My complexion also changed again, Liu Zhengdao's words, isn't he admitting the incompleteness of the Suppressing God's Curse?

Admit that you are not good at learning?

Or did they already know that this talisman was flawed? !

Before I could speak, Dunkong said cautiously, "Suppressing God's Curse? I haven't learned it, and I haven't seen it before."

"But I know the Liu family."

"Your talisman is only half drawn." Dun Kong's words were even more astonishing.

Liu Zhengdao suddenly stood up from the ground.

He looked at Dunkong with even more astonishment.

At first he was shocked because Jing Dunkong saw something, but now he is astonished, as if some kind of secret has been discovered!

However, there was no murderous intent on him.

Soon, his gaze on Dunkong became much hotter.

This scorching heat obviously made Dun Kong uncomfortable, he hid almost his whole body behind me, only poking out a little bit of his head.

"Daoist Liu?" I took a deep breath and spoke first, trying to break the almost stagnant atmosphere.

Liu Zhengdao then closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he calmed down a little, but there was still some other emotion in the way he looked at Dunkong.

After I identified it, I found that this emotion is pity...

"Mr. Li, my father said that you are extremely talented and a Mr. Yin Yang with a bright future. But if he had seen your son, he probably wouldn't have praised you."

"Will he be Mr. Yin Yang in the future? At such a young age, he will follow you around."

Liu Zhengdao's tone has also stabilized a lot, and his eyes are more on me, but he is still looking at Dunkong from the corner of his eye.

I nodded and explained at the same time that we were only on the way back, and if we encountered something on the road, we would settle the matter, and Dunkong would also be Mr. Yin-Yang in the future.

Liu Zhengdao shook his head, and said solemnly, "He is not suitable to be Mr. Yin Yang." My complexion changed slightly.

Liu Zhengdao frowned again, and continued: "I mean, maybe, he is more suitable for the talisman, the talisman of my Liu family."

What he said made my face change drastically!

Liu Zhengdao, what does this mean? !

The rules of the Liu family are strict, and it is even more impossible to spread the talisman skills to the outside world!But what he said, is he trying to get rid of it? !

Before I could speak, Liu Zhengdao continued to speak: "The internal turmoil between the Qiang people and the Liu family seems to be internal turmoil, but in fact, it is a change."

"After hundreds of years of changes, the Qiang people have become weaker and weaker, and the protection left by the ancestors has been exhausted."

"Father should have told you a lot, so I won't say much. The Qiang people want to be strong, but what they want to do will inevitably offend their ancestors and mess up the ancestral precepts. Father is upright and strict in rules. Naturally, we cannot agree."

"Now that my father has left, I have handed over the Liu family to Senior Brother Sanyuan."

"Brother Sanyuan is different from father, he is flexible!"

"The year I left, he was already teaching a Taoist priest with a foreign surname. He was the son of Qiang Qiu Tianyuan, Qingshan." Liu Zhengdao's words were extremely solemn.

I didn't interrupt aloud, just continued listening.

He paused for a while, then continued: "I took a rough look at that child, he was tough in nature, and he believed in the teachings of Senior Brother Sanyuan that he was a natural Taoist priest, born to straighten the way. Similarly, his understanding is also uniquely blessed .”

"I'm looking forward to what he will be like in the future. Perhaps, he is the balance point between the Qiang family and the Liu family."

"But today, I saw your son Li Dunkong. His understanding of talismans is probably not weaker than that child."

"Father went around in response to the hexagram. Brother Sanyuan is open to change. He has already agreed, and I have always felt that since the change, we can't put all our eggs in one basket."

"Mr. Li, how about letting him learn talismans? Learn from my Liu family's talismans." Liu Zhengdao's last words were extremely sincere. He even clenched his fists, put his forearm on his chest, and bowed slightly to me.

My face changed again, because I didn't expect that Liu Zhengdao said so much, and finally wanted to say this sentence...

My eyelids twitched wildly, and my forehead was sweating.

He Zhi's eyes were shocked at first, but soon turned into surprise!

"Yin Yang!" He Zhi lowered her voice and called me, but she couldn't hide the urgency in her voice and her desire to escape the talisman.

I didn't speak immediately.

Because... this matter is far from that simple...

The Liu family's talisman is indeed very strong.

But to learn this talisman, not only to learn the talisman, but also to be involved in the civil strife between the Liu family and the Qiang people.

Liu Zhengdao wanted to add another variable to Liu Sanyuan's variable!

This is indeed a flexible method, but if the variables are too large, the whole hexagram will collapse.

Let everything fall into a situation that cannot be controlled...

Also, my original intention was not to involve so many causes and effects in Dunkong...

At this moment, I was extremely entangled in my heart.

The life of escape is still in disaster.

Liao Cheng guarded his separated soul and let me do my own thing, so that this catastrophe can be broken and resolved.

If I agree, then after Dunkong learns the Liu family talisman, his life will be hardened to a certain limit!

So, is this also an opportunity?

My breathing became heavy.

He Zhi didn't dare to speak anymore, Liu Zhengdao's expression was full of anticipation, and he was still determined!

It's as if I'm sure, I can't stand this temptation and I will agree.

The sweat on the forehead became more and more, and began to slip from the corners of the eyes.

But at this moment, Dunkong suddenly pulled my arm.

I lowered my head and glanced at Dunkong.

Dunkong raised his head and met my eyes.

"Daddy, what you said is so complicated, I can't understand many words."

"I just understood the last sentence, this Taoist uncle also wants me to learn his talisman?" Dunkong said in a childish voice, his eyes were serious.

I nodded and said yes.

But Dunkong shook his head, his voice became more serious.

"I don't study."

My pupils constricted suddenly, and before I could speak, He Zhi squatted down.

She held Dunkong's little hand, and said in a hurried tone: "Dunkong, don't be willful, this matter, you have to listen to your father and mother, we will do it for your own good. You must not be afraid of hardship and tiredness!"

But Dunkong was still serious, shook his head and said: "Mother, I don't want to learn."

He Zhi was obviously in a hurry, and she wanted to speak again.

I raised my hand, pressed He Zhi's shoulder, and pulled her up.

Frowning tightly, I looked at Dun Kong's eyes again, and his eyes were more tenacious.

Suddenly, my heart skipped a beat again, and I felt that I had seen through Dun Kong's attitude, and there was a reason for it.

I was about to speak.

Liu Zhengdao took two steps forward, his brows were slightly frowned, but his expression was extremely serious.

"Dun Kong, don't rush to reject me."

"Now you are learning Yin-Yang Art from your father, but you still don't know how strong my Liu family's talismans are and how powerful Taoism is."

"After you've seen it, you won't shake your head."

"Mr. Yinyang is extremely difficult to come out of the black. It will take you many years to reach your father's level. And as far as I know, geography has been passed down from generation to generation. Your father is too young. If he wants to give you the mantle, I'm afraid it will be too late." At that time, you were at least middle-aged."

After a pause, Liu Zhengdao said again: "But the Taoism of the Liu family is different. As long as you learn it, you can make your debut. The Liu family has many Taoist tools. I can go back for you, or give you mine."

"A Taoist priest who has debuted is by no means weaker than the heaven and earth in the Yin-Yang world, let alone any Mr. Yin-Yang you know!"

"My father, Liu Tianniu, walks the world, but he is invincible. Any sneaky man who sees him will be scared out of his wits." Liu Zhengdao's eyes flashed with arrogance!

The next moment, Dunkong said in a low voice: "But I didn't learn Yin-Yang Art from Dad."

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