At the same time that the second uncle changed his face, I immediately recalled what the dog said, the dog scratched the door, the cat bit the corpse, the dead man gasped, and he cursed the ghost woman's mouse kowtow, the chicken fell away, and the ghost carried the coffin... …

Obviously, the curse to kill the dog is not something that must happen, but can happen at any time.

I looked a little more serious, nodded and said to reassure the ghost woman, I must be optimistic about this Linzikou.

The ghost woman glanced at me, and suddenly said: "It's not just because of the death curse, there is also a very simple reason." My heart beat slightly, and the doubts in my eyes did not diminish.

He just said: "Cats have nine lives, and their nature is yin. Even if a dying corpse has no resentment, it will use its life to cheat the corpse when it encounters a cat. The more resentful the corpse, the more it will attract cats. Cats eat it." The corpse replenishes yin, similarly, the old corpse also wants to borrow his life."

"If your father borrows his life, heisha, the living corpse, will have an accident." Between the words, the witch's eyes were extremely sharp, and she scanned the outside of the forest left and right.

Only now did I realize that outside of the dense forest at the foot of the mountain, among the bushes and rocks, or on some lonely old trees, several wild cats unexpectedly appeared at some point.

With messy coat colors and cold vertical pupils, they are either lying on the ground, or standing on the branches with their backs arched, staring straight at us.

The ghost woman added another sentence, saying that this forest is full of darkness now, and only this path can enter. As long as we keep an eye on this place, there will be no problem.

After speaking, he lit a rolled leaf cigarette, squinted his eyes and took a puff, then he coughed so much that he almost coughed out his lungs.

The second uncle took out the divination knife from his waist and wiped it with a cloth.

One of them was on the left and the other was on the right. The forest road, which was originally not wide, was just blocked.

I paced back and forth in the same place, looking outside from time to time, and turning my head to look into the woods from time to time, still feeling faintly worried.

At this moment, at the end of the road in the distance, a person walked unsteadily.

This man was dressed in rags, was dirty all over, and his head was pointed and small, and his eyes and expression were silly and silly, and he walked towards us flickeringly.

I recognized it at a glance, isn't this man the second stick in the village? !

The second uncle frowned, and said, "Yinyang, get this fool away, don't do anything wrong." Like a stick.

I nodded, walked forward quickly, and soon arrived in front of Er Bangzi.

Before I could speak, there was a smirk on Er Bangzi's dirty pointed face.

He smiled so much that the corners of his mouth almost reached behind his ears, but suddenly he said: "Have you seen my big yellow croaker?"

His tone was hoarse. I had spoken to Er Bangzi, and this was not his voice at all.

Why does it look like a dead village chief?

After that, the smile on Er Bangzi's face disappeared, and that face, at most a palm-sized, stared at me blankly, his eyes widened.

My eyelids twitched wildly, and my forehead was sweating. I also stared at Er Bangzi, and glanced at the ground from the corner of my eye.

At this moment, there is only my shadow on the ground...

Er Bangzi's stunned expression suddenly became "fierce". He raised his hand suddenly and strangled my neck, and the words in his mouth became sinister and vicious: "Give me back my life!"

In Sen Leng's words, his hands were about to pinch my neck!

How can I let him succeed!Shocked, I backed up abruptly, and at the same time kicked him hard in the chest!

With a bang, I felt as if I had kicked a rock, my legs and feet went numb, and my whole body was shaken back.

Er Bangzi swayed slightly, and suddenly he rushed towards me obliquely, with a ferocious face, and he wanted to strangle my neck with both hands!

At this moment, there was a cold scolding voice from behind: "See money, open your eyes, take the money of the dead, be punished for life, be blacked out, and talk nonsense?! Who took your money to find someone, see you!" People want to ask for their lives to take the place of the dead ghost, can you pull it?!" The scolding sound was mixed with coughing, isn't it the voice of the ghost woman?

At the same time, the footsteps behind me were hurried, and it was clear that the ghost woman was approaching me.

Er Bangzi's eyes were wide open, and his movements were obviously much faster.

The speed of my retreat is not slow, but after all, I am retreating, and I tripped over something under my feet, and I lost my balance, and I was about to fall.

The second stick was closer to me, and he jumped straight at me!His hands are stretched straight, and his black nails are disgusting to look at.

And he was about to choke my neck just now, but now his straight palm is like a knife, if he stabs it down like this, I'm afraid it will directly stab my throat!

And the look in his eyes already makes me feel that he is seven or eight points similar to the village chief!

"Crack!" A stick shadow was drawn directly on Er Bangzi's face, and on his dirty cheeks, a bloodstain suddenly appeared from the center of the brows to the corner of the mouth below the nose.

"Get out!" The ghost woman yelled and cursed.

Er Bangzi's whole body stiffened suddenly, and suddenly his whole body twitched. His hand that was about to pierce my neck suddenly fell to the sides of his body.

While convulsing, his eyes widened, and a lot of foam came out of his mouth, and he fell straight on the ground...

How similar is this scene to yesterday when He Zhi drew the prescription?

All this happened in an instant, and a hand supported my shoulder, and I stopped the momentum of falling.

It was obvious that the ghost woman drew two sticks with one hand and supported me with the other.

My heart was pounding, and I still had lingering fears.

Looking at Er Bangzi in amazement, I said with an uneasy expression: "The village chief is so troublesome..."

The ghost woman's face was slightly cold, and his tone was devoid of emotion: "At first, I was thinking about solving the business, and then I will see how to deal with that greedy ghost. He wants to rush up and cause trouble. If he is sensible, he will be honest. If he comes to make trouble again, I will scatter his soul."

Before the words stopped, the ghost woman glanced at me again, and said: "The village chief has a lot of grievances against you. He didn't kill the villagers indiscriminately, because he didn't know who moved his big yellow croaker, but he can't think about it." If I want to kill you, I can imagine how much I hate you."

My face froze, and I couldn't speak for a while.

And at this moment, the second uncle also came over, frowned and asked: "Didn't he send the big yellow croaker out before...why..."

The second uncle didn't finish this sentence, and the ghost woman said lightly: "He can give it away, and if someone accepts it, he will die for him, but he was stolen before he gave it away, and the dead don't know who took the money. Who to ask to die for? He's not a begging dog, he doesn't have that much ability."

I understood most of these words.

The second uncle took out Lao Baigan's wine bottle, took a sip of the wine, and nodded thoughtfully.

The silence didn't last long, and in the quiet night, someone walked unsteadily at the end of the village road.

There were even more people coming this time, including men, women and children.

What's even weirder is that these people have their eyes closed, as if they haven't woken up.

They were holding hoes, sickles, and even shovels and firewood knives in their hands, and they walked towards the forest in a dull manner!

The moonlight shone faintly on their bodies, and the looming shadows looked extraordinarily strange.

"Your father has appeared, he wants to dismember the corpse, so he got these people to help him, and we can't let them enter the forest." The ghost woman said suddenly.

My heart skipped a beat, and my eyelids twitched uncontrollably.

These villagers are all doing things, how can we stop this move?

The second uncle spat and cursed again, saying so many words, he couldn't beat him, he was afraid he would be hacked to death, and then he immediately asked the ghost woman if there was any other way, which definitely couldn't be stopped.

The ghost woman stretched her head, and said again: "They haven't woken up yet, it's because they're seductive or not, those guys are there to chop up corpses, not to beat us, just go up and slap us! Three per person With a big mouth, if you curse at them again, you won’t be able to sleep if you fall asleep in the middle of the night, so be careful to lose your life if you walk at night, go back to sleep." "After scolding them, they will leave." After the ghost woman finished speaking, she cried again Cough.

He fastened the stick he had just used, hunched over, and wiped his hands on his waist, as if he was ready to slap.

The second uncle swears a few more swear words, saying that he has been very angry these days, and he is very angry when he sees these villagers. It makes him feel comfortable to be able to slap the whole village.

But the ghost woman gave another warning, saying to be careful of those cats, don't let them take advantage of the loopholes.

I didn't dare to relax my vigilance. When the ghost woman was not talking, I was also very focused, and my eyes glanced at those wild cats from time to time.

At this time, I still found something weird...

Because I kept scanning the crowd of villagers coming from the corner of my eye, I found that there were still a few people with their eyes open. Their eyes were round and round, and their expressions were also ferocious.

The rest of the villagers with their eyes closed had the things in their hands hanging down on their sides, while those who opened their eyes had their hands raised, and the things were almost all on their chests.

Obviously, the second uncle also noticed this detail, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Ghost woman, what about those who don't close their eyes?"

The ghost woman said coldly: "Dead ghosts don't leave the teaching, and even hit people. I'll take care of those few, and you take care of the others."

At this moment, I suddenly heard a shrill cat meowing in the night sky.

All the cats outside the forest suddenly arched their backs and their hairs all sprung up.

I was confused, and my attention was distracted a lot.

What happened again?What happened to these feral cats?

After that meow, the rest of these wild cats came one after another, making meowing sounds. It was really like a baby crying, much more vicious and vivid than those white raccoons...

Especially when the sound exploded in my ears, it made people get goosebumps all over.

Because of this, the expressions of those villagers who opened their eyes became even more fierce!

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