The ghost woman raised her legs and entered the house, followed by my second uncle and me.

At this moment, Miao Guangyang was sitting upright, tapping his fingers lightly on the table.

The pen, ink and inkstone had been put away by him, and the piece of paper he had just written was pressed in front of his fingers.

The ghost woman Xi'er coughed, covering her chest with one hand, and the rolled leaf cigarette held in the other hand was almost deformed.

I hurried to pat the ghost woman on the back.

The ghost woman got better a little bit, and then she started to talk about the things in the village.

He and his second uncle walked the whole village, and the villagers still refused to go out. They didn't realize anything strange until they reached the gate of the village chief's house.

The courtyard was filled with darkness, and the resentment was still condensed. Even in broad daylight, there was a chilly air all around, and it was clear that there were murderous souls and resentful corpses.

He sprinkled incense ashes and glutinous rice at the gate of the courtyard, and there were also black footprints. Basically, it can be concluded that the problem should lie there.

Afterwards, they finally found a person who asked the question. The person probably said that in the past few days at night, there will be a person in a burial suit walking on the village road. If anyone sees someone on the village road, they will drag Someone asked for money.

And that person was none other than the dead village chief.

Everyone in the village was frightened and uneasy. No one dared to come out at night. They all chose to go out at noon.

But what frightened the whole village even more was that at noon yesterday, the villagers all left the village, but in the middle of the entrance of the village, they saw the village chief again, sitting on the ground and crying.

This frightened the whole village even dare not go out during the day.

At this point in the words, the ghost woman took another puff of cigarette, coughed for a while before continuing: "I know about the village chief, Liu Guishou told me about it before, he didn't listen to persuasion, and took it. The dead dog wants to give the two big yellow croakers to Li Yinyang. It is normal for him to die. The problem is that he will die that night. He wants to send the big yellow croakers out with his last breath, but Li Yinyang confiscated them, and now the money is gone. , It should be blamed on others, why does he want the money given away?"

At this point, the ghost woman said again: "Mr. Miao, don't worry, this matter is not difficult to handle, but it is a little troublesome, just ignore it for now, let's get the business done, and I will take care of it later."

When the ghost woman talked to me and my second uncle, her voice was cold, but now she was very respectful in front of Miao Guangyang.

Miao Guangyang nodded, and said: "Just make sure it has nothing to do with Li Yinyang's father. People who are killed by the dead dog will not be so fierce, but you still need to pay attention. If the dead dog kills you Curse, you must be careful. If you encounter barefoot people who are not afraid of wearing shoes, you must be more vigilant at all times."

Hag Low claims to be.

My heart skipped a beat.

The death curse has already been cast, which is the vicious words that cursed people in the part of begging for death.

The sentence that barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes sounds like an understatement, but it is definitely not easy to say it from the mouth of the husband.

It's just that the ghost woman won't let Miao Guangyang intervene in this matter, so naturally I can't say anything else.

The room was quiet for a while, and since those words were finished, no one spoke again.

The second uncle obviously couldn't bear it, and was about to speak.

Miao Guangyang continued: "Liu Shuigui's body turned into a black evil spirit and fell into the concave wind cave. It can't be removed during the overcast season. I calculated it. Tonight's Xu time and Hai time, dusk and late night alternate. , people will rest, if he wants to break the corpse out, he will definitely choose someone to enter the forest, and someone needs to be guarded outside the forest, but if someone comes, they will all be blocked. You three guard the forest, and I will go and carry his corpse. Go out. When you come back, you come to open the way.”

Miao Guangyang's words are well-founded, but I don't understand the time, and I don't understand the rest.

And the last one he talked about, He Zhi told me yesterday that he wanted to use the method of the ghost woman to open the Yin path in exchange for the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng...

What is this thing?

The ghost woman nodded directly, and the second uncle also solemnly said a good word.

My thoughts raced, I came back to my senses, hesitated and said, "Can I go into the woods together?"

Miao Guangyang smiled, but shook his head.

The second uncle said in a low voice: "Yinyang, don't mess around, I've already taken you to see it at noon, and I'll leave the rest to Mr. Miao, we don't have that ability, we can't make trouble!" I lowered my head and didn't say any more.

Then, Miao Guangyang yawned and said let's rest, get some food, recharge our batteries, and go to the woods in the back mountain when the time comes.

The second uncle nodded again and again, beckoning me to go into the kitchen to get food.

My house is simple, but fortunately, last time Xie Xiaohua and his man brought rice noodles, eggs, and bacon.

Fried eggs, steamed white rice, cut bacon into a plate and steamed it with rice.

About half an hour later, the kitchen was filled with the smell of salty and fresh meat.

After taking out the food and filling up the stomachs of several people, the second uncle invited Miao Guangyang into the room to rest.

The ghost woman was smoking at the door, while the second uncle was leaning against the table to sip a drink.

There is nothing else to do right now, waiting for the time, I feel a little restless.

The ghost woman seemed to see it, and after she coughed twice, she asked me to go to sleep too, maybe I have to stay up all night, so as not to fall asleep and do bad things.

I listened to him and went back to the house, fell asleep this time, and when I woke up, it was almost nightfall.

The voice of the second uncle calling my name came from outside, go to the main room, the three of them are ready to go.

Miao Guangyang told the ghost woman and the second uncle a few more words, but I was still a little confused at the moment, and I didn't quite understand them.

The second uncle greeted me again, and they stepped out of the house.

I hastily followed.

At this moment, the sky outside is about to be dark, between the end of dusk and the intersection of night.

There is only the sound of the wind and the sound of the flowing water of the hanging river not far away.

After we arrived at the village, the village was so quiet that we couldn't even hear the sound of wind and water.

Miao Guangyang walked in the forefront, and the speed under his feet was a little faster.

It didn't take long, and we were outside the woods before dark.

Looking up, you can see the corpses hanging from the old trees on the cliff. The dimness is mixed with part of the night light. Those corpses shake slightly, which also gives people an extremely depressing feeling.

Miao Guangyang turned his head and took a deep look at the second uncle, the ghost woman, and me, and nodded.

The second uncle and the ghost woman nodded solemnly at the same time, and Miao Guangyang went straight into the forest.

Now that I'm fully awake, I asked my second uncle what Miao Guangyang told me just now.

The second uncle took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Your old man wants to dismember the corpse tonight. He is already very fierce. He will lure some people into the forest. We can't let any of them in. Those people will definitely be very weird. Either you are muddled, or maybe you haven’t woken up yet, you just need to put one in and it’s over.”

My heart skipped a beat, and I nodded.

At this moment, the ghost woman suddenly said: "Not only people, but also cats can't be put in."

The second uncle was obviously taken aback, and said, "What do you mean? Mr. Miao didn't mention cats?"

But the next moment, the second uncle's face changed slightly!

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