In a blink of an eye, they reached the front of the main room.

After everyone clasped their fists and saluted to me, I also saluted back.

Huo Kunmin said everything he needed to say, so I didn't need to say more, and made a gesture of please.

Then, I left the main room.

These doctors, headed by the one who spoke just now, followed by the others, began to feel the pulse of He Zhi, Dunkong, and Daoist Liu respectively.

The time they spent today is obviously much longer than last time.

After feeling the pulse, everyone showed expressions similar to those of yesterday's doctors.

This inevitably makes my heart sink slightly.

Then, they gathered together to discuss.

Liu Zhengdao remained calm, closing his eyes on the chair and resting his mind.

He Zhi looked restless, while Dun Kong was pale.

After a long time, the leading doctor walked out of the main room. He first saluted me respectfully, then made a gesture of invitation, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Li, can I have a chance to speak?" Both He Zhi and Dunkong looked up at me.

I was silent for a moment, nodded, and walked towards the front bunk.

The doctor and Huo Kunmin followed me at the same time.

When we got to the front shop, the doctor came in and heaved a long sigh.

Huo Kunmin frowned.

I raised my hand and made a blocking motion.

There were quite a few doctors who came yesterday, and today the number is even greater. If they all find it extremely difficult, it is likely that it is really difficult.

If Huo Kunmin gets angry again, it won't change anything, he just finds the doctor again and repeats today's

The doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead, he glanced at Huo Kunmin, and then sighed: "There are rumors among the people that Hanba is a strange corpse in the world. The place where it comes out is full of drought, and often the strange corpse has corpse poison. Every kind of corpse poison They are all extremely violent, and can turn people into thick water or freeze them into corpses in just three moments."

"In my early years, I saw some people who were poisoned by corpses, but none of them were as serious as Mrs. Li, the young master, and that Taoist priest."

"Is there no way?" My brows formed a pimple.

"My medical skills are limited, but looking at the Central Plains today, I think it is difficult to find someone who can detoxify. I can only prescribe the medicine first, strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality, and suppress the corpse poison for the time being." After a short pause, the doctor hesitated again, Said: "Mr. Li should have given them a kind of medicine? Their poison is much weaker, so that they can maintain the balance between vitality and poison."

Immediately my pupils constricted, and then I nodded.

"Is that medicine useful?" I asked immediately.

The doctor thinks it's medicine, but it's actually my blood. I've used Shanshi Pill, and the vitality in the blood is strong enough.

"It may not be useful, if it is still there, you can try it." The doctor said again.

"Wait for me a moment." After I finished speaking, I walked directly into the courtyard.

Huo Kunmin and the doctor followed me, and I went straight into the kitchen.

After stepping in first, I closed the door, and the two of them waited outside.

I took a bowl, and found out the vagina dagger.

Without hesitation, I poured out a bowl of blood.

There was a faint feeling of fainting in my head, my breathing was quite heavy, and I felt a little unsteady.

I haven't had much time to recuperate from the previous consumption, and my body has always been deficient.

Another piece of cloth was used to tie the wound, and I left the kitchen with the blood bowl.

Huo Kunmin's face was startled, he stared at the blood bowl in my hand, opened his mouth, but said nothing.

The doctor's eyes were even more astonished, his lips moved and he also closed his mouth.

He took the blood bowl carefully, and said, "I'm going to live here for a while, to take care of the madam, the young master, and the Taoist priest. In addition to soup and medicine, I will also make some pills."

"After a period of recuperation, let the foreigner's hospital see it. Together, there will be greater curative effect."

"What's your name?" I was a little tired and asked him.

"Hua Wu." The doctor replied respectfully.

"Okay, Hua Wu, help my wife and children recuperate and suppress the corpse poison. I will protect your family's well-being and prosperity for future generations." I whispered.

In Hua Wu's eyes, surprise suddenly burst out.

But at the next moment, he shook his head and said seriously: "Mr. Li, it is a doctor's bounden duty to practice medicine and cure diseases. Besides, the young lady and the Taoist priest are diseases that need to be saved. I can't exchange them for anything."

"Mr. supports justice, saves the dying and heals the wounded. Although he is not a doctor, what he does is to help the world. I relieve Mr.'s worries, which is actually the virtue of my previous life."

After saying that, Hua Wu clasped his hands together, showing even more respect.

I was silent, and suddenly thought of a sentence.

Good people don't live long, and disasters last thousands of years.

I used to have an opinion, and now, I have another opinion.

Obviously, Hua Wu is a kind of good person.

A good person like him is too desireless and only pays for himself.

In this way, he monopolizes the risks and hard work, but not half of the benefits.

From the point of view of a gentleman, it means that the gentleman only does things and does not receive remuneration, which will be backlashed by fate.

Although the wicked do evil, they will use various methods to escape the catastrophe, and use all the benefits for themselves, so they can naturally live longer.

After my thoughts settled down, I said: "There are rules and regulations, Doctor Hua should not push back, otherwise Li will be spurned by the ancestors, and the night will be difficult."

As soon as I finished speaking, Hua Wu showed a look of sincerity and fear.

He smiled bitterly and said: "Then Hua, respect is worse than obedience. But sir, don't worry, Hua's son is definitely not a greedy person. If he has money in the future, he should do his best to help the people."

I nodded, clasped fists with Hua Wu as well, and saluted him.

The rest of the doctors obviously showed eagerness and envy.

Huo Kunmin looked at me first with a questioning look.

I naturally understood what he meant and nodded.

Huo Kunmin immediately turned around, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li has been in poor health recently. Dr. Hua has excellent medical skills, and he is favored by you, but you all have contributed to it, and you will not just sit idly by in the future. In addition, the Huo family will give you a lot of money." The remuneration will never treat everyone badly."

Immediately, the eyes of the doctors were filled with excitement.

Hua Wu entered the main room with the blood bowl, he lowered his head again, took out several jade bottles, and packed the blood separately.

The rest of the doctors were watching from the sidelines, while Hua Wu was also saying the names of some medicinal materials for them to record and grab.

Liu Zhengdao got up and walked towards his room.

He Zhi and Dunkong went out of the main room first, and the mother and son arrived in front of me, and Dunkong timidly called Daddy in a low voice.

He Zhi looked at me with pain in his eyes.

"No problem." I smiled and opened my mouth before she could speak.

At this moment, Hua Wu in the main room turned around again, and he said respectfully: "Mr. Li, you, your wife and the young master can all do what you need to do first. This medicine needs to be prepared at night. No need to wait here."

"In addition, I will also adjust the medicine for you to replenish your body.

I nodded and said, "Thank you." "

Hua Wu smiled wryly, saying how dare he, and started dispensing medicine again.

"Let's go to Hejia Village to take a look, let you relax, and Dunkong will also go to worship the old man." I bowed my head and said to He Zhi.

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