With this sound, I was almost hoarse, my eyes widened, and the eyeballs seemed to be popping out.

Raising my legs suddenly, I want to rush towards my father.

The position of the shoulder was suddenly clasped by a hand, and Miao Guangyang's cautious words caught his ears.

"During the Great Yin, in the place where Heisha sits in the cave, it will become a dead body. You dare not touch it!" Not only cautious, but also a little bit shocked.

Miao Guangyang took two steps forward and stood in front of me.

What he said immediately reminded me of the corpse-hunting rules my father told me at the time.

If the murderous corpse that was hanged by the corpse hunter falls, the corpse will not be found at all, and it will become a broken corpse, which can only be seen on the hanging river in the middle of the night.

And seeing the broken corpse, nine out of ten will die, and the rest will be frightened crazy!

My dad didn't fall down normally, but was brought down by someone...

But he is still a broken corpse?But why, we can still see him in this wood?

I couldn't restrain the trembling in my heart, and couldn't help telling Miao Guangyang these words, but I didn't restrain my doubts.

His eyes were always on my father's body, the face covered with black fluff became more and more terrifying the more he looked at it.

Especially those black eyes with no whites, they are no different from evil spirits.

Miao Guangyang's eyes were almost narrowed before he said: "It will become a broken corpse, but he has not yet broken. The broken corpse mentioned by the corpse hunter should mean that the corpse is so dark that it breaks out. Green hemp ropes and old tree trunks cannot withstand breaking. If you fall down the mountain like that, your body will definitely be damaged.”

"Now that your father hasn't reached that time yet, Huaheisha's body is extremely tough, even if he falls off a cliff, he can't break it. However, his position happens to be a concave wind hole in Fengshui. There is a saying in Kanyu, It’s called the third most taboo Aufeng Cave, and it’s sure to kill everyone! It’s because the yin energy here is too heavy, which will bring disaster to future generations, and the time he’s staying here is almost over, and the yin energy will soon be broken.”

What Miao Guangyang said, I was confused.

But I also understood one thing, that is, this place is too fierce, if my father stays here, I will die!Also, my father has not yet become a broken corpse...

I suppressed my uneasiness and anxiety, and immediately asked Miao Guangyang, if we don't take this opportunity to take my father away, should we wait until it really gets dark?

As soon as the voice fell, I felt that the surroundings were suddenly quieter.

I don't know when, the surrounding area was foggy.

Even though it was broad daylight, the fog was so dense that you could hardly see your fingers.

And the fog came too fast, and it surrounded Miao Guangyang and me in an instant.

And in the mist, I could vaguely hear clanging knocks and slight footsteps...

I was very close to Miao Guangyang, and I could barely see his head and face clearly.

At this moment, I found that he was holding the three-in-one plate in his hand, looking down at the same time, while pressing my shoulder with the other hand, he stepped back carefully.

Time passed extremely slowly, and I didn't dare to make a sound at this moment.

It's just that what makes me feel uncomfortable is that the sound of kicking footsteps... very familiar, just like my father's walking sound!

I don't know how long it took, but when the sun was shining on my body and the warmth penetrated deep into my body, I finally came back to my senses.

At this moment, Miao Guangyang and I are already outside the woods.

I was covered in cold sweat, and glanced at Miao Guangyang from the corner of my eye.

His face was extremely dignified, and his eyes were full of prudence.

The next moment, Miao Guangyang raised his head to look at the sky, and his voice was a little hoarse: "It's past three o'clock in the afternoon, and the Heisha sits in the Aufeng Point. It's really fierce in the dark."

Then Miao Guangyang answered me, the reason why he didn't come forward just now was because he didn't dare, the time of the great overcast is actually far more fierce than the usual night, it's just because of the short time that he dared to take me to see it, because something happened , he is also sure to guarantee our safety.

But if he didn't leave just now, but took the initiative to approach my father, he didn't know what happened to me, he would definitely die.

I didn't ask any more questions, because I could see the danger just now...

At this moment, Miao Guangyang walked towards the forest again.

My heart skipped a beat, but I quickly followed suit.

This time, Miao Guangyang's speed was much faster.

This forest is not big at all, and the path is clear after walking it before, and we arrived at the position just now in three to two minutes.

It's just that for a while, there is nothing in the open space...

My father's body was gone, and so was the crude corpse boat.

Miao Guangyang murmured in a low voice: "As expected." "Where is my father..." I said uneasily.

"It's getting dark, and he will appear here. As for where he is now, I don't know. If I know, I can take him away directly. It's impossible for us to find him." Miao Guangyang replied in a deep voice.

"This..." I said, originally I wanted to talk about looking for it, but Miao Guangyang's words almost blocked my meaning.

Then we left from the woods.

On the way back to my house, Miao Guangyang put away the compass.

With one hand behind his back, he squeezed the other hand, and tapped his thumb lightly between his middle fingers, as if he was calculating something.

Not long after we entered the village, the head of the village is still the same as before, nothing has changed.

I also didn't see the second uncle and the ghost woman, so I don't know what happened to them.

In terms of time, it didn't take long for Miao Guangyang and I to go to the woods, so they should still be investigating in the village?

I instinctively asked Miao Guangyang, should I go to find the ghost woman and my second uncle now, or go back to my house directly?

Miao Guangyang didn't answer me, and walked forward on his own, while frowning slightly, thinking about something.

I quickly kept my mouth shut and just led the way.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, I returned to my house.

The ghost woman and the second uncle were not there, so it was obvious that they hadn't come back yet.

Miao Guangyang sat at the wooden table, took out the pen, ink, inkstone and paper, and still ignored me.

I don't know exactly what Miao Guangyang is going to do, but it's roughly the same. He must be preparing for tonight's event, and there must be a proper and safe way to get my father out.

Not daring to disturb Miao Guangyang, I sat on the threshold and waited.

About half an hour later, on the road in the distance, the ghost woman and the second uncle came back in a hurry.

When they got close, I could see the ghost woman's dull complexion and the sweat on the second uncle's forehead.

I quickly stood up and took two steps forward.

"You're back? How's it going?" The second uncle spoke first, and his words were a little hasty.

I made a careful hissing motion, and then told me everything in the woods.

The second uncle's voice was also much lower, obviously he was also afraid of disturbing Miao Guangyang.

As for the ghost woman, he didn't say a word, just lit a rolled leaf cigarette and started smoking.

The second uncle's face was ashen, and his fists were almost clenched.

At this moment, Miao Guangyang in the house suddenly said: "Come in, ghost woman, what do you think, what's going on in the village?"

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