I immediately remembered that when Tang Jiugong was talking about the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse.

He said that there was a gentleman who placed it here in order to suppress the evil corpse of the Eight Luminaries, and used the evil to suppress the evil...

I recalled the runes on the coffin of the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse again.

What Tang Jiugong said should be correct.

There are talismans on the coffin, so it is not surprising that there are talismans on the rocky ground...

"There are some problems. The Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse should have borrowed Zhou Jingyi's corpse, broke some formations, and many talismans have dimmed. There is a lot of evil corpse blood in Zhou Jingyi's corpse." I said.

Jiang Pan pondered for a moment, nodded, and said: "There is blood in the corpse, we can deal with it again, Zhou Jingyi can't make any trouble."

"As long as we leave safely now and the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse doesn't hurt us, that's enough."

"Others, we are not capable enough now, so we don't care about it." Jiang Pan's words are also reasonable...

Even if I have analyzed the problem of the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse, it is impossible for us to deal with that Evil Corpse. The goal has been achieved, and we just need to leave safely...

After about half an hour, everyone went up the cliff.

Only me, Jiang Pan, Tang Ding, and Gu Qijie are left.

We didn't stop there either, and started climbing up to the top of the mountain with ropes.

Soon, we finally reached the top of the mountain...

Stepping on the turquoise turf and blowing the cool mountain breeze, I felt that my body seemed to be several times more relaxed.

The night had dissipated unknowingly, and the sky revealed a white belly.

Everyone sat on the ground slumped, panting heavily.

The paper figurine Xu walked up to me and stopped, and said solemnly: "Yinyang, there seems to be something wrong with this corpse...the green corpse is wrapped in paper and destroyed."

Apparently, the paper figurine Xu also showed some heartache in his eyes.

My complexion changed slightly, and I walked sideways to an open space.

Zhou Jingyi's body was placed here.

The green corpse paper bundle that wrapped it just now has been opened, and it stands beside it.

But now, the arms tied with the green corpse paper have been completely rotted, and the waist and abdomen are also damaged to varying degrees.

My pupils constricted, and I couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

The green corpse skin is already an extremely tough thing.

How did Zhou Jingyi destroy it? !

Then he looked at Zhou Jingyi's body.

I just discovered more weirdness.

There are varying degrees of cracks on the surface of his face, on the exposed arms, and on the back of his hands.

After the skin is damaged, dirty blood flows out...

I think this scene seems familiar... But, I haven't seen it.

The paper figurine Xu followed me, and he also stared at Zhou Jingyi's body.

After half a quarter of an hour, I realized that the turf under the corpse was also festering, as if it was rotten...

The paper figurine Xu murmured: "Yin Yang... Look carefully, does it look like the last time I saw you when you crawled out of the ground? You have scars all over your body?"

Immediately, I felt enlightened!


Isn't Zhou Jingyi's appearance just like the one I was almost blown away by the Shan Corpse Pill? !

His body is filled with the blood of evil corpses, so there are similarities in the same way? !

When I think about it more, I feel that there should still be some differences.

I'm afraid that the yin and yang water of the Yellow Spring trapped in the four golden sands will suppress certain things.

When Zhou Jingyi was underwater, his corpse could withstand the blood of evil corpses. After we brought him out, he became like this...

Before I knew it, there were many people around me.

Jiang Pan, as well as those resting yin techniques, Mr. Yang Suan, all came over.

The gentlemen were whispering and discussing in low voices.

Jiang Pan frowned and said, "Why is it so poisonous? It looks familiar..."

I immediately gave Jiang Pan a look, signaling him not to continue talking.

Jiang Pan paused, and he seemed to have thought of something, but immediately closed his mouth.

I paused for a while, and then said: "Uncle Xu, big brother, take the big guys and leave first. Go to the Jiugong Dojo and wait for me."

The paper man Xu showed doubts on his face, and Jiang Pan was also puzzled.

Tang Ding whispered: "Sir, how about we get the corpse down together, there is no need for you to wait here..."

I was silent for a while, and then said: "I will come down later, as for it, there is no need to be brought down."

Jiang Pan's face changed slightly, he frowned and said, "Yin Yang, what do you mean?"

"Zhou Jingyi, he..."

Before Jiang Pan finished his second sentence, I interrupted it directly.

"I have thought about it many times before, Zhou Jingyi, he is not worthy of being buried in Niu Mian."

"It doesn't matter whether he has good Feng Shui or not, it's just that he can't enter such a vicious place."

"Equally, he does not deserve to rest in an ordinary place."

"He rests in peace, and many people cannot rest in peace."

What I said was not very clear, it was very general and vague.

Because most of the people in the field don't know the relationship between Zhou Jingyi and me.

They only came here because of Jiang Pan and me.

I don't even need to explain it to them.

I don't want many people to know about this matter.

Jiang Pan's eyebrows and heart were knotted into a pimple, and he still wanted to speak.

I made a gesture of invitation, glanced at the paper figurine Xu again, and said, "Uncle Xu, give me a fire zip, and then you will take your eldest brother down the mountain together."

The paper figurine hesitated to speak, but finally did not speak again.

Everyone looked at each other.

Na Gu Qijie was thoughtful, and said: "It seems that Mr. Li is going to burn his body here? This is indeed a good idea. This corpse is too poisonous. If it is placed here, it will rot on the ground and be buried anywhere. , it’s all a hassle.”

"It seems that he should be related to Mr. Li or your friend? Otherwise..."

I narrowed my eyes slightly and glanced at Gu Qijie, there was an irrepressible coldness and murderous intent in my eyes.

Of course, I just have this look.

Gu Qijie immediately fell silent...

Fear and panic flashed in his eyes, and he staggered back a few steps.

Jiang Pan immediately said hello, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone go down the mountain, let's go to rest first, and then wait for Yin and Yang."

Many gentlemen didn't say anything, they turned around and walked down the mountain.

Gu Qijie looked a little embarrassed, and he left behind Jiang Pan.

The paper figurine Xu was the last to leave. He looked at me complicatedly and told me a few more words, telling me not to affect my mood too much.

I forced a smile, shook my head and said it was okay.

After everyone had left, I walked to the normal tree next to it, and after choosing one, I split it with Lu Su's axe.

Gu Qijie was indeed right.

I want to burn the body.

Zhou Jingyi is not worthy of being buried, but only worthy of being crushed.

Because I was afraid that if someone with a heart wanted to harm us one day if he was buried, Zhou Jingyi would be pulled out.

Another point is my mother's hatred.

I want my mother's spiritual bit, and watch Zhou Jingyi disappear!

Back then when he knew my mother was pregnant and wanted her to be sacrificed, it was simply cold-blooded and cruel.

Only in this way can some of my mother's resentment be eliminated!

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