The ghost woman's face was stern, and he walked straight ahead without saying a word.

The crowd had already walked out of the forest in twos and threes, and the ghost woman got into the crowd. Suddenly, there was a villager with open eyes in front of him. He suddenly raised the shovel in his hand, and directly slapped the ghost woman on the head!

The ghost woman slapped his stick on his forehead, and immediately, the man foamed at the mouth and fell straight down.

"Yinyang, be careful of these beasts, block people first." After saying that, the second uncle also walked quickly towards the villagers who were close to us.

I also walked quickly.

My second uncle and I walked up to a villager alone.

To be honest, this is really scary. He was clearly asleep, but he was seduced and walked over.

These villagers were too frightened to go out. If they woke up now, they would all be so frightened that they would pass out.

The tall and thin villager in front of me turned out to be Feng Dagen!

His originally skinny cheeks are now fuller, and his mouth seems to be shiny.

Subconsciously, I find it weird that Feng Dagen usually wears tattered clothes, but now he is wearing a fine white-faced satin pajamas? !

One of the villagers who fell into the water and died that night when I surveyed Yangguan was a member of Feng Dagen's family.

Feng Dagen was the one who took the lead in making trouble at my house. Although each of them received a compensation of more than ten yuan, did Feng Dagen just buy good clothes like this?

These days, it's rare for every family to have enough to eat, and I immediately thought it was weird.

But at this time, there was a crisp sound of slap, and the second uncle had already slapped the face of the villager in front of him, and scolded him.

I took a deep breath, not daring to stop, and also slapped Feng Dagen on the face!

The movement in my hand didn't stop, I picked three big-eared melon seeds in a row, and cursed at the same time: "It's uneasy to fall asleep in the middle of the night, be careful if you walk at night and lose your life, go back to sleep!"

A strange scene happened. Feng Dagen, who was walking forward stiffly, suddenly stopped moving, then turned around and walked towards the direction of returning to the village.

The villager whose second uncle scratched his head also turned around and returned to the village. Under the moonlight, their shadows were much more normal.

On the ghost woman's side, there was a little confusion.

Noisy footsteps, swaying figures, and the villagers who were bumped into each other became more and more fierce. They didn't make any other noises, they all had grim faces, and their movements became more and more fierce!

Could it be that he was swinging a hoe to chop off the ghost woman's head, or raising the hatchet in his hand, as if he wanted to cut the ghost woman's neck with one knife!

It's just that my second uncle and I couldn't help, the ghost woman made a move, and the villagers with their eyes open all surrounded him!It was extremely sinister!

Soon, a few more villagers approached the entrance of the forest, and I decisively stepped forward and slapped my ears!

In a blink of an eye, at least half an hour later, there were no villagers standing outside the forest...

Most of the people went back to the village like marionettes after being whipped. As for those who didn't go away, they were all villagers who had been bumped and beaten, and they were all knocked unconscious on the ground by the ghost woman.

The second uncle waved his hands and cursed, saying that his hands were numb.

My palms are also aching, and the palms are red and swollen a lot...

In fact, I panicked just now, because at that moment, there were too many villagers. If those cats rushed up, it would definitely be a complete mess.

But now, those wild cats are still staying in place, and the shrill meowing will disappear at some point.

I found a black cat squatting on a rock almost as high as a person.

It should be after this black cat appeared that the rest of the cats settled down completely.

The ghost woman narrowed her eyes slightly and stared at the black cat, her expression more vigilant.

But my heart couldn't help beating wildly, and I even had a desire to catch this black cat.

One is that it is threatening, and the other is that it is recorded in the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng that the black technique uses black cats as raw materials!

Its skin can be used as a cat fur coat, its bones can be crushed into powder, mixed with clay can be used to make cat bone pottery, and its nails can be used as Yin-tonifying powder!

Yin-tonifying powder has a great effect. If you encounter a pregnant woman with dystocia when receiving Yin, or the Yin Qi is not enough, so that the vaginal fetus cannot be born, use some Yin-tonifying powder, and the mother and child will be safe!

The cat-bone pottery left by Luo Yinpo a few times, I can't wait to run out of pottery, I will make some when I have the chance.

The second uncle seemed to see the look in my eyes, and he said suspiciously: "Yinyang, look at that black beast, the eyeballs are almost shining, do you want that kind of shit?" The ghost woman obviously glanced at it too I glance.

I immediately nodded, but before I could speak, the ghost woman said: "I can't touch the black cat right now, if you touch it, the wild cat will blow up its nest, so wait."

I exhaled and nodded.

What makes me a little uneasy is that this time seems to have passed, why hasn't Miao Guangyang brought my father out yet?

Could it be... something went wrong with him?

I couldn't help looking into the woods, and my second uncle was also a little uneasy.

The ghost woman was still calm, but after waiting for half an hour, he couldn't sit still.

The second uncle took a sip of his wine, and suddenly said: "I'll go in and have a look, don't make any troubles inside, in case Mr. Miao makes a mistake, something big will happen. The old man Yin and Yang must be extremely fierce. Those who pick up corpses inside, other than those who want to die in peace, are all scourges."

When he said this, the second uncle's voice trembled slightly, and his eyes were bloodshot.

The ghost woman's face was uncertain, and he said after a long while: "That's sir, I have lived most of my life, and I can't compare with the corpse town, besides, Mr. Miao was sent away by the blood demon, the black demon will not trouble him, I am afraid It's a problem, and it's also because Liu Shuigui is hard to find, it's useless for you to go in, and it's useless for me."

The next moment, the witch's eyes fell on me.

"Yinyang, go in and have a look, and find Mr. Miao." The ghost woman squinted her eyes slightly, and kept talking: "If you meet something following you, just keep going, don't look back, don't talk to me, just keep going." Just find Mr., and bring this with you."

The witch handed me something, it was a copper bell, it was obviously quite old, and it was even rusty.

After I took it, I felt a burst of icy cold from the tip of my finger to my body.

The second uncle's complexion suddenly changed, and he immediately said: "I don't think so... Yin Yang..."

The ghost woman shook her head and said: "It's not a question of whether it's okay or not, but that if you and I go in, the situation may be similar to that faced by Mr. Miao. In all likelihood, Liu Shuigui will not dare to come out. If it were us, we might be killed. kill."

"Yin and Yang will not be killed, and Liu Shuigui will definitely not be able to resist following him. This bell is the Zhenyin Bell, a treasure handed down by ghost women for generations. If you are about to be touched, shake the bell vigorously and follow him The damn thing is stuck in place for a while."

The ghost woman's eyes became deeper, and she said again: "Mr. Miao will also come to you when he hears the noise. My deduction should not be wrong."

He also raised his head to look at the sky, and finally told me that there were more villagers here than he imagined, maybe tomorrow, those people may not come with their eyes closed, my father is more fierce, and he will become more cunning, If Mr. Miao can't be found today, the possibility of finding it tomorrow will be even lower, and there will be more accidents.

What the ghost woman said shocked me even more.

I basically didn't hesitate, just nodded and said I would go in.

The second uncle pursed his lips. He obviously wanted to talk, but I knew that it was useless to say anything now. Only I can help, and I have to go.

"Second Uncle, give me the wine bottle." I took a deep breath and reached out to Second Uncle.

After he handed me Lao Baigan's bottle, I took a sip at it, and the strong wine entered my stomach, and I felt a burning sensation, and I was also full of courage.

Going straight into the forest, the ghost woman suddenly said: "Li Yinyang, I have to tell you a little more, if Liu Shuigui approaches you, you have to ring the bell, he is a murderous corpse now, even if he is your father , even if he died to protect you, but when he gets close to you, he still doesn't know what he will do, his people are unpredictable, and the ghost's heart is even colder, maybe he will directly take you away in order to protect you."

What the ghost woman said made my head buzz. To be honest, although I didn't say much, I really thought about it. My father probably won't harm me. I even wondered if I could have a word with him. talk……

Sweat dripped from my forehead, and I nodded to show that I understood.

After entering the forest, everything around seemed to be silent, only a slight rustling sound, the sound of the wind blowing the vegetation and branches.

The moonlight shone into the forest. The strange thing was that it was difficult for the sunlight to penetrate here during the day, but at this moment, all the moonlight shone in.

The branches, leaves, and trunks of all the vegetation are full of oppressive black.

My steps were steady, and with the bell in hand, I walked towards the center of the forest, relying on the direction I remembered.

At the same time, I was also carefully checking if there were any traces on the ground, and I wanted to use the traces to keep up with Miao Guangyang.

As I walked, I found something weird.

In fact, a normal bell, as long as you hold it and shake it a little, it will definitely make a sound.

The Zhenyin bell in hand is not very big, logically, if I walk like this, it will definitely make a sound, but now there is no movement at all.

Not long after, I came to the open space in the center again, but I didn't see Miao Guangyang, nor my father's "human" shadow.

Even weirdly, I didn't feel followed by anything...

I hesitated for a while, staring at the bell, and suddenly thought, my father is also afraid of being sent away by Miao Guangyang, even if I come, he will hold back?

This... I'm afraid it's not a good sign.

At this point in my thoughts, it was more like a stone was pressed against my chest, and it was difficult to breathe.

Subconsciously, I walked to the center of the open space.

While hesitating, I took a deep breath and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Father, this forest is lonely, there is no comfort in a home, Yin and Yang can make money, I want to take you home, you want to live in the house, then Stay at home, don’t guard here, can you go back with me?!” My words immediately formed an echo, echoing in the forest...

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