Under the reflection of the moonlight, the little girl's skin was not only pale, but even a bit shriveled.

Her nose was black and her nostrils were turned out.

There are five kinds of serious illnesses...

The lungs are black, the nose is black, the pores are exposed, and the skin is dry!

Back then, Ma Kuan was the one who had been carved into a wooden figure with a carving knife, and I cursed him into a seriously ill lung failure and died.

Now this little girl is not as serious as Ma Kuan at that time.

But at that time, Ma Kuan died of a serious illness!

Right now, she is just a face with a terminal lung, and she is not yet ready to die.

His eyebrows are fairly normal, and his mouth and nose are just faintly green, but never darkened.

Yintang also did not crack.

Amidst the coughing sound of ho ho, a lot of saliva overflowed from the corner of the little girl's mouth, and there was a trace of blood.

He Zhi quickly took out a piece of cloth and directly covered Dun Kong's mouth and nose, at the same time,

Gave me a urging look.

I also quickly took two pieces of white cloth from my inner pocket, covered the nose and mouth of myself and He Zhi, and quickly said to Dunkong: "Dunkong, back up."

"Tuberculosis will spread." My tone became more cautious.

Dunkong retreated a little bit, he raised his face to look at me, his immature face was full of unbearable.

"Daddy, I can save her." Dunkong said in a low voice.

My complexion changed slightly, and I frowned and said, "Save her? Heal her?"

He Zhi looked equally astonished.

Dunkong shook his head again, and then told me that it was not a cure, but a talisman to prevent her from dying.

As he said that, Dunkong took out a talisman from his waist.

It was a talisman the size of a palm, with complicated lines on its surface, unlike the regular font arrangement of talismans, but some gossip symbols.

The combination of these symbols also gives people a feeling of human face.

I didn't say a word, but also gave He Zhi a look, signaling her to stay calm.

The next moment, Dunkong directly stuck the talisman on the back of the little girl's head.

The little girl's body, which was still trembling slightly, suddenly calmed down.

Her breathing has also become much calmer and more stable.

"Dunkong, what kind of talisman is this?" I asked.

Dunkong looked at the girl carefully for a long time, then whispered: "Five Elements Life-Suppressing Talisman."

I let out a long breath, nodded and said, "There should be a lot of sick people in the town, and we can save them if we can. Let's see if the source of the disease here is human or Feng Shui, and then solve the root cause."

He Zhi also suppressed the worry on his face.

At this time, the little girl opened her eyes tremblingly.

Her eyes were full of weakness, as well as fear and uneasiness.

She shrank her body and wanted to back up, but she didn't have much strength, so she couldn't back up at all.

"Little girl, don't be afraid, we pass by here and can help you." I just finished speaking.

The little girl burst into tears.

She has tuberculosis, and her crying sound is also very strange, like a broken bellows.

And it also exudes a fishy smell.

"You, were you thrown here? Don't cry, tell us where your home is, and we'll take you home." He Zhi opened his mouth.

Dunkong stretched out his hand and touched the little girl's head,

Seriously said: "Father and mother will help you, they are very powerful."

The little girl finally stopped crying a little, she wiped the corners of her dirty eyes,

He raised his hand and pointed to the direction deep in the town road.

There was a bit of sullenness on He Zhi's face.

When she stood up, she reached out and pulled the little girl up from the ground.

"Yinyang, let's go in and have a look. By the way, we can find someone to ask you the information you want." He Zhi whispered, and motioned for us to get on the carriage.

I carried Dun Kong into the carriage, and He Zhi let the little girl sit beside her, and then started driving.

Dunkong looked at the little girl through the car door in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

In fact, when He Zhi asked that question just now, I already knew that the child must have been abandoned because of his serious illness, there is no doubt about it.

We have to take care of things here, so naturally we can't watch such a little girl go home.

The carriage traveled on the town road for about a cup of tea.

With a cry, the carriage stopped.

After He Zhi and the little girl got out of the car, I also got out of the car with Dun Kong.

The car was parked next to a small green brick courtyard, the courtyard door was closed, and two white lanterns were hung on the courtyard.

The little girl broke free from He Zhi's hand and went to knock on the door.

From the moment when He Zhi's face was not good-looking, now, her entire face is almost calm.

After a while, the courtyard door opened a crack.

The little girl just started coughing again, she clutched her chest hard, coughing extremely hard.

The courtyard door was suddenly opened, and behind the door was a man in his 20s.

He stared at the little girl in disbelief, and cursed: "You little bastard, who told you to run back! You got tuberculosis! Hurry up and die outside, don't come back and harm others!"

The little girl coughed and coughed, and began to sob and cry.

I frowned. Judging from his face, the man's facial features had many similarities with the little girl's.

It is roughly certain that he is the girl's father.

At this moment, the man raised his leg and was about to kick the little girl's chest.

At the same time, he scolded: "Hurry up and get out! Don't cry here."

He Zhi moved faster, she stepped forward, raised her leg and kicked the man's chest directly!

Hearing the man's scream, the whole person flew backwards.

There was a bang, another scream, and continuous footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, a woman exclaimed: "Master, what's wrong with you?!"

He Zhi pulled the little girl up and walked into the courtyard.

Dunkong walked on He Zhi's side, and I followed behind.

Entering the yard, I saw the man get up from the ground at a glance, he staggered to grab the hoe on the yard wall,

He stared at me and He Zhi fiercely, and said fiercely: "You guys sent back this little bastard with tuberculosis?!"

"What is your intention to harm our whole family!"

He Zhi frowned, and scolded: "As a parent, you are a little bitch, what kind of father are you? A tiger does not eat a child. You throw a child as young as her out, are you really going to force her to death?"

On the other side of the yard, there was another woman in her early twenties.

She stared blankly at the little girl and covered her mouth.

In an instant, she was crying, tears streaming down her face.

She called Qingqing and ran towards the little girl.

The man's eyes widened, and he shouted, "Don't go there! Xiulan, you want to have tuberculosis too?!"

The woman stood there again, not daring to move...


The little girl held out her hand to the woman.

The woman cried harder and more fiercely.

The man's eyes fell on He Zhi again, his expression became more fierce, and he said: "Tiger poison does not eat its children? Are you forced to die? Her tuberculosis cannot be cured! Many people in the town have died, and she can't live for a few days Now, stay at home and die with the whole family!"

"You're so easy to say, are you passing by?! I advise you to stay away from her and hurry up!"

"This Zhanshan town has offended the mountain god, be careful and you will be killed too!"

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