I split a section of the trunk out of that tree, then split it from the middle of the trunk with an axe, and cut out a wooden core in the very center.

I smoothed the two sides with an ax blade, and then used a carving knife to carve characters on it.

First, the spirit of the late mother Li Huarong was engraved, and next to it was the unfilial son Li Yinyangli.

Then I carved out some of my mother's life at the bottom.

After finishing all this, I put the coffin on my waist, split the remaining tree into pieces of firewood,

Pulled them to the side of Zhou Jingyi's body and started to build a bonfire.

I went to the woods to pick up a lot of dry firewood and put them in the campfire.

When the bonfire stand was piled up by about one meter, I pulled up Zhou Jingyi's body and threw it directly onto the bonfire stand.

Huozhaozi ignited the bonfire.

I hugged my mother's spiritual tablet, and looked at Zhou Jingyi's body with cold eyes.

The tongue of flames gradually went up, slowly engulfing his body.

The crackling sound, I don't know if it is the water in the wet wood or the corpse oil in Zhou Jingyi's body.

It's already dawn.

It's just that today is cloudy and there is no sun.

The flames shot up into the sky, and thick smoke rose into the sky. Inside the smoke, there seemed to be a ferocious face staring at me viciously!

The wind blows the thick smoke to the top of the cliff, and the smoke actually rolls down...

The entire bottom of the cliff is called the place where the broken dragon died.

The four golden sand depressions are just the name of the hole.

The place where Duanlong Yin dies is full of resentment and Yin energy.

Time passed little by little.

The bonfire was completely burned out.

In addition to the black charcoal on the ground, there is only a layer of light white ash left.

Those are the ashes.

All of a sudden, I felt a lot lighter.

When I first returned to Ridge Mountain and went to Jiugong Dojo, I felt heart palpitations all the time.

When Zhou Jingyi was pulled out, his palpitations were a little less,

Until now, it has completely dissipated.

I lowered my head, looked at the spiritual tablet, and murmured, "Mother, he's dead, his bones are broken."

"You are in the Spirit of the Hanging River, you can let go of a little bit of resentment."

"And Dou's family, I will find them slowly."

"I was afraid I couldn't deal with them before, but now, they should be afraid."

When I said these words, I couldn't restrain the sadness in my heart.

Back then when I knew there was a problem with the Dou family, I still didn't dare to calculate too hard.

One is that I am afraid of fate, and the other is that I am not capable enough, so I am indeed afraid of the Dou family.

Today, it's quite different.

Although I left a talisman for my mother in Xuanhe in Hongsong County, but I can't really let her be a green corpse in the river, never to be reincarnated.

If I want to dispel all her grievances, I have to get rid of her enemies before I can save her.

However, this matter cannot be completed in a short while.

I still need to think carefully about my plans.

The mountain wind was much stronger, and in the bitter wind, Zhou Jingyi's ashes were scattered in all directions.

Mixed with those charcoal ashes, all went into the bottom of the cliff.

I clamped my mother's spirit tablet around my waist, turned around and walked down the mountain.

With the baking of the bonfire just now, and this long time, the water on my body has already dried up.

Half an hour later, I returned to Jiugong Dojo.

At this time, there was a lot of excitement in the dojo.

Those more than ten masters of yin and yang calculations were talking with each other in the courtyard.

Everyone is talking about their insights when they followed Mr. Jiang to use the innate gossip.

Although the injury was serious, everyone benefited a lot!

Faintly, everyone seemed to surround Gu Qijie.

Now that Gu Qijie has become a celebrity in front of Jiang Pan, everyone is not stupid, so they will naturally flatter him.

Jiang Pan was in the main room, Tang Ding was standing at the side, and the paper figurines Xu and Fan Que were sitting at the other end.

Tang Jiugong was holding a teacup and was serving Jiang Panman a pot of tea.

On his wrinkled face, the flattering smile never broke.

When I entered the courtyard, almost everyone looked at me.

Those yin and yang calculation masters clasped their fists and bowed to me.

Gu Qijie also saluted, but there was still a little fear in his eyes.

When I looked at Gu Qijie again, his expression became calm.

Gu Qijie was startled, he seemed to be thinking.

I walked towards the main room again, but when I passed by the crowd, Gu Qijie took two steps forward. He saluted me and said in a low voice, "Mr. Li, the student knows his mistake."

I paused, nodded and said: "When you return to Tang Town, you can start to comprehend Mr. Suspected Dragon's scriptures first. As for your compass cracked, my brother and I will help you solve it."

"Mr. Suspected Dragon has a magic weapon that I brought back. If you are destined, the magic weapon is yours."

Gu Qijie froze for a moment.

His face flushed instantly, and he cupped his fists tremblingly.

The next moment, he knelt on the ground with a bang, and said in a trembling voice, "Thank you, Mr. Li, for fulfilling it."

I said no more, and stepped into the main room.

The reason why I looked at Gu Qijie with that look before was simple.

Gu Qijie is very smart.

The relationship between Zhou Jingyi and me is not a big secret.

Fan Wei knew a lot, and Tang Jiugong also knew it.

Once Gu Qijie analyzed too much and aroused everyone's interest, it was inevitable that they would find out.

I don't want Zhou Jingyi's matter to be tainted with me, geography, and geomancy.

Even though he's dead, I still don't want him to be tainted with any reputation.

There are some things that cannot be obtained in life, and even more impossible in death.

My eyes were hard enough that Gu Qijie knew that his thoughts were a restricted area.

If you want to touch it, you have to weigh it, whether you can bear my anger and murderous intent.

I have also given him enough benefits now, which is equivalent to recognizing him.

He would not think that I would have any opinion on him.

"Yinyang, are you okay?" Jiang Pan stood up, his words interrupted my thoughts.

"The matter has been done, there is no problem, we can set off to return to Tang Town."

When I answered this sentence, I finally brought a smile on my face.

Jiang Pan also looked happy, nodded and said: "Okay! Very good, then leave immediately!"

He immediately signaled Tang Ding to arrange for everyone to pull out the carriage.

Soon, we left Jiugong Dojo and headed straight towards Tang Town.

It took about two hours before we passed through Hongyuan County and returned to Tang Town.

As a result, as soon as I entered Tang Town, I realized that something was not quite right.

In the past, there would be some militiamen with guns guarding the gate of Tang Town.

But today there is no one.

Not only was there no militia, but even the townspeople were hardly seen on the road.

Tang Ding let out a ride, and the horse continued to walk forward.

He said in surprise: "It's not quite right, it's not raining yet, why is there no one in the town?"

Fan Wei and the paper figurine Xu in the car also showed doubts.

They all looked up from the car windows.

I frowned and said, "Let's go to Li's house first."

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