"Of order." Huang Qi nodded heavily.

I swept across the courtyard wall, looked inside the house, and then looked back at the hanging river ahead.

Over the years, when I have nothing to do, I occasionally think of this place.

At that time, I thought about how to repair an old house.

Today, the shape of the house has already taken shape in the courtyard.

"Dunkong, I've seen mother's residence, and then I'll see father's." I raised my hand and patted Dunkong's head.

Walking into the courtyard, I took them into the house.

The inside of the house is not neat, but messy. There are some traces left by Wu Xianchang in the past. The foundation of the house was soaked in water and rotted a lot.

In addition, there are signs of being rummaged.

In recent years, it has been "patronized" by people.

I didn't speak, just frowned slightly.

Huang Qi's expression was not good, he whispered: "I will find anyone who has stolen here, and send them to justice."

"It's okay, I was too poor back then, and all I could leave behind was a suit of clothes, which was the belongings of the corpse hunter." I shook my head.

"Father, there is a big gap between you and mother's life." Dunkong looked up at me with innocence in his eyes.

I smiled wryly.

Then, I took out the ground pen and Tiangan inkstone to draw pictures.

After drawing the house yuan picture, I gave it to Huang Qi and asked him to follow suit.

Then, I took out something that was next to me.

It was a jade head with a pair of eyes inlaid on it.

I don't know if it's an illusion or other reasons, but the hatred in the eyeballs seems to have dissipated, how peaceful is it?

"Since I'm back home, I plan to go to my father's grave and return these eyes to him."

"Later, both of you mother and son will go back with Huang Qi, the medicine will be ready soon." I looked at those eyes, and my voice was slightly astringent.

"Okay." He Zhi nodded slightly.

I felt relieved a lot, because I was afraid that He Zhi would not want to leave and delay going back to take medicine.

Huang Qi and I nodded.

Huang Qi respectfully made a gesture of invitation.

He Zhi pulled Dunkong, and the two walked out.

After a while, I was the only one left in the house.

I stood there for a while, found a hoe from the base of the wall, and went to the back of my house to find a dusty spare body boat.

My father was not buried in Lijia Village, he was sewn up in Xu's house, a paper figurine, and then I found a mountain outside Jiuhe County.

I carried the corpse boat to the edge of the Xuanhe River, and after I got on the boat, I punted the boat and headed in one direction.

Time passed by little by little, with dusk and dusk, I didn't go ashore until it was dark.

After walking for more than an hour, I finally arrived at the mountain where my father was buried.

When I got to the grave, I didn't open the grave immediately, but knelt down in front of the grave.

The shadows of the surrounding trees are vague, giving people a sense of coldness.

I knelt for a long time and talked a lot with my dad.

Including how I got rid of Zhou Jingyi, Wu Xianchang, my mother's current situation, and my future plans.

The most important thing is that after I said that my second uncle was alive, he was still a son.

After I finished speaking, I vaguely felt that there was not much coldness around here.

Finally, I started digging the grave.

The feng shui here is good, my father's body has become like a mummy and has not rotted.

I opened his eyelids, only to find that what the mortician Chen Chi put into my father's eye sockets were a pair of jade eyeballs.

Take out the jade eyes, snap off the eyeballs on the head, and put them back into my father's eye sockets.

So far, he finally has a whole body.

Faintly, I heard a murmur in my ear, as if someone was calling my name.

I closed the coffin lid, refilled the grave, and built a grave bag.

By the time all this was done, the time had come to midnight.

I knelt down in front of the grave again, and I told my father that I would bring my wife and children to see him again in a few days, and today I was just in a hurry to let his body rest in peace.

A gust of wind blows on me like someone is pushing me away

My dad won't drive me away, he just thinks that I should have time to do more serious things

Finally, I stood in front of the grave for a quarter of an hour before I turned and left.

Luo Yinpo's grave is not far away, and I also paid homage to her, and told her that I plan to go to Kaiyang, and I will meet her descendants, who will inherit Yin art.

After explaining all the things, I went down the mountain and returned to the river.

Punting back, I didn't go back to Lijia Village, but went straight to the Jiuhe County Wharf.

On the pier, Xie Mancang was waiting for me.

As soon as I landed, he came over and respectfully invited me into the carriage.

Without thinking too much, I knew this must be Huang Qi's arrangement.

At this time, I was also a little worried, and urged Xie Mancang to hurry up.

Xie Mancang hastened his horse, and the carriage ran fast on the road!

After just a cup of tea, we returned to the paper shop on Funeral Street.

As soon as I entered the courtyard, I saw more than ten doctors sitting together in the courtyard, and Hua Wu was whispering something among the crowd.

After I passed, everyone got up to look at me.

Hua Wu told me respectfully that He Zhi, Dun Kong, and Liu Zhengdao had all rested after taking the medicine. They were discussing the follow-up medicine and observing their physical reactions.

I hugged them gratefully.

I didn't hear bad news, and my mentality eased up a little.

Hua Wu invited me into the hall.

As soon as I entered, I saw a bowl of black liquid medicine on the table.

"Mr. Li, this medicine strengthens the foundation and nourishes the vitality. If you let bloodletting save people, you still need to drink more of this medicine." Hua Wu said sincerely.

I picked up the medicine bowl and drank the cold medicine in one gulp.

After drinking this medicine, I felt that the fatigue of the whole day seemed to surge up.

I didn't say anything else, and went back to my room to rest.

I was afraid of disturbing He Zhi and Dunkong, so I lived in a room alone.

Lying on the bed, I fell into a deep sleep.

The time in Jiuhe County became extraordinarily long.

During the period of He Zhi, Dunkong, and Liu Zhengdao's recuperation, I didn't go to Hongsong County, but only dealt with the houses in Hejia Village and Lijia Village.

Originally, I thought that with enough time, the doctor's medical skills, and my blood, they would definitely recover.

But I didn't expect that the poison of the drought mandarin seemed to be attached to the marrow of the bone.

For a full year, He Zhi, Dun Kong, and Liu Zhengdao's health improved slightly, and then they suddenly weakened again, and the toxin of Hanba became more tyrannical again!

Not just Hua Wu, after that Huo Kunmin invited many famous doctors, and the doctors who lived in the paper shop were all masters in various places.

But they are still helpless against the poison

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed

During this period, He Zhi and the others were also taken by Hua Wu to a foreigner's hospital for examination.

He also invited the most powerful doctor among foreigners to treat him.

I don't know how many doctors have been diagnosed and treated, and finally a result was found out.

He Zhi, Dun Kong, and Liu Zhengdao were not only infected with the poison of drought.

In the poison of the Hanba, there was another unknown strange poison mixed in.

Drought poison hurts the body and always makes people weak.

And that unknown strange poison hurts the root cause, making it invaded by external evils and weakening the life expectancy.

After deduction, I thought of a possibility.

At the beginning, Mr. Yin Yang seemed to leave directly, but where did he leave directly?

He moved his hands and feet on Hanba's body!

He calculated it, we can break the drought!

That poison, he put it on Hanba!Because he also calculated that Hanba would explode!

He made a big calculation. It seems that I won, but in fact, the outcome is still unknown!

It's just that the place where the game is played is no longer Stone Nian Town.

But the bodies of Dun Kong, He Zhi, and Liu Zhengdao

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