Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 870 Let Him Learn Talismans

My face froze.

In fact, I knew that Liu Zhengdao would find me looking at him.

But I really can't help it.

Both He Zhi and Dun Kong had a chance, but Liu Zhengdao had no chance.

He was the most injured back then, and now the poison is the deepest. At this time, he is the person who needs treatment most.

He Zhi needs to learn Yin-Yang Art, and escape from the sky to master Talisman, and the time required will not be short.

I'm afraid Liu Zhengdao can't afford it

Jiang Pan was also slightly surprised, he turned his head to look at me, then at Liu Zhengdao.

Then, Jiang Pan smiled and said, "I guess, Yin Yang still has something that he hasn't told Daoist Liu about the poison on your body."

"Brother" my voice is quite hoarse.

Jiang Pan raised his hand and made a blocking motion.

He smiled again and said: "I have a brother named Liao Cheng. He possesses a very peculiar yin and yang technique, and he also has a good corpse pill in his body. It shouldn't take long for him to come to Honghe , At that time, the toxin will be removed for the Taoist priest."

"The poison in the yin and yang was a hundred times more severe than this poison, and it can be resolved, and his fate is also filled."

"I think, Yin Yang just wanted to talk about this matter, and I don't know how to say it." Jiang Pan said this, which made my mood more complicated.

I can't refute Jiang Pan.

But what he said will not be realized in the future. If you give Liu Zhengdao hope now, you will only be disappointed when the time comes.

Liu Zhengdao didn't smile, he stood up, fisted at Jiang Pan, and bowed deeply.

After a while, Liu Zhengdao got up.

"Old Mr. Jiang, gave my father the last hexagram, and gave the Qiang people hope."

"Now, Mr. Xiao Jiang gave me a life in exchange for his parents and children."

"Zhengdao doesn't know how to repay it. Simply, I will not go back to the Qiang people from now on, and I will stay with Mr. Jiang."

Liu Zhengdao's voice was extremely serious.

Jiang Pan's face turned red, he just smiled, and said again: "That's Wuer's chance, Daoist Liu doesn't need to restrict freedom. We'll discuss this matter later."

As he spoke, Jiang Pan rubbed the center of his brows again, exhaled, and said, "I'm a little drunk, Yin and Yang, I'm going to rest first, what's the matter, tomorrow"

"Brother, I want to make sure everything is safe. The Liu family also wants to learn talismans, so I asked Daoist Liu to try to see if I can learn the old man's talismans." I took a deep breath and spoke directly.

Jiang Pan was startled.

Liu Zhengdao's complexion also changed slightly, and there was a puzzled look in his eyes.

Jiang Pan lowered his head, and after a long time, he looked up at me again.

"Yinyang, your words are not unreasonable, but this rule" Jiang Pan hesitated.

"The pheasant broke the rules, but it didn't break the rules. We came up with a way to avoid it. The Xu Fu's talisman doesn't have to be passed on alone. If there is another line of inheritance, it may be an opportunity." I said in a deep voice.

Jiang Pan's face became even more mellow, and he bowed his head for a while before saying: "Since this is the case, let's give it a try. If it works, the old man will have one more disciple. If it doesn't work, Brother Liao can be regarded as a second-hander."

I was overjoyed and nodded heavily.

In this way, Liao Cheng is not the only hope.

If Liu Zhengdao can also become Mr. Yin and Yang through talisman and protect himself with fate, he can also detoxify.

If this doesn't work, then it's impossible, and we have to go to Kaiyang to find a way.

Jiang Pan staggered out of the main room and walked towards the bedroom.

Dun Kong still sat in his original position, looked at me blankly, and then at Liu Zhengdao.

At this time, Liu Zhengdao frowned.

The way he looked at me became extremely complicated.

Liu Zhengdao and I nodded, and clasped our hands together again.

Before Liu Zhengdao could speak, I told Dun Kong to go back to the room to rest first, and also let Liu Zhengdao take a good rest, and let him try a talisman of Xu Fu tomorrow.

After a pause, I said again: "The Taoist talisman of the Liu family is also extremely complicated. In terms of talisman skills, Daoist Liu, your aptitude should not be bad."

Dukong obediently left the main room.

Liu Zhengdao got up, took another deep look at me, said a good word, then turned and walked towards his room.

Instead of going back to rest, I stayed in the main room and waited.

Time flies by.

I took out my pocket watch and looked at it. It was almost midnight.

He Zhi hasn't found Su Yun and Jiang Munu yet.

This time has passed for a long time.

When I was going to look for He Zhi and the others in the town, I finally heard footsteps outside the courtyard gate.

Turning my head, I looked towards the door.

I thought it was He Zhi and the others who came back.

Unexpectedly, it was Jiang Shi who hurried into the courtyard again.

With panic on Jiang Shi's face, he shouted uneasily: "Father!" I immediately made a booing motion.

Jiang Shi quickly closed his mouth, but his eyes became more flustered, and he said anxiously: "My father is resting? Something happened by the river, so he went to help. Mother and Mu Nu are also there, I have to hurry"

Hearing that Su Yun and Jiang Munu were by the Red River, I calmed down quite a bit.

"What's the matter? I'll just go and see." I walked out of the main room and said in a deep voice.

In Jiang Shi's eyes, there was obviously some doubt and uneasiness.

This is a manifestation of his distrust of me.

With a calm face, I said: "Your father is my eldest brother, he is Mr. Tianyuan, and I am Mr. Earth Prime Minister. Tian Yuan and Earth Prime Minister are equally famous. I can help with the affairs here. He is not in good health today and has already rested."

Only then did Jiang Shi show a sudden look.

He made a gesture of asking, and said in a low voice: "Sir, please, let's talk as we walk."

Although Jiang Shi is about the same age as Dunkong, he is obviously more mature than Dunkong in many things.

After all, Dunkong has been by He Zhi and me all year round, and has been taken care of by us.

In fact, for example, when I was ten years old, I was able to do a lot of things. The children of the poor were already in charge of the house when they were ten years old.

While walking towards the entrance of the town, Jiang Shi told me the whole story.

A few days ago, in the Red River, there were some weird things that caused disasters and pulled people into the water.

At that time, his father saw it and said that it was the water ghoul that caused the disaster, so he asked us to hire the corpse hunter upstream, Gou Xuan, to deal with it.

Gou Xuan came to the town earlier this night, and he was about to deal with the water ghouls in the water, but there was a family who insisted on unloading the goods overnight, and was busy working with lights on the pier.

As a result, all the people on the boat were dragged down by the water ghoul.

Gou Xuan wanted to save people, but he was injured in the water. Although he managed to make it to the shore, no one was rescued.

When I heard the news about Gou Xuan, I was stunned immediately, because the name was too familiar to me. In a blink of an eye, I remembered many things from that year.

There are water ghouls in Panjiang Honghe, which is normal.

But this is Mr. Tian Yuan's territory, and the water ghoul killed someone under Jiang Pan's nose, which is not a trivial matter.

What's more, a corpse hunter like Gou Xuan was injured so badly that he was barely able to go ashore

How fierce is that water ghoul? !

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