"Okay." He Zhi replied softly, but there was still uncontrollable fatigue in her voice.

I led the two of them out of the courtyard and past the front bunk.

Huang Qi and Xie Mancang both stood guard outside the shop.

"Sir, are you going out?" Huang Qi asked me respectfully.

I told Huang Qi to go to Hejia Village, Huang Qi immediately looked at Xie Mancang, and Xie Mancang made a gesture of invitation, motioning for us to get on the carriage.

Not long after, we arrived at the pier. Huang Qi quickly found a boat and sent us towards Hejia Village.

The time of seven or eight years seems like yesterday, but there are too many things experienced in it, and it feels like a lifetime away.

When we arrived at Hejia Village, the village today is much more respectable than it was when it was poor.

At least there is an archway at the entrance of the village, and the village road has been repaired and paved with green bricks.

Huang Qi led the way, and he whispered: "When I came back more than half a year ago, I actually came to Hejia Village to see it. What you did in Jiuhe County in the early years, sir, made the county people love and respect you. You They don't take their money, but they repay their kindness elsewhere, and they are very kind to the people in Hejia Village and Lijia Village."

I nodded, but I thought that most of the people in Lijia Village were killed or injured, and almost the whole village spoke ill of me and my father.

To this day, I can't bring up much hatred, I just sigh in my heart.

In the troubled times at that time, the people were so ignorant, they didn't understand many things, so naturally they needed a vent.

My dad and I happened to be at that point.

Not long after, we came to the outside of He's courtyard.

The courtyard walls back then were planted with mulberry trees, which were later cut down to make wooden coffins for the five ghosts.

Today, the courtyard walls are still as dilapidated as they were back then, and the courtyard is still vaguely the same as it was then, and the ground is still full of sawdust and pieces of wood.

The only thing that changes is the weeds that grow wildly.

"I'm going to find a few people to clean up this place." Huang Qi said hastily.

He immediately turned around and walked towards the village.

He Zhi's expression became much sadder. She stared blankly at the door of the main room, her eyes flushed.

After a while, she led Dun Kong, walked around some weeds and trees, and entered the main room.

I follow behind them.

He Zhi walked through almost every room, and told Dunkong again that this is where she grew up.

Dunkong kept looking around cautiously, his eyes gradually became more curious, he pointed to some things belonging to the ghost woman on the wall, and asked He Zhi what it was.

When the mother and son had a topic, they began to talk non-stop. He Zhi also talked about her experience of being beaten by witch He when she was a child.

I sat at the small wooden table in the center.

After contemplating for a moment, I took out the Heavenly Stem Inkstone and Earthly Branch Pen.

I lowered my head and began to draw pictures.

What I drew is the Zhaiyuan map, which is to build a new courtyard and wrap it while keeping the old courtyard.

He Zhi needs to leave some thoughts behind, and the He family also needs a new house.

During this period, Huang Qi came back and took someone to tidy up the yard.

He Zhi and Dun Kong had almost finished chatting, she went to look at it again, and had some damaged places in the house repaired.

Dunkong is lying next to me, watching me draw pictures.

It took me a full hour to draw a picture of the house.

After careful consideration, I handed it over to Huang Qi and asked him to arrange for the construction to start.

In a blink of an eye, it was already noon.

I asked Huang Qi to go to the village to prepare some things for us to worship.

Huang Qi took the order and left in a hurry.

In just two quarters of an hour, he returned with a tribute.

In addition, he was carrying a bamboo drawer, which he said was the food he brought for us.

We had eaten first, then left the yard and walked towards Liulinzi.

Back then Ghost Possessed had a last wish that his body be buried in Liulinzi, and I also selected one of the Qi Qi points for him.

When He Zhi and I arrived in front of the tomb, the tomb of He Guipo hadn’t been repaired for many years, a lot of weeds had grown, and there were trees growing on the tomb.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, the growth of trees on the head of the tomb is a manifestation of vitality, which means that this acupoint is very good.

But after a long time, once the tree is old or dead, and it remains on the grave, it will form evil spirits.

I got a broad ax from He Zhi and cleaned the grave again.

During this period, He Zhi took Dunkong to worship He Guipo, and asked Dunkong to call him great-grandfather.

At the end, I also bowed and kowtowed.

He Zhi said a lot in front of the grave. Now our family's reputation in the world of yin and yang, as well as those enemies back then, have now received their retribution, and she let He Guipo rest in peace.

It wasn't until the end that He Zhi said, we will go to Kaiyang, and when she re-enters the He family, she will definitely pass on the He family ghosts of their lineage, and there will be one more coffin technique.

There is no wind in the willow grove, but the ghost papers in front of He Guipo's grave are burning all over the sky!

Obviously, this is what the witch Jiuquan knows, and he is happy.

In a blink of an eye, it was three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and He Zhi wiped the corners of her eyes and got up. She said softly, now accompany me to Lijia Village.

I supported her on the shoulder, while Dunkong took her other hand, and we left Liu Linzi.

You can see He's courtyard as soon as you enter your eyes, it has been tidied up.

There are still many people outside the hospital, and they are being taken by Huang Qi to measure something.

Apparently, Huang Qi had already finished his explanation, and stood aside to watch.

When we came out, he hurried to us and had a quick talk with me.

I nodded, indicating that he did a good job.

Huang Qi hesitated for a moment, and asked if we were going back to the county?He is almost settled and can go with us, and then he can come to supervise the work every day.

I shook my head and said to go to Lijiacun.

Huang Qi immediately walked forward again to lead us the way.

After leaving Hejia Village, boarded the boat just now, and then went to Lijia Village on the other side.

This Li Family Village looks much better than He Family Village!

Even the path leading to my house is made of blue bricks, with bamboo railings on the side.

Walking all the way to the front of my house, the dilapidated wooden house and the fenced yard have changed greatly.

Although the dilapidated house is still the same, the yard has been erected into a brick wall more than one meter high!

There is also a plaque hanging on the courtyard door in front, which reads: "Mr. Yinyang, Li Yinyang's old house."

I frowned a lot.

Huang Qi was slightly embarrassed, and he whispered: "Mr. Li, after all, you came from Lijia Village. The villagers in this village will use your name from time to time. Almost everyone in Jiuhe County will sell face. This courtyard wall was built by them. Yes, look at this house, anyway"

I closed my eyes, shook my head, and sighed softly.

"Back then, my father spared no effort to help the villagers, and the family often couldn't get rid of the pot. In the end, he died, and the villagers regarded him as filthy and stolen goods, and wished that his soul would fly away."

"Now, they don't just take advantage of the shadow I live here, but they also take the initiative to ask for it."

"Huang Qi, you can go to Huo Kunmin at that time. The people in Lijia Village should not be greedy, and let the people of Jiuhe County treat them equally."

"I am not a sage, they can be ignorant, I do not blame the ignorant, but I will not help the enemy."

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