Obviously, He Zhi did the experiment on Se Zhongjing and the others.

It's just that I didn't expect He Zhi to do this so quickly.

The coffin maker's unique ability, the axe strikes the number of lives, is a great killing move for the gentleman.

Most of the masters have no skills, and if they don't have the protection of fate, they will definitely not dare to go into the vicious and dangerous places, and can only calculate and plan behind the scenes.

Now, as I stay longer and longer in the yin and yang world, the people and enemies I offend become stronger and stronger.

If He Zhi had mastered the ability to kill with an ax earlier, I would have even taken her to the seventy black hills in the Yin Mountains.

Even this time, Se Zhongjing and others did not dare to be so rampant in Tang Town.

"Yin Yang?" He Zhi called me again.

I came back to my senses, nodded, and said in a low voice: "Splitting the fate with the axe is a killer move, and it cannot be exposed casually. Now, we have an extra big reliance."

He Zhi's face suddenly brightened, and said: "Then you agreed?"

I was silent for a moment before telling He Zhi that it wasn't that I didn't want her to accompany me and help me, and I never felt that she was not capable enough.

Dun Kong needs to be taken care of now, and I can handle things well, so I won't think about falling on them.

She has the ability to kill with an axe, so we have more cards.

But if there is really a big danger, she still has to protect Dunkong, and leave the other things to me.

Dunkong is still young, we can't let him take risks.

He Zhi bit his lower lip slightly, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "The talisman that can escape from space is very strong."

I was silent again. At that time, in Guan Xiantao's tomb, I used the escape talisman to deal with the feathered corpses and finally stabilize the feng shui of the tomb.

It is undeniable that the escape talisman is indeed very strong.

But the most tyrannical thing is that he used the ground pen and the heavenly dry inkstone, and added blood essence.

He Zhi was able to split his life with an axe, but ordinary talisman seals were still unable to deal with anything too fierce.

He Zhi didn't understand the reason, so he said this.

In fact, I will not let Dun Kong take risks now, and it is impossible for him to use Essence Blood Charms all the time.

After my thoughts settled down, I told He Zhi the reason truthfully, so she stopped talking about it.

She lowered her head and continued to bandage my wound.

After treating all the injuries on my body, He Zhi raised his head and asked me in a low voice: "Where is Mr. Yin? I didn't bother to ask just now, is he dead or has he escaped?" I paused, I told He Zhi that Mr. Yin was not dead, nor could he escape, but he was crippled.

At that time, Mr. Yin was directly crippled by Liu Huayan.

The lute bone was pierced and shattered, and his kung fu was almost lost.

It's impossible for us to kill Mr. Yin, and it's useless to bring him back.

He Zhi nodded, and thoughtfully said: "I see."

I took a breath, propped myself up, and sat up a little more.

There is still a faint feeling of dizziness in the head, which is the sequelae of excessive blood loss before.

He Zhi asked me to rest for a while, and wait for Jiang Pan and the others to come over, or wait for me to rest before going to Di Xianglu.

I didn't push back and lay down.

During this period, I could feel that He Zhi had been guarding beside me.

Before falling asleep, there seemed to be a small hand holding my palm tightly.

I slept through this one for a long time.

When he woke up, he smelled a seductive aroma in his nostrils.

After I opened my eyes, I saw that Dunkong was lying on my bedside, looking at me with wide-open eyes.

He grabbed my hand with his little hand, and his eyes changed from worry to surprise.

"Daddy." Dunkong called me in a childish voice.

I raised my hand and touched Dunkong's head, the wound on my shoulder felt a pain.

"Dunkong, daddy is fine, don't worry." I smiled and sat up straight.

"Mother made dog blood porridge, I'll take you to drink it." Dunkong said seriously again.

I was taken aback when I heard the three words dog blood porridge.

When I was at Ghost He's place at first, I drank dog blood porridge more than once.

After so many years, I never drank again.

Dunkong dragged me to get up, and the father and son left the room together.

Over there in the main room, He Zhi was carrying a plate of dishes and putting them on the table.

After I passed by, He Zhi called me to sit down and served me porridge.

Soon, a large bowl of brown porridge was served in front of me, with lumps of dog blood exuding a tempting aroma.

I picked up the porridge bowl and took a big sip.

The heat rolled into the abdomen, and the whole person felt more refreshed.

He Zhi picked up a chopstick dish for me, and said softly: "You have bled too much from the wound, and the dog's blood porridge is nourishing and nourishing yang. I also put a little bit of blood from the red mastiff."

My chopsticks froze.

He Zhicai told me that the wolf mastiff followed the ghost woman, and the ghost woman would definitely not use the wolf mastiff as a tool.

Just saying, some blood is used in special cases

Every time I do this, I will find more nourishing corpses for the wolf mastiff.

I just breathed a sigh of relief.

He Zhi served porridge for Dun Kong again, and finally sat at the table by himself, eating in small bites.

After finishing my meal, I noticed that it was getting dark again.

Healing and I rested, and before I knew it, a whole day passed.

"Brother, they haven't come yet?" I asked He Zhi.

He Zhi nodded.

After concentrating for a while, I stood up and said that I would go to the Xianglu.

He Zhi asked me, do you want her to take Dunkong with me?

I shook my head and said I don't need it for the time being, I'll go there, maybe there are still some things to deal with.

He Zhi didn't ask any more questions.

Dunkong looked at me anxiously, and whispered, "Will Uncle come over later?"

I hummed and nodded.

There was a lot of joy in Dunkong's eyes.

After leaving Li's house, I went straight to Dixianglu.

When I arrived at Dixiang's house, I only saw Jiang Pan alone in the main room, and the rest of the gentlemen were not there.

After I entered the main room, I saw Se Zhongjing and two other Mr. Yin Yang tied up in the corner.

At this time, Se Zhongjing's eyes were loose, and so were the other two Mr. Yin Yang.

Moreover, there is a faint black energy on their bodies, and the unique deep feeling of Mr. Yin Yang has disappeared...

"Brother..." I called out to Jiang Pan.

Jiang Pan looked up at me, his eyes were a little complicated.

"Se Zhongjing also lost his soul, and there seems to be something missing from them, but I can't say what it is."

"He Zhi, it should not just punish Se Zhongjing."

I nodded, with a serious expression on my face.

I was about to tell Jiang Pan that He Zhi also used coffin techniques.

But at this moment, footsteps came from outside the main room.

The one who came into sight was Liu Huayan.

At this time, Liu Huayan changed into clean clothes, and once again regained the calm demeanor before.

Liu Huayan walked into the threshold, her eyes fell on me.

I exchanged glances with her.

She said softly, "I'm leaving. Do you have anything else to ask for my help?"

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