The corpse skin did not make any sound.

People have been skinned, fierceness is hard to get rid of, death is not beyond life, even if the resentment is overwhelming, how can they answer the paper man's promise?

That resentment will only be imprisoned in this corpse, getting stronger and stronger, but it can't dissipate at all.

"Yin Yang." Second Uncle threw away his cigarette butt and called me.

The paper figurine Xu didn't look back, he was still grooming the corpse.

I looked at my second uncle and nodded.

The second uncle knocked on the big urn and said, "Wait here, I'll take out the urn first and feed it to the red mastiff."

"Okay." I nodded again.

The second uncle directly picked up the big tank and walked out of the courtyard.

After about two quarters of an hour, the paper figurine Xu finally finished drying his body and walked up to me.

At this time, the paper figurine Xu's face was quite bright.

"Yinyang, you have decided to kill two birds with one stone. Your second uncle is happy, and Uncle Xu is also happy. Mr. Yinshu's paper tie is really rare."

"This Wu Xianchang used the murderous corpse. He has a lot of resentment in him. After making this thing, it is more powerful than the green corpse skin."

The paper figurine Xu said seriously.

I let out a foul breath, cupped my fists at the paper figurine Xu, and said thank you, Uncle Xu.

The paper figurine Xu waved his hand and said that one family should not talk about two families.

At this time, there was a soft creak, and the door behind opened.

I turned around and saw Bai Shuangqin standing at the door holding Liu Pingjiang.

Bai Shuangqin looked at the courtyard gate with a slightly terrified expression, and so did Liu Pingjiang.

I frowned and said, "Second Uncle was doing some business just now, why didn't he send Aunt Shuangqin and Pingjiang away."

I said this to the paper figurine Xu.

The paper figurine Xu was about to answer.

Bai Shuangqin spoke first, and she said tremblingly: "I didn't leave by myself, I want Pingjiang to stay together, I can take a peek, he listens to a little voice, so that I can teach Pingjiang not to forget, This world is dangerous."

For a while, I didn't know how to answer the call.

There were footsteps outside the yard again, and the creaking sound of the door opening, and the second uncle entered the yard.

At this moment, the second uncle was still holding two wine jugs and a bamboo drawer.

Obviously, after the second uncle went to put down the jar, he went elsewhere to buy food.

"Yinyang, you have a drink with Second Uncle." Second Uncle greeted me and motioned me to enter the main room.

Bai Shuangqin put down Liu Pingjiang, and immediately went to take the bamboo drawer and jug from Second Uncle's hand,

Go to the main room table and place food.

The second uncle went to sit down, and I also entered the main room.

The paper figurine Xu came in last, and the second uncle glanced at the paper figurine Xu's hand, and asked, "Is there any blood left?"

The paper figurine Xu gave his second uncle a blank look, but didn't answer.

I picked up the jug and poured a glass of wine for my second uncle.

After the second uncle picked it up, he drank it down and poured himself another glass.

His cheeks were slightly flushed, and his voice was much hoarse: "Yinyang, your achievements are getting higher and higher, making Second Uncle feel more and more promising, even a little unbelievable."

"But the facts are right in front of Second Uncle. There is smoke rising from the Liu family's ancestral grave. Today, the big revenge has been avenged. Second Uncle is happy!"

"If it's death, Second Uncle will rest in peace!"

I frowned and said, "Second uncle, don't say unlucky words, you will live a long life."

The second uncle grinned, shook his head, and said, "Longevity is not important."

As he spoke, he picked up his wine glass and wanted to clink glasses with me.

Xu, the paper figurine, was eating food with his head bowed, taking a sip of wine from time to time, but did not answer.

At some point, Bai Shuangqin brought Liu Pingjiang to the table.

Liu Pingjiang was lowering his head, eating with a spoon in his little hand.

Bai Shuangqin was a bit cautious, as if waiting.

I had a drink with my second uncle, he drank it down again, and I drank half a glass.

"The eldest brother thought that the most important thing is to have a son to die in old age, and to continue to pass on the skills of the corpse hunter, so he took you in, and would rather die himself than let you live." The second uncle's cheeks became redder, and his tone became more serious.

I nodded and said yes.

Immediately afterwards, the second uncle said: "Now with Pingjiang, the incense of the Liu family can continue, but Yin and Yang, you also have escape, you should understand the heart of the second uncle, I don't want Pingjiang to be a corpse-hunter. .A few years ago, the matter that my second uncle mentioned to you..."

"Don't think that the second uncle is nagging, and that the second uncle regards you as his own son, so he mentions you back and forth. We are a family, and we don't know how to speak two languages."

In fact, I guessed something just now, and the second uncle's famous words directly fit my guess.

Only then did I tell my second uncle that I never forgot about it, it's just that there have been too many things in recent days, and every time I go back to Di Xianglu, I'm in a hurry and encounter urgent matters.

Turning my head to look at Liu Pingjiang, I reached out and beckoned.

Bai Shuangqin looked surprised, and whispered a few words to Liu Pingjiang.

Liu Pingjiang trotted towards me.

I put my hands on top of his head, covering his celestial spirit.

However, I didn't touch the bones.

"Pingjiang, I will ask Mr. Jiang to see your qualifications. If you have the possibility to be a gentleman, then you can learn from Mr. Jiang. If you want to be a good gentleman, you will have to suffer a lot. Do you understand? ?” I said cautiously.

Ping Jiang nodded vigorously, his dirty little face and his eyes were blank, as if he didn't understand what I meant.

In fact, I said half of this sentence to Liu Pingjiang, and half to my second uncle and Bai Shuangqin.

At this moment, the second uncle's face was full of smiles.

He said: "It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. How about asking Mr. Jiang to see it later? After all, the big thing is over now."

I nodded again and said a good word.

The second uncle was even happier and drank a few more glasses of wine in succession. Bai Shuangqin glared at him, saying that he knew that it would be better to hit the sun than to choose another day. Wouldn't it be impolite for a drunk to go to see Mr. Jiang!

The second uncle's face was flushed, and he said: "You are a woman, what do you know? Mr. Jiang teaches Ping Jiang, that is the teacher, I am the second uncle Yinyang, he and Brother Yinyang are also his second uncles."

Bai Shuangqin wanted to say something else, but she was speechless and couldn't speak.

I smiled, and I didn't feel that the second uncle was talking too much.

We are indeed juniors, and the second uncle's joy is entirely from the perspective of the elders.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, it was almost time, and the second uncle finally put down his chopsticks with satisfaction and stood up.

After I got up, I took Liu Pingjiang's hand and walked out of the courtyard.

The second uncle walked beside me, his face was rosy, and he was full of smiles.

Bai Shuangqin followed beside him, looking nervous.

The paper figurine Xu did not follow.

I don't know if Jiang Pan has gone back, or if he is elsewhere, so I plan to take my second uncle and the others to the Xianglu first. If Jiang Pan is not here, I will go to him again.

A quarter of an hour later, we arrived outside Dixiang Lu.

At this time, the door of Di Xiang Hut was open, and there was a light coming from inside.

When I entered the door, I saw Jiang Pan in the middle of the courtyard, sweeping the floor with a broom in his hand.

I first called out big brother.

Jiang Pan raised his head, nodded back to me, looked at Second Uncle and Bai Shuangqin, and called Second Uncle.

The second uncle responded to him and called Mr. Jiang.

The names of the two of them are almost the same as those of Jiang Pan and the paper man Xu.

Bai Shuangqin saluted, much more respectful.

The second uncle looked forward to it.

Jiang Pan was slightly surprised, and said, "Yinyang, what do you want to tell me?"

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