He Zhi's face suddenly showed a bit of joy.

My eyelids twitched slightly. In fact, I wanted to ask about the summoning order of the Liu family before.

The third elder and Liu Zhengdao were defeated by the Hanba, why didn't they use the summoning order?

Certainly not because they came from the Qiang people.

It is impossible for the Liu family itself to have any gaps...

Listening to Liu Zhengdao's words now, is it because the summoning order is gone?

"It seems that the materials for the summoning order are quite special? Daoist Liu, if you need anything, just tell Huang Qi, and he will prepare it for you."

Liu Zhengdao nodded and said a good word.

After a short pause, I told Liu Zhengdao to wait for a few days to see if the matter of detoxification is settled first, and then I will go to find the cave to bury the third elder.

"Thank you." Liu Zhengdao and I hugged each other.

During this period, footsteps came from outside the courtyard again.

I turned my head to look, Huo Kunmin was walking in front, followed by several doctors who were not young.

He Zhi bit his lower lip slightly, looking a little nervous, and escaped to He Zhi's side, pulling her sleeve.

Huo Kunmin led the people to the front.

He saluted me first, and then introduced the names of the doctors behind us.

The doctors saluted me one by one, and they all looked at me with respect.

Immediately, the eyes of those doctors fell on He Zhi, Dun Kong, and Liu Zhengdao respectively.

Unanimously, they all frowned, and their eyebrows and eyes drooped a lot.

"What Patriarch Huo said is not clear, these three are patients? Could Mr. Li tell you about the specific symptoms?" The doctor in charge asked cautiously.

I pondered for a moment, but I didn't let Huo Kunmin avoid it.

In general, these doctors and I explained the situation of the corpse poison and the time of poisoning.

Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of several people, and they looked at each other in blank dismay.

They stepped forward and began to feel the pulse of Dunkong, He Zhi, and Liu Zhengdao.

Huang Qi and Huo Kunmin and I leaned back and went outside the main room.

After these doctors took the pulse, they exchanged with each other and took another person's pulse.

Everyone's face is getting heavier and heavier.

Half an hour passed, and almost everyone of them was seen by He Zhi, Dunkong, and Liu Zhengdao.

The last few people sat together again, looking at each other.

Almost simultaneously they shook their heads and sighed.

Huang Qi's expression was uneasy, and Huo Kunmin's expression became cloudy.

My heart also sank a lot.

After a while, the doctors walked out of the main room at the same time, the one in the lead shook his head, and the people behind him also shook their heads at the same time.

One of them said, "Mr. Li, the poison of the three of you is already deep..."

Huo Kunmin's face darkened, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Your medical skills are not enough, can't heal?"

The doctor's face froze, he nodded first, and then said: "This has nothing to do with medical skills, it is really this poison..."

"Fart! I came here because I think you are old and should have superb medical skills, not for you to talk about frustration!"

"You are not good at learning, so don't talk nonsense! Get out!"

Huo Kunmin raised his hand and immediately made a movement to drive away.

The old doctors were all frightened and panicked, and ran out of the courtyard.

I didn't speak all the time, but my face was very gloomy.

He Zhi's face was pale, Dun Kong was always restless, and Liu Zhengdao was frowning.

Huo Kunmin immediately hugged me, his expression was a bit uneasy, and he said immediately: "Mr. Li, don't think too much, Jiuhe County is only a tiny place, wait for the doctors from other counties and provincial capitals to come. , to draw conclusions.”

"No! They can't make a conclusion. There are many famous doctors in the world. If it is really poisonous, there is no time to treat it. Those few quack doctors! I will order someone to smash their signs later!" Huo Kunmin's tone was stern.

"No problem." I shook my head, signaling Huo Kunmin not to be so ruthless.

At this time, Liu Zhengdao opened his mouth to dictate some materials to Huang Qi.

Huang Qi remembered it respectfully, nodded again and again, and said that he would go to prepare right away.

After Liu Zhengdao finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the house where he lived.

After I signaled Huo Kunmin to go back to rest, I walked into the main room.

Huang Qi saluted me, and walked out of the courtyard with Huo Kunmin.

There were only three of us in the house.

"My body is not important. Dunkong must detoxify." He Zhi gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"Don't think about it, nothing will happen." I grabbed He Zhi's shoulder and said in a low voice.

He Zhi stopped talking, she hugged Dunkong, pursed her lips, and walked towards the room.

I was the only one left in the hall.

I stood still for a long time, then sat down again.

After taking down the long wooden box on my shoulders, I hesitated for a moment, wanting to make up my mind.

But I hesitated again.

Don't tell your own fortune, Mr. Zhou Fangquan said before that after knowing your own fate, you will always subtly change many things.

I'm afraid that He Zhi or Dunkong will calculate an extremely bad result.

Taking a deep breath, I hung up the long wooden box again.

Closing my eyes, I tried my best to calm down.

If the doctor can't do it, I can still look for the good corpse pill.

When fate is uncertain, everything is unknown.


The sky gradually turned into dusk, and night fell slowly.

I slept for a while during the day, and I didn't feel much sleepy at this time.

After sitting in the main room for a long time, I felt a little depressed, so I got up and walked out of the courtyard.

When I got out of the shop and walked through Funeral Street, I kept going until I reached the pier, and then I stopped.

Standing on the pier, the wind from the hanging river blows over my body.

The coolness gave me a little calm again.

The scene from that year reappeared in front of my eyes. I closed my eyes and let out a long breath.

Just standing like this, I stood until the middle of the night, checked the time, and then turned and walked back to the funeral street.

Back in the courtyard, He Zhi and Dunkong hadn't come out, Liu Zhengdao was also in the room, and the whole courtyard was extremely silent.

I went to another room to rest.

The next morning, it was still Dunkong who woke me up.

After I left the house, He Zhi happened to enter the main room with a pot of porridge.

Her complexion looked better.

No, it was because He Zhi put on makeup to conceal the complexion on his face.

Her own beauty is overwhelming.

After applying makeup, it is more refined than before, and even has a charming feeling.

I opened my mouth, but didn't say much else.

After entering the main room, she served me a meal, while Dun Kong went to call Liu Zhengdao.

When Liu Zhengdao came, we all ate and Huang Qi and Huo Kunmin came again.

Huang Qi was carrying something, obviously the materials Liu Zhengdao needed.

Huo Kunmin was followed by at least ten doctors!

His expression was always tense, and he said something in a serious tone. Those doctors were more cautious than the other, and the one in the lead was still saying: "Patriarch Huo, don't worry, I have stayed abroad, Chinese medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion are not a problem. Now, many terminal illnesses that could not be cured in the past are not worth mentioning in front of foreigners' medical methods."

"This poison is not a serious problem. I will definitely treat Mr. Li and his wife meticulously!"

Obviously, He Zhi's eyes lit up a lot, and I also breathed a little.

The doctor was right, the paper figurine Xu was almost sentenced to death in the hospital, but was saved in the foreigner's hospital.

What he said was true!

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