I frowned and said, "You don't have to be timid, with me here, there won't be any accidents."

"If you don't have the guts, wait until you see your mayor, and then let him arrange staff."

Just after I said this, the woman named Xiulan also hurried into the room, and she nervously leaned over to Xu Baoshu's ear and said a few words.

Xu Baoshu hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and nodded, saying: "Sir, I'm bold, I'll go!"

I won't say anything else.

Dunkong has already turned all the talismans out of his pocket.

He put those talismans that could save people aside, there were about a dozen of them.

On Dunkong's immature face, the eyebrows also frowned.

Then, he took out a small inkstone and brush from his backpack.

The inkstone and pen are also objects that Jiang Pan gave to escape.

The childish voice of Dunkong told me that there were not enough talismans and he had to draw them, but he didn't know how many talismans he needed.

At this time, Xu Baoshu obviously had a lot of insight and said that he would go to the mayor immediately, because he knew how many people in the town were sick.

After saying that, Xu Baoshu asked Xiulan to cook, and he hurried towards the outside of the courtyard.

Soon, only He Zhi, Dunkong and I were left in the main room.

Dunkong began to grind ink and draw symbols.

He Zhi was a little worried, she said softly: "If those people really play tricks, will it be more dangerous?"

"No." I shook my head.

He Zhi didn't continue to speak, and began to lower his head in thought.

In about two quarters of an hour, Xu Baoshu brought his people back.

The courtyard crowded in, at least seven or eight people squeezed in.

The headed one was in his early 60s, his eyes were filled with excitement and nervousness.

The people behind are older and more emotionally restrained.

Xu Baoshu entered the main room, while the others were waiting outside.

He came to me respectfully and said something, sir, the mayor is here.

I got up and turned around, and walked out of the main room.

Those few townspeople saluted me.

I just noticed that the mayor still had a tray in his hand.

He opened it, and there were a lot of big yellow croakers on it.

There are at least a dozen or so items at this glance. Under the moonlight, the reflection is dazzling.

"Sir, a little care is not a respect. As long as you can save our Zhanshan Town, the whole town will be grateful to you." The mayor of the town was about to kneel on the ground.

I took two steps forward and supported the mayor, but the people behind were still kneeling on the ground.

I frowned and asked them to stand up again.

Xu Baoshu immediately stepped forward to help the others, and told them again that I am a truly virtuous gentleman and don't care about these external money.

The mayor stared at me blankly, still in disbelief.

I told the mayor to let him leave with some talismans first, and then stay behind and guard them. Once a talisman is drawn, he will use it to save people.

Dunkong's little face was tense, and he was always drawing meticulously.

I asked He Zhi to watch Dunkong, and asked Xu Baoshu to take me to the back mountain.

Originally, He Zhi wanted to follow me, but she looked at Dunkong again and didn't say anything else.

After Xu Baoshu and I went out, Xu Baoshu took me and walked towards the depths of the town.

When passing by some houses and yards, I can still hear some coughing sounds from time to time.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, we finally reached the edge of the town.

From far away, you can see a mountain outside the town.

Although it was dark at this time, the moonlight was bright and the shape of the mountain was clearly visible.

There are three extremely sharp peaks in the whole mountain, each of which seems to tower into the sky.

I stopped, looked carefully for a while, and saw the general Feng Shui pattern.

This mountain is shaped like a pen holder.

In the records of the Zhaijing, there is such a sentence, the mountain is like a pen holder, and brothers are all together!

As long as they are buried in this mountain, if there are brothers in that family, both brothers must be rich.

With a feng shui bureau like this, why do you need to use the dojo to change feng shui?

Xu Baoshu looked at me nervously and waited beside me.

I took out the fixed compass, looked down at the pointer on it, and continued to walk forward.

This time, I basically walked side by side with Xu Baoshu.

I told him to go straight up the mountain later and let him take me to the repaired dojo.

Xu Baoshu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and nodded repeatedly.

After another half an hour or so, we arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The moon hangs high in the night sky, and from this angle, it seems to be just at the top of the middle mountain.

Xu Baoshu led me up the mountain road, and we walked to the halfway up the mountain.

I just saw that a house was built on a flat place on the mountainside.

Xu Baoshu told me cautiously that this is the dojo.

I frowned.

Where does this house look like an ashram?

Normal dojos, at least the ones I have seen, are surrounded by low walls, a courtyard is repaired, and the main hall is behind it.

And the wall of this house is so high that it completely blocks the sight of outsiders, and they can't see the inside at all.

The heavy door was tightly closed.

It even gives people a strong feeling of constriction here. The whole mountain was originally good, but now it makes people feel broken...

And the fixed compass in my hand, the direction of the pointer has changed.

The needle is half-floating and half-sinking, not going up to the top, not going down to the bottom...

This needle is called a throwing needle.

Under the needle, there must be a grave!

In addition, it's not just the needle, the pointer is still wobbling, almost fluctuating in Xunsibing.

This is also called enamel needles. The enamel needles in Xunsi's third place must have ancient tools under nine feet!

"Go and knock on the door." I put away the compass and said to Xu Baoshu.

Xu Baoshu straightened his back, reached out and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened a crack.

A dull voice came from the crack: "Who?!"

There was a bit of vigilance in that voice.

"Xu Baoshu, people from Zhanshan Town...the town is here sir, I want to come and have a look." Xu Baoshu retreated a little, his expression extremely nervous.

With my hands behind my back and my expression unchanged, I looked at the gate.

The next moment, the door opened a little, revealing a round face full of flesh.

He stared at Xu Baoshu, and said in an extremely ugly voice: "I see that you people in Zhanshan Town don't want to live anymore, and dare to come to the mountain, forgetting that you offended the mountain god, everyone in the town will die of illness?!"

"Sir? What kind of gentleman are you looking for, who can be stronger than Mr. Guan?"

As he said that, the man's eyes fell on me, and there was a bit of murderous intent in his eyes.

At the same time, his hand slowly moved towards his waist.

I looked at him with a calm expression, and said, "Dig the graves all over the place. I want to steal the treasures in the tombs, and I also want to entrap the people of the town along the way. What kind of gentleman is this gentleman? He is not afraid of falling while walking." Going down the cliff, was punished by God?!"

The round-faced man looked at me in astonishment, and the sweat on his forehead turned into a bean-sized drop.

He yelled sternly: "Little boy, what nonsense are you talking about?!"

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