Chapter 830 Eight

Dun Kong was obviously taken aback by Liu Zhengdao, and moved towards me to hide a little.

I put my hand on his shoulder and patted him twice to comfort him.

Liu Zhengdao closed his eyes, calmed down a little, and then continued to speak: "There will be no living people here, they will all be bumped, or living corpses."

But He Zhi shook his head, and said anxiously: "Someone, that one last night, it can't be a living corpse, and it can't be a bumped corpse. I've seen both the bumped ones and the living corpses here. There are many of them. Qun..." He Zhi's words also shocked me a lot.

The hordes of disturbed people and living corpses she mentioned were indeed what should have happened last night.

But that person... who is it? !

I didn't interrupt He Zhi, and Liu Zhengdao's eyes became sharper.

He Zhi paused for a moment, and then said again: "After the living corpses and the thugs walked around the entrance of the town, a man in Tang suit appeared in the fog."

"He waved at me and Dunkong, the figure of that person was very similar to you... Plus, we all thought that there was no one alive in this town, so we mistook him for you, and then we followed in... ..."

"As a result, he kept going forward and chased here, and then he disappeared..."

"Afterwards I realized that it must be someone else, but Dunkong and I were worried that something might happen to you, so we were going to look for you. The fog here is too thick, making it difficult to move."

"I was about to go back when you came." He Zhi's words were clear, but my eyelids twitched wildly.

"Sir... I don't know what kind of gentleman it is."

I looked at Liu Zhengdao cautiously.

From his bewildered expression, I can see that he has no idea that there is a gentleman in Stone Nian Town...

I was also thinking about deduction.

Because I have always felt that this Hanba is too fierce, and it can actually hurt the third elder.

Even if the strength of the elders of the Liu family is different, it will not be so easy for the third elder to die.

In particular, the actual cause of the third elder's death was self-destruction of his own heart.

This is a problem in itself.

Now here we are, a gentleman appeared in Stone Nian Town...

This brings more questions to the surface...

Behind this, someone is setting up a trap! ?

But what I don't understand is that if someone set up a trick, it should be that Mr.

Why doesn't he continue to hide in the dark, get rid of us silently, insist on showing up, and let us know of his existence first?

Doesn't this deepen our defenses?Let's deal with him?

My thoughts are only fleeting.

The vertical lines on Liu Zhengdao's brows became deeper and deeper, as if carved by a knife.

He shook his head and said: "I don't know what kind of gentleman it is. He has never appeared before. I always thought that there would be no normal living people in Shi Nian Town except me. I didn't feel his breath." My heart skipped a beat.

Taoist priests of the Liu family are very sensitive to the breath of living people.

This is true whether it is Liu Tianniu or Liu Huayan.

That gentleman didn't play cards according to common sense, which gave me even more vigilance.

He Zhi looked at me uneasily, and Dunkong held my hand tightly.

"Let's go back first. There are too many variables in this mist. We must first figure out the purpose of that gentleman before making any plans." I said again.

Liu Zhengdao nodded, said a good word, and immediately turned to lead the way.

I picked up Dunkong, and He Zhi followed me closely, and our group shuttled through the white mist.

Under the breeze blowing, the mist was a lot messed up, but it didn't become weaker.

During this period, Liu Zhengdao has always been fully alert.

Although the fog was thick, Liu Zhengdao hadn't noticed that gentleman's aura before, but I think that the man must be far enough away and avoided Liu Zhengdao.

Once he gets close, he must be found.

Also, Liu Zhengdao's hiding place should be safe enough.

Otherwise, he would have been killed by Hanba long ago.

It took us about a quarter of an hour to return to the previous yard.

Drilling in through the kang holes in that room one by one, all four of them went to the basement.

He Zhi covered his mouth and looked at the corpse of the third elder on the ground in surprise.

There was also a bit of astonishment on Dunkong's immature face.

Liu Zhengdao was silent for a moment, did not speak, but walked towards the pile of sweet potatoes and potatoes, and he picked a few out.

I just discovered that there was a pile of firewood next to it.

Liu Zhengdao lit firewood and baked these things in.

"It's hard for me to speculate on Mr.'s purpose. It depends on you. But as long as you can find him, I can kill him."

At the same time, Liu Zhengdao's dull voice came to his ears.

From the corner of his eye, his back looks particularly bleak.

The flames stretched his shadow so long...

"Liu Daochang, the fate is fixed, and the third elder will not blame you. You have to keep your heart, we will get rid of that Hanba and avenge the third elder." I persuaded.

"En." Liu Zhengdao said the last word, and stopped talking.

Dunkong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at Liu Zhengdao helplessly, and touched his stomach with his little hand.

He Zhi whispered: "The dry food is on the carriage, I didn't take it down, or..."

I shook my head and said, "If we don't go out now, the man must have arranged for you to come in. If we act rashly, something may happen. We must first find out his purpose and identity."

As I said that, I pulled up Dunkong and walked towards the body of the third elder.

When I got to the corpse, I squatted down.

"Dunkong, Wuyue town life talisman, is there any more?" I asked.

Dunkong nodded, and replied: "Yes, Daddy, do you want to suppress the corpse? But, isn't it suppressed?"

During the speech, Dunkong stared at the magic spell of holding the town firmly.

I took a deep breath, and then said: "Daddy wants to lift his talisman, he may have problems, and you need to suppress him once."

As soon as I finished speaking, Dun Kong said in a softer voice: "Daddy... this talisman is incomplete, he only drew half of it."

Dunkong raised his hand, pointing at the magic spell.

My complexion changed slightly.

While his eyelids were twitching, he immediately glanced at Liu Zhengdao at the side from the corner of his eye.

Although Dunkong's voice is very small, but the place is so big, how can Taoist priests of the Liu family conceal it by whispering?

really!Liu Zhengdao also turned around.

He stared at Dun Kong's face with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

At the same time, Dunkong turned his head, and then hid behind me a little nervously.

"Liu Daochang, I don't want to offend you, please don't mind." I said hastily.

Dukong's words just now, although it seems to be nothing, but the Liu family's suppressing magic spell, is it an ordinary talisman?

In front of Liu Zhengdao, he said that the painting of Yazhen God's spell was incomplete...

Taoist priests with staid personalities like them would probably be angry.

Liu Zhengdao didn't answer me, he still looked at Dunkong.

The air has become a lot more dignified.

Suddenly, he said: "You, have you ever learned the township spell? Impossible, you have never been to the Liu family, and your father has never seen my Liu family's talisman."

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