Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 840 They all want to call me Master Uncle

Liu Zhengdao's complexion changed, and a pimple was formed between his brows.

"Your master, is there someone else?" Dunkong nodded.

Liu Zhengdao looked at me again, and said in a deep voice: "Then this matter is much simpler, and you don't need to think about it, Mr. Li. Since Dunkong didn't learn geology, it can't be compared with my Liu family."

"After the matter in Shi Nian Town is over, I will go with you and meet Master Dunkong, and let go of this master-student relationship. After that, he will come with me to Liu's house to learn Taoism."

"I'm won't work." I took a deep breath and shook my head.

The vertical line between Liu Zhengdao's eyebrows became a word Sichuan, and his voice became a lot heavier, and he said, "Mr. Li, is it possible that you will be as pedantic as my father?!"

Liu Zhengdao's voice was heavier, and his dissatisfaction was palpable.

But Dunkong walked in front of me, his immature face was also frowning very tightly.

At this time, Dunkong's expression also became dissatisfied.

Children are innocent, and that kind of dissatisfaction comes from the bottom of their hearts.

"Why can't we be compared with Liu's family if we don't have geology and public opinion? Do we have to give up the master-student relationship?" Dunkong looked up at Liu Zhengdao and asked in a childish voice.

Liu Zhengdao was about to speak.

But Dunkong spoke again, interrupting his words first.

"You can't see my master, because neither father nor uncle dare to meet rashly. If you have other thoughts, you will die."

The tone of Dunkong's words is not serious, but the content is extremely astonishing.

"Who is he?! I've never heard of Mr. Yin and Yang who can kill the Taoist priest of the Liu family who debuted." Liu Zhengdao narrowed his eyes slightly, his tone didn't change harshly, he was just confronting Dunkong.

Dunkong lowered his head, then raised his head and said: "His name is Xu Sanbi, also called Xu Fu."

"Uncle told me that Xu Fu is his grandfather and my father's master's master. In terms of seniority, my father and uncle both call me Shishu."

"In addition, my master once said that the Taoist talisman of the Liu family is eclipsed in front of me." Dunkong's voice was too clear and serious, and his attitude was absolutely not oppressive, but the words came out Amazing to the extreme!

Liu Zhengdao's complexion suddenly changed.

He stepped back a few steps, retreated to the base of the wall, and supported the basement wall with one hand.

His pupils constricted, but there was no anger on his face, only shock!

"Xu Fu?!"

"This...impossible! When I was young, Xu Fu had already gone west. How old are you, you actually..."

At this time, Liu Zhengdao's voice and words were unbelievable.

Tun Kong still wanted to talk, but I could almost hear it, and felt that they talked enough...

Taking a step, I walked between Dunkong and Liu Zhengdao.

Raising my hand, I pressed Dunkong's head.

Looking at Liu Zhengdao again, I felt a little apologetic in my eyes.

Liu Zhengdao's expression suddenly became more complicated. He looked at me for a long time, then closed his eyes complicatedly, and sighed.

"Teaching apprentices from generation to generation depends entirely on understanding, so that's how it is." I didn't expect Liu Zhengdao to be so smart.

Even though I stopped Dunkong, he still guessed this.

"It seems that Geographical Kanyu, or Geographical Kanyu, has calculated my father's fate and Senior Brother Sanyuan's future correctly, and I want a workaround, but there is no chance."

"Mr. Li, don't you want to see the face of the third elder? You can see it." Liu Zhengdao made a gesture of invitation and said nothing more.

I was a little grateful for the look in his eyes.

Looking down at Dunkong, I whispered: "Five Sacred Fate Talisman." Dunkong raised his hand and took out a neatly folded talisman paper from his pocket.

After I took it, I lowered my head and looked at it for a moment, then turned around and squatted down next to the third elder's body again.

Press the Wuyue Township Charm from the chest of the third elder, and after sticking the Talisman, I carefully lifted the township spell on his face.

Dun Kong was by my side, watching very carefully.

My attention is all on the face of the third elder.

He had a round face. At first glance, the brow bone was very long, but upon closer inspection, there was a crack in the center, which was directly broken.

The eyelids are so thin that they seem ready to open at any moment.

The first thing I looked at was the tails of his eyebrows. The tails of his eyebrows fell off in sevens and eights, leaving only a few messy strands.

I took a deep breath, collected myself, and looked at the bridge of his nose again.

The blackened bridge of the nose is slightly curved and slightly skewed.

Among the people under the nose, there is a horizontal stripe...

My face changed, and I murmured in a low voice: "There is no greenness on the bridge of the nose, no greenness in the person, and the eyebrows are not scattered. I committed suicide not because of worry."

"The bridge of the nose is curved, crooked, long and thin, with horizontal lines, and died of poison."

While speaking, I stretched out my hand to pinch the third elder's chin, squeezed my fingers slightly, and his lips were squeezed away by me.

His lips are dark blue, and the corners of his mouth are without edges.

"The lower lip is thick, dark blue, and has no ribs. It was murdered by someone, not a corpse injury." As soon as I finished saying this, fine fluff grew on the Third Elder's chin.

The God of Suppressing Mantra on his head is gradually turning black.

Even the Five Sacred Fate Talisman on his chest began to curl up.

In a blink of an eye, those tiny fluffs turned into black hairs, almost half a finger long.

My pupils constricted, and I let go of my hand quickly.

The magic spell of holding the town fell immediately.

The blackened talisman gradually stopped changing, and the hairs overflowed the talisman paper, and did not continue to grow.

The curling of the Wuyue Town Life Talisman also stopped.

The two talismans stopped the three elders from transforming evil spirits.

This is not because Wuyue Zhenming Talisman is weak.

It's because the suppression of corpses is mainly on the top, and the suppression of the magic spell is on the top of the head, and the Five Sacred Life Suppression Talisman falls on the chest, and the effect is only two or three out of ten.

During this period, both He Zhi and Liu Zhengdao came to my side.

He Zhi was puzzled.

Liu Zhengdao's complexion was uncertain.

What I just said is very simple and understandable without explanation.

But I still smoothed out my thoughts and explained it to Liu Zhengdao.

Before he could answer, I asked him, how did the Third Elder cut off his own heart?

Liu Zhengdao told me that on that day, the third elder was injured by the drought demon. After he brought him back, the third elder could hardly suppress the evil spirit.

After getting back the medicine, the third elder held his chest, his heart veins had all been disconnected, and was about to dissipate, so he could only quickly draw the Suppressing God Mantra to suppress his corpse.

After a short pause, Liu Zhengdao said again: "It is impossible for outsiders to kill the third elder. Even if he is seriously injured, whoever gets close will die. Moreover, two months have passed, and those things outside have tried to kill me, and they have not found where I am. place."

I nodded, then shook my head again, and said: "It is true that no one knows that you are here, but after you left, the third elder got poisoned. He was killed because someone else poisoned him."

"If I'm not wrong, it's that gentleman..."

Liu Zhengdao's face was extremely ugly, he closed his eyes, and said again: "That man, why did you poison him? The third elder has no external injuries except Hanba's injury."

At this time, He Zhi suddenly whispered: "Could it be that after being poisoned, the strength of the third elder was weakened, so he was injured by the drought demon?"

"The injury and the poison made him cut off all the pulses?"

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