I have no other choice. If my father doesn't come out, then I can only call him.

In his current state, he must be able to hear...

As for what I said, I didn't really have the confidence to say it. I wanted to send my father to his funeral. I didn't really let him go home, but I was just lying to him...

In the quiet forest, echoes continued.

I was very vigilant, my eyes swept around, but I couldn't even see half a ghost.

I was about to shout again.

Suddenly, I heard a slight rustling sound coming from the direction of the north side!

The sound was like someone shaking a branch. Although it was small, it was clearly different from the sound of wind.

My pupils constricted and my heartbeat accelerated slightly.

"Father?" I yelled over there, but there was no response.

"Mr. Miao?" My eyelids twitched uncontrollably. If it wasn't my dad, it was Miao Guangyang?

If I really meet Miao Guangyang, I can breathe a sigh of relief, at least I can find a way,

Miao Guangyang must know more than the ghost woman, I am here, he must have a way!

My thoughts raced, but I couldn't see anything in the north except for a few old trees and shrubs that blocked my view. The rustling sound was still there, but there was no other sound...

At this moment, my forehead was already sweating, and after some hesitation, I still walked over there.

Clutching the rusty Zhenyin bell tightly in my hand, I was extremely vigilant in my heart.

After a while, I came out of the bush.

This place is very strange, the bushes are obviously low, and the old trees are sparse.

But the moonlight didn't reflect in at all. Rao, my eyesight had to pause for a long time before I could barely adapt.

In the innermost part of the bush, under the roots of an old tree, sat a man with his back to me.

I couldn't see the clothes he was wearing, but I could clearly see that there was a green hemp rope mixed with steel wires around his waist!

"Father?" My throat rolled, and my heart beat violently.

I instinctively walked straight into the bushes.

Although I don't know why my father is here like this, it is completely different from what the ghost woman said.

But it's also an opportunity!

I can't meet Miao Guangyang, but what if I just take my father out? !

Maybe I ran into Miao Guangyang on the way, no matter how bad it was, I could wait for him to come out!

When passing through the bushes, the temperature dropped to freezing point, and the cold made people shiver.

In three or two steps, I arrived at the old tree.

But at this moment, my face changed again.

Now that the distance is getting closer, even if the light is not good, I can see clearly. Although this man has a green hemp rope around his waist, he is not wearing a green hemp gown, and he is not bald either!

The worn cloth, the hair on the head is sparse, clinging to the top of the head!

Where is my father!

My body was covered in cold sweat immediately, and fine goose bumps grew all over my body.

Subconsciously, I looked up.

Not far ahead, you can see the mountain body of the cliff, and even from this angle, you can see the dead trees on the top of the cliff even more strangely.

At this time, the bright moon hangs high, more like ferocious eyes.

The corpse hanging on the dead tree, besides my father's place is empty, there is another empty place...

The rest of the corpses quivered as if snickering.

My heart was even more chilly, and I suddenly raised my legs and was about to run outside!

This corpse doesn't look like my father, he was forcibly sawn off by the villagers, but he is a broken corpse that fell by himself!

It's just that although I had the idea of ​​running, my feet seemed to have taken root, and I couldn't lift my legs!

I can clearly feel that my whole body has become extremely stiff.

What's even weirder is that my body leaned forward uncontrollably...

Soon I bent down, almost got close to the corpse's head, and I stretched out my hand to press his shoulder...

No, that's certainly not the press.

This action of mine was clearly intended to turn his shoulders over!

There was more fear in my heart, I was desperately trying to control my movements, but I couldn't control it no matter what...

The next moment, my hand was on his shoulder.

When I put my left hand on it, it was extremely cold, and there was a Yin-suppressing bell in my right hand. When I pressed it, it pressed the Yin-suppressing bell on his shoulder first.

Suddenly, there was a crashing sound!

The crisp sound of the bell directly made me tremble all over, covered in cold sweat.

Similarly, there was a sudden snort on the shoulder of the corpse, and white gas rose up!

I seemed to hear a wailing of pain in my ears.

The voice seemed to come from the depths of consciousness, but it was also like an auditory hallucination, and it just disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, I regained the control of my body, and I drew back my right hand first. The bell in my hand was so hot that I almost wanted to throw it out!But I didn't dare to let go, and I also pulled my left hand suddenly, and my body stood up straight suddenly.

What's even weirder is that my left hand seemed to be glued to his shoulder. When I got up and twitched, I directly pulled the corpse to stand up!

Because of inertia, it was not only pulled up by me, but even turned around.

A long and thin face, densely covered with black fluff, the black eyeballs staring straight at me, his mouth is slightly opened, which is extremely hollow.

This turned out to be Heisha too!

Moreover, there was a large wound at the position between his eyebrows, and the bone could be seen deep in it!

I got up too violently, and was also startled by the corpse, staggered back in fright, and pulled his corpse with my left hand, my body immediately lost balance, and suddenly fell backward...

At the same time as I fell, this corpse also pressed down on me!

His dead face approached me quickly, and even in the process, I don't know if he suddenly smiled, or he was just that dead face, the corners of his mouth curled up, making him look extraordinarily eerie.

My heart is even colder, this is suppressed by him, there is absolutely no good result!

And at this moment, suddenly, my shoulder seemed to be supported by a hand. I was about to fall, but I was supported to stand firm!

And my hand seemed to be pushed by someone, and it slipped away from the dead man's shoulder.

With a bang, he fell heavily to the ground.

At the same time, I seemed to hear a clicking sound, as if my head was pierced...

In addition, there is a creepy feeling on the back, as if someone is staring at me.

Before I could catch my breath, I turned around abruptly.

About two or three meters away, standing behind me was another stiff figure.

His head is also covered with black down, of course, the down and hair are easy to distinguish.

He had no hair on his head except for the down, and his face was also covered in black down, with his mouth open wide as if trying to speak.

His eyes were also pitch-black, with no whites.

But he didn't move, didn't make the slightest sound, even I didn't know how my father got behind me!

"Father..." My throat rolled, and my eyelids couldn't help but twitched a few times.

Looking at my father's corpse, I suddenly felt an indescribable sense of sadness arise.

The next moment, there was another soft snap.

The sound came from behind, and the black fluff on my father's face suddenly began to dissipate very quickly.

After a while, his iron-blue skin was exposed, and his eyes seemed not so dark, with a trace of white.

Shasha...has ended? !

I was stunned and shocked.

And behind my father, a person came out slowly.

He was wearing a Tang suit, holding a three-in-one plate in one hand, and the other hand just raised and lowered.

This person is Miao Guangyang!

He frowned tightly, his expression obviously serious.

After seeing me, his expression relaxed a little, his eyes fell on the corpse beside me, and his eyes changed twice.

He stepped forward quickly, stroked his body with his right hand, took out another talisman paper, and patted it directly on the back of the corpse's head.

But the moment he slapped the talisman paper on it, the talisman paper fell off.

Miao Guangyang's expression was obviously more stunned, and there was still a trace of surprise and bewilderment. He directly reached out and lifted the corpse, which turned over.

In this scene, even if I saw the corpse just now, I am also shocked and chilled.

Because the corpse's neck was almost cut off horizontally...

Between his neck was a black lacquered willow plank, and where his forehead was originally split, a black lacquered mace was smashed into it.

The black fluff that was originally all over his face has now dissipated in sevens and eighties.

Moreover, his corpse still oozes out an unpleasant rancid smell...

"The soul flies away..." Miao Guangyang murmured suddenly, he glanced at me first, then his eyes fell on my father's corpse, his eyes were vigilant, but also complicated and sighed.

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