Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 797 Liu Huayan, You Can't Be Wrong

I was silent for a moment and shook my head.

Liu Huayan was about to turn around.

"Liu Daochang, stay a step." I still opened my mouth and called out to Liu Huayan.

Liu Huayan turned her head, her apricot eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's a long way to Kaiyang, and it's been a long time. It's the best choice for you to find the Great Elder, but you're not fully sure that you'll be able to find him during this trip." I spoke again.

"Do you have a better way, or, you can divination?" Liu Huayan's eyes were deep.

I shook my head, saying that this hexagram can no longer be divination, the Great Elder only needs the last hexagram.

After a pause, I said again, I have no better way.

Liu Huayan frowned slightly.

I continued to say, "I have your fortune-telling hexagram, perhaps the Great Elder never told you."

Liu Huayan shook her head, she was silent for a long time, and then said: "Master has never mentioned it, I roughly know that he will ask you for this, he is very concerned about my fate, if the fate is better, the clan will not in this way."

My tone became much more complicated, and I said: "I tried it, Mr. Yin Yang's first hexagram, to set things right, but it didn't work. Your fate is very special."

"In the early years, I thought that fate might be harmful, but now it seems that it is not the case. Your character... is gradually approaching the hexagram. Perhaps, I should tell you that it will be useful for your trip."

Liu Huayan returned to the main room and sat in front of the wooden table.

I looked up at Jiang Pan and said in a low voice, "Brother, go and rest first."

"I'll take everyone to another place to rest, so as not to have ears on the wall." Jiang Pan said.

Liu Huayan turned sideways, nodded slightly to Jiang Pan and said, "Mr. Jiang, thank you very much."

Jiang Pan clasped his fists and saluted back.

He immediately left the main room, went to another room, and called Gu Qijie and his party out.

Jiang Pan ordered someone to take Se Zhongjing and the others away.

Soon, they left Dixianglu, only me and Liu Huayan were left.

I took out the Heavenly Stem Inkstone and the Earthly Branch Pen, and after grinding the ink, quickly wrote down a hexagram on a piece of hemp paper.

"Che, Heng, use prison."

"Ninth day of the junior high school: No fault for the school's toe destruction."

"Six Two: Eat the skin and destroy the nose, there is no blame.

"Six Three: Eat bacon, encounter poison, be stingy, no blame."

"Ninth Fourth: Swallow stems and get golden arrows. Li Jianzhen, auspicious.

"Six five, eat dried meat, get gold, chastity, no blame."

"Shangjiu, He Xiao puts out his ears, it's fierce!"

I picked up the paper and let the ink dry up a bit before handing the hemp paper to Liu Huayan.

Liu Huayan looked down and read the hexagram softly.

"What's the explanation for this hexagram?" She looked at me again.

I paused for a moment before telling Liu Huayan the content of the hexagram.

She is going to be the person in charge of punishment, and she will be fine in the first two lines.

But at the third line, she will start to lack integrity and encounter disasters.

After that, she will become more upright and stick to her heart.

After a pause again, I told Liu Huayan that the preceding hexagrams were all about tempering.

The last line represents that she will face a great trouble.

He Xiao killed his ears because his ears were blocked by shackles, and he couldn't listen to any advice from others.

There are two possibilities.

She has been deceived, so she does not listen to good words.

The second possibility is that when she encounters something, everyone thinks it is wrong, and she thinks it is right, and closes her own ears, not listening to anyone.

After I finished speaking, I stood up.

I looked at Liu Huayan deeply, but Liu Huayan looked back at me thoughtfully.

"Master said, my heart is like a mirror, there is probably no one who can lie to me." Liu Huayan said softly.

"The person who acts on behalf of the heavens is indeed the one who imposes the criminal law. If you say that my final fate is He Xiao's ear-killing, it must not be that I have been deceived, but that outsiders think I am wrong."

"I'm right, of course I won't listen." Liu Huayan's words made me frown.

I can already hear some problems.

"If it is too full, it will overflow, if it is too full, it will be a loss. At any time, you can't have too absolute confidence." I continued in a deep voice.

"Then what about Mr. Yin Yang's fate?" Liu Huayan's eyes suddenly froze a lot, and there was even a flash of light in them.

I was speechless by what she said.

Liu Huayan continued: "Master told me about Mr. Yin Yang's fate protection, and I have seen some of them recently. Where does your confidence come from?"

"The fate in the dark is illusory, but you seem to believe it completely, and put life and death completely on it."

"Then I trust my Taoism, and I can also pour everything into it."

"Taoism can't be wrong, and Liu Huayan is completely convinced, and Liu Huayan can't be wrong."

I couldn't catch a word.

I paused for a long time, and then said: "If there is any difficulty in the future, ask someone to find me in Tang Town, and I will do my best to help."

Liu Huayan didn't answer my question.

She stood up, bowed slightly to me, then turned around and walked outside the Xianglu.

I witnessed her back disappearing at the gate of Dixiang's house.

After a long time, I walked towards Dixiang Lu.

Once outside the door, Liu Huayan was no longer in sight.

The sky was completely dark, a bright moon rose into the sky, and the night sky was filled with stars.

I stood for a long time again, my heart was still complicated.

Perhaps, this is Liu Huayan's fate.

Liu Huayan didn't listen to what I said now.

She thought she was absolutely right.

I'm afraid that when she encounters that incident in the future, she will think the same way...

Then... could she really be wrong?

Or, as she said, are the others at fault? !

This matter is no longer something I can intervene in.

I also thought that Liu Tianniu would be by Liu Huayan's side, so I felt a little relieved.

Liu Tianniu probably also has his firm opinion.

If he thought that Liu Huayan was wrong, he would try his best to stop it.

I put aside all my thoughts, walked down the steps, and walked towards my second uncle's house.

I don't know where Jiang Pan and the others have gone right now, I want to see how the second uncle treats Wu Xianchang.

In the same way, I also want to relax and calm my mind a little bit.

Not long after, I arrived outside the courtyard of my second uncle's house.

A faint smell of blood overflowed from the courtyard door.

My eyelids twitched slightly, and I stretched out my hand to push open the courtyard door.

Everything that came into view made my forehead burst into cold sweat.

There is a large vat in the courtyard, the edge is full of fuzzy blood.

The second uncle stood beside him with a cigarette between his lips, and the smoke kept burning under the flickering sparks.

The divination knife stuck in his waist was also stained with blood.

On the other side of the yard, the paper figurine Xu is using a few bamboo slices to prop up a piece of skin to dry.

The moonlight was very bleak, shining on that piece of skin, it revealed a strong resentment!

The paper figurine Xu murmured: "Take the raw hide, make you extremely fierce, you can't let go of your resentment, you can't sleep with your hatred. Wu Xianchang, how does it feel to be a murderous corpse?"

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