The moment he finished speaking, his hand was suddenly pulled out from his waist.

A thin black stick was thrown directly towards my neck!

The thin stick was not long, so logically speaking, it couldn't hit my neck.

But there was a soft "whoosh!", and a bright knife tip popped out from the top of the stick!

The tip of the knife is touching my neck!

I didn't move.

The moment the tip of the knife was about to hit me, there was a muffled sound, and the door beside the round-faced man crashed down, hitting his shoulder impartially.

The tip of the knife slashed across my neck, but it didn't hurt me at all.

Xu Baoshu next to him exclaimed to be careful.

The man screamed in pain, and his whole body was crushed by the door and hit the door frame on the other side.

I raised my leg and kicked him in the chest!

He let out a muffled snort, and I kicked him right into the door!

Pulled by inertia, the door fell down along with him!

With a bang, the door fell to the ground, and the round-faced man got up in panic, staring at me with a look of seeing a ghost.

I raised my hand and pulled out the golden ruler from my waist.

I also stepped in.

Glancing at the round-faced man, I swept across the dojo.

It is said to be a dojo, but in fact there is no yard at all, it is just a big house.

This statue is just an ordinary clay sculpture, very crude.

There are many full sacks on the ground.

It looks like it should be filled with dirt?

The round-faced man staggered back a few steps, his right arm was trembling, and he held the stick and knife tightly in his hand.

"Little white face, your luck is very good, but soon, you will not be so lucky." He said, cursed again, retracted his body slightly, and rushed forward again, leaping forward with a vigorous step, holding The stick and knife pierced towards my heart!

My hands clenched the Tongqiao Fenjin ruler back and forth.

The moment he was about to stab me in the heart, he suddenly let out another muffled groan, curled up in mid-air, and landed heavily.

I raised my hand, pierced the dark side of the golden ruler, and hit the round-faced man's root with a "snap!"

In an instant, a bitter word was printed on the root of his mountain.

The negative side of the golden ruler for Tongqiao points is one foot, one inch and eight points, and there are ten divisions, each with its own good and bad.

This bitterness means that the lost officials and ghosts have robbed wealth and have no heirs!

The round-faced man covered the bridge of his nose in pain, and turned over from the ground.

But at this time, the roots of his mountain were dark, and there were signs of becoming rich again!

The golden ruler of Tongqiao has already affected his appearance!

A villain of this level doesn't need to spend so much trouble to break the bones.

The roots of the mountain are dark, full of diseases and disasters.

And the roots of the mountain are black and thick, which is a bloody disaster!

"Where did you come" The round-faced man covered the bridge of his nose with one hand and his waist with the other.

The stick knife fell to the ground a long time ago, and he didn't have time to pick it up.

He stared at me with uncontrollable fear in his eyes.

Obviously, he had already realized that the two "misses" just now were not misses.

"Geography, Li Yinyang." I answered calmly with my hands hanging on my waist.

There was a look of surprise and uncertainty in the eyes of the round-faced man.

"Are you Mr. Lu Yinyang, the Earth Prime Minister of this generation? It is said that you are heading north, but you actually took a detour to..."

His voice stopped abruptly, and his expression became more sinister.

I frowned slightly.

I'm not surprised, though, that he knows me.

In the past few years, I have used my reputation as a geologist to do a lot of things.

Guan Xiantao and his party, and then Lai Qian's son Se Zhongjing came to Xianglu with great fanfare to block me.

And until we left Tang Town, we saved lives and healed the wounded all the way.

The name of Mr. Yin Yang, geologist, has already spread more and more widely.

My thoughts settled down in an instant, my expression remained calm, and I said, "Since you know that I am Li Yinyang, then you should know that people's lives are peaceful in the places I have walked in the past few months."

"Confess your accomplices, tell what you did, and then catch them without a fight. You can have a chance to atone for your sins." After I finished speaking, my gaze was as sharp as a blade.

The man pursed his lips and said nothing.

The next moment, he suddenly pulled his legs out and rushed towards the position of the statue!

"Li Yinyang, who doesn't know, what have you done in the places you walked in the past few months?! Captured without a fight, waiting to be shot?!" The moment his roar dissipated, he had already arrived at the side of the statue.

He was about to drill towards the rear.

How could I watch him escape from my eyes? !

I squinted my eyes slightly, and said word by word: "Your mountain roots are pitch black, you are riddled with diseases, and the disaster of blood and light is at your fingertips."

"Where do you want to go? Die outside this dojo?!" The moment I finished speaking, I threw the golden ruler in my hand and threw it forward!

With a soft whoosh sound, Tongqiao Fenjinru came out of his hand.

The ruler hit the back of the man's head in an instant!

He froze in place, and the next moment, he fell obliquely to the right.

I walked forward quickly.

When I got to the man's side, I picked up the Tongqiao and divided the golden ruler.

Frowning and staring at the man on the ground, he looked up at us dully, his eyes were already a bit slack.

In short, he seems to be insane.

His roots were getting darker and darker, and there was a dent and damage on the back of his head close to the ear.

That place is where Tongqiao Fen's golden ruler hits.

Giant bone!

The Juao bone governs wisdom and longevity.

Now that this place is broken by me, he will be so stupid.

I wanted to ask something, but I couldn't.

At the same time, I saw at a glance the base behind the statue, and there was a dark passage slanting down.

The man just wanted to leave through this passage.

No, this is not the way out.

Nine feet below, there are ancient artifacts, which means that there are old graves below.

Old-fashioned is a coffin, and ancient artifacts are funerary objects!

He should be the one who released the wind, and the ones below are his accomplices.

I frowned slightly, thinking.

Do you go down now, or wait for someone to come out at the entrance of this cave.

After a while, I made up my mind.

I don't understand the situation below. This is a robbery cave, and the bottom is a tomb. The space is narrow and it is difficult to use it.

Besides, there are quite a few people below, so I don't need to take risks.

Walking slightly obliquely towards the side of the statue, I hid my figure, holding a golden ruler in my hand, and squinted my eyes to look at the entrance of the passage.

From my angle, if the people inside want to come out, they won't be able to see me.

Then I can at least subdue one of them in the first instant!

At the door, Xu Baoshu looked at me anxiously.

I made a hissing motion, and made a step out gesture.

Xu Baoshu hesitated for a moment, then slowly backed away.

I have been standing beside the idol, waiting quietly, ready to strike at any time.

I don't know how long it took, and a slight sound came from the entrance of the cave. The sound came from far to near, and it was someone crawling up.

I squinted my eyes slightly, fully alert.

After a while, a head came out of the hole, and his body also got out.

I raised the golden ruler to understand the points!

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