As he spoke, he viciously raised the hoe in his hand.

He Zhi's face became even uglier.

At this time, Dunkong took two small steps forward, raised his head towards the man, and said immaturely: "Is it scary to be sick?"

"Uncle told me that I had been ill for three years and could die at any time, but my father and mother treated me for three years."

"How long has she been ill?"

Dunkong pointed to the little girl.

The words of escape made me startled.

He Zhi's eye sockets turned red a lot.

The man's face gradually turned pale.

I sighed softly, took two steps forward, and stood in front of the man and He Zhi.

With one hand, I blocked He Zhi and signaled her to back off.

With the other hand, I faced the man and made a downward movement.

"Since we sent her back, it must not harm your family. I have been visiting various places recently, and I have encountered many disasters and diseases on the way."

"This tuberculosis has become a plague and has spread throughout Zhanshan Town, and it has already devastated one area."

"Since we're here, we'll take care of it. Tell me what happened in this town."

I spoke calmly with determination, and looked at the man with deeper eyes.

The man froze for a moment, looking at me with suspicion.

"It doesn't matter... what do you do with this tuberculosis, the doctors in the town are all dead..." His voice was particularly miserable.

I opened my mouth again, and said in a deep voice, "Illnesses that the doctor can't control are not necessarily all illnesses. Just now you said that this town offended the mountain god?"

"That should be a problem with Feng Shui here. I am Mr. Yin Yang, can I take care of this?!"

As soon as I finished speaking, the man's eyes were quite dull.

"Sir? Mr. Feng Shui?" He spoke again, his eyes were full of nervousness for a moment.

"Before, there was a Fengshui gentleman in the town. The gentleman said that the evil dragon held the pearl, and the townspeople offended the mountain god, so the whole town was punished. If you want to solve this problem, you must either die of tuberculosis or die of [-] people. A hundred large yellow croakers, he will solve this disaster!"

"But where can we get a hundred large yellow croakers?!"

I frowned.

In terms of Feng Shui, there is a saying that a white tiger holds a corpse. How can there be such a thing as a dragon holding a pearl? !

What's more, once there is a problem with Feng Shui and it becomes a deadly Feng Shui, it will not only kill [-] people?Everyone in the town, as long as they don't leave here, will not be spared.

What kind of natural disaster is this problem in Zhanshan Town?

After my thoughts settled down, I said again: "Mr. Feng Shui, maybe he is a little worse than Mr. Yin Yang, and I don't want a hundred big yellow croakers."

"Then sir, what evidence do you have for saying that you offended the mountain god?"

The man swallowed a mouthful of saliva, put down the hoe in his hand,

Wiping his hands on his clothes, he seemed embarrassed again.

He said cautiously: "Are you better than Mr. Feng Shui?"

After speaking, he made a gesture of invitation, and said more carefully: "Then can you come in and sit down and discuss in detail..."

The man's eyes fell on the little girl again, and there was a burst of unconcealable sadness in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he tentatively asked me again, can it really solve the troubles in the town?

That's settled, will his daughter die?Will their family still be infected? !

I pondered for a moment and told him to let him put her daughter in a separate room first, and carefully arrange care. Anyone who touches her should wrap her mouth and nose with a cloth, and don't directly touch her body or things she has touched. Prevent family members from being infected.

For the rest of the matter, I have to wait for me to figure out whether this Zhanshan Town is a natural disaster of Fengshui or a man-made disaster.

When I said this, He Zhi turned her head and looked at me, she was surprised.

I nodded to signal her to be calm.

Dunkong pointed at the back of the little girl's head, and whispered: "Don't drop that talisman, or she won't be able to hold it."

His childish voice was full of innocence.

The man nodded quickly, then he glared at the woman again, and said, "Xiulan, didn't you hear what Mr. said? Hurry up and send Qingqing to a hut, and you can get her something to eat!"

Then, he saluted me respectfully, and apologized repeatedly for what happened just now, saying that they had no choice but to let go of their daughter.

As long as I can really solve this matter, he can guarantee that the whole town will do their best to repay my kindness.

I shook my head, didn't answer this sentence, just walked into the main room.

He Zhi and Dun Kong followed closely behind me.

After entering the main room, we sat at the table.

The man told us that his name was Xu Baoshu, and told us about this in detail.

what's going on in town.

About a year ago, a Feng Shui master led a team to build a dojo on the mountain behind Zhanshan Town.

They say the feng shui here is very good, and it will be even better after the monastery!

At that time, the whole town was very happy, thinking that the ancestors had accumulated virtues, and there was a gentleman who took the initiative to come to see Fengshui and even repaired the dojo.

However, during that time, nothing good happened in the town.

On the contrary, some people are unlucky from time to time.

At that time, Mr. Na said that things must be reversed when they are extreme, and Feng Shui is too good, but it makes people sick. They will do it on the mountain for a period of time, so that people are not allowed to approach.

As a result, several townspeople were disobedient and got into the mountain.

They all ended up rolling off the cliff and falling to their deaths.

After that, people in the town began to get sick.

That gentleman told the town that when those people broke in, they were worshiping the mountain god and praying for better Feng Shui luck.

Someone broke in and destroyed the practice of opening the altar, which angered the mountain god.

At this point, Xu Baoshu sighed heavily.

He said bitterly: "Then Mr. will not care about the life and death of the people in our town from now on, saying that we are disobedient, and they will take the risk to ask the mountain god unless we give enough big yellow croakers, otherwise, this is what we have to pay cost."

After he finished speaking, he looked at me with bitterness on his face.

My fingers tap lightly on the table.

He Zhi turned his head to look at me, his eyes were filled with inquiries, and he said softly: "Mountain gods say that most of them come from ghosts and monsters, or that things have become old and refined. In terms of Feng Shui, there are mountain gods?"

I shook my head and said no.

Basically, from Xu Baoshu's words, I can already judge that this place is a man-made disaster.

"Xu Baoshu, you have to do a few things."

"First, tell me, are those people still on the mountain?"

"Second, Dunkong, you take out all the talismans that can save people on your body, and ask Xu Baoshu to find someone to send to every home of a sick person."

"Third, take me to the mountains to have a look."

I told Xu Baoshu directly.

Xu Baoshu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and murmured, "They're still on the mountain...haven't entered the town for more than three months."

"I can call the mayor and ask him to deliver the talisman..."

Finally, Xu Baoshu said anxiously: "I dare not go up the mountain... I am afraid I will offend the mountain god... If I die, the incense of the Xu family will be..."

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