of doubts, he shook his head and said, "Yin Yang, how do you know Brother Liao lied to me?"

"He's far away at the gate of Lingzheng Ershen Mountain. Could it be possible that you can still transmit sound for thousands of miles?"


I originally wanted to say that I heard it in a dream.

But when he said this, Jiang Pan would definitely sneer.

At the beginning, Liao Cheng told me again, so that I could not tell everything

For a while, I struggled to the extreme.

Jiang Pan smiled and said: "Yin Yang, I know, after you have escape, you have an indescribable obsession with your child, but you have to think clearly, Brother Liao is Brother Liao, and he can't lie to anyone." won't lie to us."

"Besides, this is Jiang Wu's chance. There are still many hardships in following me. Brother Liao is a protector. If you follow him, you will have no worries in this life."

Apparently, Jiang Pan was very open minded.

But I know better, it was on the premise that he thought Liao Cheng didn't lie to him and would come to help us

If Liao Cheng hadn't come, we wouldn't know what Jiang Pan looked like.

In the end, I still didn't know how to bring it up again, so Jiang Pan directly changed direction and rode away towards the direction of the Red River.

I waved my whip, only then did I realize why Jiang Pan's speed was so fast

That black and red horse is as fast as the Qiang horse

By the time we rushed back to Honghe, it was already evening.

Into the courtyard, everyone is there.

Jiang Pan got off the horse and immediately asked Su Yun to cook. After a day of traveling, his stomach was already empty. After eating, he had to take a good rest.

At first, everyone's faces were full of joy, but in an instant, their expressions changed.

He Zhi looked at me suspiciously, and asked, "Where's Jiang Wu?"

Su Yun looked at Jiang Pan even more blankly, walked in front of Jiang Pan in three or two steps, and asked uneasily, "Why didn't Wu'er come back with you?"

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