Jiang Pan's eyes showed memories, and he briefly said something about Xu Fu's past.

I feel a little sad in my heart.

Just now Jiang Pan obviously wanted to think of Liao Cheng.

I used talisman to interrupt his thinking.

He obviously trusted Xu Fu more.

After Jiang Pan finished talking about those things, he told me seriously that he would teach the three-day escape talisman, and by the way, leave a certain talisman for Liu Pingjiang, as well as a simple cognition about Yinlong.

In this way, he can learn a lot even if he can't become a teacher.

For that I couldn't be more grateful.

However, Jiang Pan will leave in three days, which also makes me feel a little sad.

I didn't hide anything, and told Jiang Pan that after he left, I would also change my plan and take He Zhi and Dunkong on a trip.

After explaining the reason, Jiang Pan nodded in approval, saying it was a good thing!


Time flies extremely fast.

I asked He Zhi to pack up and prepare, and told Huang Qi to leave.

When Huang Qi came to see me, he was so excited beyond words that he asked me several times, did he really want to go back to Jiuhe County?Instead of letting him go back alone? !

Naturally, I wouldn't feel bored with Huang Qi, a person who really sacrificed his life for me.

He asked me several times, and I answered patiently several times.

However, I made it clear to Huang Qi that we will not return to Jiuhe County soon, but will walk on the road. This trip may take a year or two at the earliest. If it is slow, I don't know how long it will take.

He can hurry back and wait for us in Jiuhe County.

Huang Qi was stunned for a while, then whispered, let me give him some time to think.

I pondered for a moment before telling Huang Qi that there is actually no need to think too much about this matter.

I will not say that he will not be used as a loyal servant in the future.

Then he doesn't have to worry about those things. He has been away from home for many years, and his parents are old. If he doesn't go back, it may be too late to regret it.

It is also a great pity in life to have a child who wants to support but the relative is not there.

Huang Qi's body trembled slightly.

He bowed his head, knelt down in front of me, and said in a low voice: "Huang Qi listens to Mr., go back to Jiuhe County and wait for him." I told Huang Qi not to wait for three days, pack up his things and set off immediately.

Huang Qi followed my order, went directly to pack up and salute, and set off to leave Tang Town.

I told my second uncle about leaving.

But I didn't say to let them go back, and I didn't discuss with the paper figurine Xu.

Jiuhe County may have been their home in the past, but the second uncle now has a family in Tang Town, and this is the safest place.

For the paper figurine Xu, returning to the paper shop would only add to the sadness.

Three days passed by in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Pan packed his bags, and we also packed our bags and saluted, and we walked out of Tang Town together.

The second uncle, the paper figurine Xu, Zhu Xun who recovered from his injuries, and Tang Ding, who had just taken over as the mayor, all sent each other off at the entrance of the town.

After saying goodbye, we hit the road.

Another day passed, and we parted ways with Jiang Pan again.

Our carriages are still the big Qiang horses, as well as that wide and flat cart.

And for the sake of convenience, we don't need followers, we drive by ourselves.

Everything about Dunkong is extraordinarily novel.

The direction of Jiuhe County is from south to north. On the map, it is the place where the north and south boundaries meet.

We traveled north and stopped when we encountered towns.

Not just resting and replenishing, I will go to the city to contact the local people and ask some information, such as whether there are any natural and man-made disasters in the livelihood of the people in these places in recent years.

During the period, I encountered some small things, and I directly found the person in charge of the land boundary. After ordering Feng Shui, I asked that person to make corresponding changes.

Ordinary people seldom contact Mr., except for one or two very few who don't believe me and think that I am a deceitful deceit, the rest treat me like a god.

In a blink of an eye, we have been walking on the road for more than a month.

The speed of the journey began to become slower and slower.

I am also different from the past. After helping those people, I will tell them that I am Mr. Yin Yang, a geologist, Jiang Yihong's apprentice, Li Yin Yang.

About a month and a half after leaving Tang Town, He Zhi and I came to another town.

It was just nightfall, and the moon was looming in the sky.

However, before entering the town, I noticed something was wrong here.

First of all, the fixed compass on his body made a rustling sound.

This sound is from the spinning needle!

In addition, Dun Kong told me in a low voice that the smell of this place made him very uncomfortable, as if he could hear many people crying.

At this time, He Zhi was driving the car. She slowed down and opened half of the car door.

I could see the archway standing at the entrance of the town through the half-open door.

Under the night, the words on the archway are slightly blurred.

It read: "Zhanshan Town."

As the car slowly enters the town.

I can see that there are many straw mats on the side of the road.

Wrapped straw mats, some exposed shoes and clothes can be seen...

Some of the straw mats were on fire, emitting an unpleasant smell of burning.

He Zhi's tone was bewildered, and he murmured, "It's the plague." My face also changed.

Immediately afterwards, He Zhi asked me again, do I still want to enter the town?Or are we leaving?

In terms of feng shui, we can take care of hauntings.

This kind of plague is a trouble that only a doctor can solve... If we enter rashly, we may hurt ourselves.

I was silent for a moment, and then I told He Zhi that we have already arrived along the way, so we can't ignore the troubles in this town.

And I explained to He Zhi that part of the plague is related to disease, and a considerable part of it is related to Feng Shui.

There have been many gentlemen of past dynasties who have been in charge of the plague.

He Zhi didn't say much.

But at this moment, Dunkong suddenly got to the edge of the car door, and he poked his head out, as if he was listening to something.

Both He Zhi and I focused our attention on Dun Kong.

The speed of the carriage was naturally much slower.

The next moment, Dun Kong suddenly jumped out of the carriage, with a thin and small body, and ran towards the side of the road.

I frowned, and He Zhi exclaimed: "Dun Kong!" She jumped out of the carriage directly.

Dunkong didn't care about it, and continued to run forward.

I got out of the car door and quickly got out of the carriage.

At this moment, Dunkong had already run to the side of the road.

There were a lot of straw mats piled up there, among which were messy clothes.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, this scene looked extremely bleak.

If my predictions are correct, those clothes should be relics left by people who died of the plague.

Their bodies should have been buried, and these old things were piled up by the roadside to be cleared and burned.

It's just that the plague is too serious, and there should not be many people who can deal with it, so there are so many things piled up on the side of the road...

Before He Zhi could catch up to Dunkong, he squatted beside a straw mat and pulled it hard.

A faint cry came from below.

Dunkong stretched out his little hand, and dragged a "person" out of his clothes with difficulty.

It was a little girl of at most three years old, born extremely thin.

Her whole face was pale and blue, and she was extremely weak.

As soon as she was pulled out by Dunkong, she coughed when she saw the wind, and there was an unpleasant smell floating in the air.

I stared at her face and murmured: "Lung..."

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