I stepped forward and told Jiang Pan truthfully about Ping Jiang's desire to learn art.

Not only did Jiang Pan have no objection, but his eyes lit up.

He told me that Tianyuan Physiognomy is different from Geographical Gemology, and the emphasis is on recruiting disciples.

The second uncle and Bai Shuangqin were even more delighted when they heard this.

I signaled Liu Pingjiang to come over.

After Liu Pingjiang came close, Jiang Pan squatted down and covered Liu Pingjiang's face with his hands.

Tianyuan Physiognomy also touches the bones, but his way of touching the bones is obviously different from that of Geographical Physiognomy.

However, as time passed, Jiang Pan's face became serious.

Liu Pingjiang's face showed pain.

Touching the bone is actually very painful, and it is unbearable for adults, let alone a child.

He was in so much pain that he wanted to cry, but the second uncle made a loud voice and scolded him to hold back, saying that the man bleeds but does not shed tears

Liu Pingjiang was so frightened that he shut his mouth again.

But I gradually saw some disappointment in Jiang Pan's eyes.

After about a quarter of an hour, Jiang Pan withdrew his hand, and he took out a few things, including a book with Tianyuan Xiangshu written on the cover, tortoise shells, copper coins, and some bamboo signs.

He opened the book in front of Liu Pingjiang, and said gently: "Read every page, and see which page you think, and you can understand a little bit."

The eyes of the second uncle and Bai Shuangqin were even more expectant.

But I saw the problem.

If Liu Pingjiang had the qualifications in fate, Jiang Pan didn't need to take out so many things, and he wouldn't be disappointed just now.

Time passed little by little, and after an hour, Liu Pingjiang shook his head.

Jiang Pan just put everything except Tianyuan Physiognomy on the ground.

He motioned Liu Pingjiang to pick up other things.

Liu Pingjiang reached out to pick it up, but no matter what he picked up, it slipped to the ground again.

There was even more disappointment in Jiang Pan's eyes.

Every time Liu Pingjiang dropped something, he sighed and shook his head.

Finally, when Liu Pingjiang dropped the last copper coin.

Jiang Pan closed his eyes.

Second Uncle and Bai Shuangqin, the two have changed from being nervous and excited to full of uneasiness.

"Come over tomorrow, Pingjiang, and I'll teach you how to draw a talisman." Jiang Pan said without opening his eyes.

Second Uncle and Bai Shuangqin suddenly showed surprise.

"Yinyang, you send Second Uncle and the others back first, I have something to talk to you later."

"About Gu Qijie and the others, as well as the inheritance of Mr. Suspected Dragon. And..."

Jiang Pan's voice stopped abruptly and did not continue.

I roughly understand a little bit.

The second uncle immediately said: "Mr. Jiang, don't bother, we will take Ping Jiang away by ourselves, and I will send him over tomorrow morning."

He hurried to Liu Pingjiang, picked him up, and happily left with Bai Shuangqin.

After they left, Jiang Pan opened his eyes.

Looking at me, his complexion is slightly complicated.

"Ping Jiang has no qualifications." I spoke first.

"Fate is determined, whether to be a husband or not has already been decided." Jiang Pan sighed a little.

"That talisman..." I sighed lightly.

"A few simple talismans may be useful to him in the future. He is still young. When he is older, I will give him some Yin skills. It does not involve Feng Shui. He should be able to learn it. By then, it will be a low-level, and it will be an extraordinary low-level. Such a So I won’t disappoint Second Uncle too much.” Jiang Pan continued.

"Brother You Lao..." I cupped my fists.

In fact, if you let me look at the qualifications, if the qualifications are not enough, I will just say it.

It would not be like Jiang Pan, who considered so many things.

He wants to be thoughtful too much.

Jiang Pan smiled and said, "Yin and Yang, one family, don't talk about two families."

Then, he made another gesture of invitation, motioning for me to enter the main room.

I know that what Jiang Pan is going to say must be about Suspected Dragon Sutra.

After arriving in the main room and sitting down, Jiang Pan first asked about Liu Huayan's situation.

I told Liu Huayan's whereabouts, and he didn't ask any more questions, and talked about Mr. Suspected Dragon's inheritance.

He also outlined some arrangements to build a Suspected Dragon Dojo directly in Tang Town.

I thought about it for a while, and said: "There is something wrong with the Suspected Dragon Dojo being in Tang Town. It is better to arrange it in Hongyuan County. Firstly, Tang Town has the Land Xianglu, and then there is the Suspected Dragon Dojo. It is inevitable that people will have priorities. points."

After a short pause, I told Jiang Pan that the dojo can be built after Gu Qijie and the others have read the Suspected Dragon Sutra to determine whether they can learn it and learn from their masters.

Jiang Pan nodded after concentrating.

We discussed some details and finally decided on the approach.

Jiang Pan then asked me, what is my plan for the future?

I told Jiang Pan truthfully that half of my vengeance must be avenged. My mother is still in Xuanhe. I plan to wait for a while.

The grievance has its head, and the debt has its owner. The Dou family wants to give an explanation for my mother's death, so that I can let my mother rest in peace and reincarnate, so that I won't be forced to reincarnate.

If all these things are done well, I plan to live in Xianglu for a long time, study Yin-Yang Art well, and then do my master's behest.

Jiang Pan hesitated for a moment, and said complicatedly: "When is the time to repay the wrong, but if you don't pay the wrong, the dead can't rest in peace, it's still fate."

"Yin Yang, if these things didn't hinder you, your achievements would be limitless in a very short period of time."

"If you were like me..."

I smiled, interrupted Jiang Pan, and said: "Brother, fate is a cog, I was pushed forward, if I was born with more, then the power to push me would be much smaller. I may not have the understanding of big brother."

Jiang Pan paused, he looked at me complicatedly, and sighed again.

In the end, he told me that after this incident, he was going back to Honghe.

I thought about it for a while, and said: "Dunkong is bigger, I will take them to Honghe first, and then I will go to Dou's family."

There was obviously a bit of reluctance in Jiang Pan's eyes, and he said again: "I originally wanted to teach Dunkong for a while, but his talismans are too fast and too many. It can teach us, this is also destiny."


Jiang Pan waved his hand, said no more, let me go to rest, there is still a period of time, there is no need to add sadness.

I shook my head, said I would not go, and then said something, let Jiang Pan accompany me to a place, we have to put down one thing.

After that thing is put down, I can have nothing else to do.

Jiang Pan was surprised and asked me what to put?

I pointed to the other door and said, "The handwriting of the geologists of the past generations."

Jiang Pan was stunned for a moment, he paused for a long time, and then said: "It is indeed a trouble, the world is different, but this world has calmed down a lot."

I let out a long breath and said, "It's the morals of the world that can't be calmed down, but people's hearts can't be calmed down. Every man is innocent, but he's guilty if he's pregnant. Not everyone follows the rules. Greed will lead to many things."

"Lai Qian is not dead yet, and Se Zhongjing is half dead now, that old man will do something."


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