Tang Ding immediately drove towards Li's house.

In less than a quarter of an hour, we arrived outside Li's house.

Jiang Pan, the paper figurine Xu, and Fan Yu and I got out of the car one after another.

Tang Ding walked to the door and pushed open the door forcefully.

I followed and quickly stepped into the yard.

The yard was also empty.

My face changed again, and I yelled in a low voice: "He Zhi, escape?!"

During this period, many people from behind gradually entered the courtyard.

Everyone looked at each other.

Jiang Pan frowned, and said, "In the local Xianglu?"

"No, the ground is very dusty, the fallen leaves haven't been cleaned for several days, and the house has been deserted for quite a while."

I squinted my eyes slightly, and my voice was hoarse. Similarly, I knew something must have happened.

He Zhi would not take Dunkong to live in Dixianglu for a long time, and it is even more impossible not to return to Li's house.

Tang Ding immediately said: "I'll go to the town to find someone to ask, sir, you go to the Xianglu first, let's meet up there."

Tang Ding's voice will fall.

Footsteps came from behind.

I turned around abruptly, but I saw a person walking into the courtyard timidly with a child in her arms.

"Aunt Shuangqin?"

My pupils tightened even more.

The person who came was indeed Bai Shuangqin, she was holding Liu Pingjiang.

Bai Shuangqin's face was pale, her hair was disheveled, and she looked haggard.

It looked like something had happened and he had been hit.

"Yin...Yinyang, something happened." Bai Shuangqin almost cried out, and she fell to her knees with a bang.

Liu Pingjiang in her arms burst into tears.

My heart twitched suddenly, and I immediately walked up to Bai Shuangqin.

After helping her up, she said in a low voice: "Aunt Shuangqin, what happened, tell me carefully, He Zhi, Dunkong, and Second Uncle?!"

I tried my best to keep my voice steady and calm, but some voices still trembled.

Because I didn't expect that Tang Zhen would have an accident at all.

The Dixianglu is here, and the deterrence of Mr. Hei Yinyang, a geologist, is here.

Besides, some time ago, we announced to the Yin-Yang world that a large number of gentlemen had gathered...

Who dare not open their eyes and come to Tang Town to make trouble? !

Bai Shuangqin raised her head tremblingly, and said, "Some time ago, a group of people came suddenly, and among those people, there was a person..."

Suddenly, Bai Shuangqin looked at Fan Yu.

She shivered for a while, pointed at Fan Yu and said, "He! Yes! He's very similar to him!"

"That person is older, and he brought another group of people with him. They are all wearing Tang suits. They are Mr. Yin Yang..."

"They want to capture your second uncle, He Zhi, and Dun Kong."

Paper figurine Xu's brows formed a pimple, and he said in an ugly tone, "Mr. Yin Yang? Watchman?"

I whispered, "Uncle Xu, let Aunt Shuangqin continue."

The paper figurine Xu didn't say much.

Bai Shuangqin went on to say the follow-up:

The reason why the group wanted to arrest people,

Firstly, it is because they and I have an enmity, and it is a mortal enmity that must be washed away with blood!

Second, they want something, the inheritance we got in a tomb some time ago.

The second uncle took He Zhi and Dunkong, ran out of Tang Town, took the waterway and left.

At this point, Bai Shuangqin paused again, and said with a panicked expression: "Old Zhu... the ominous luck is at stake. He is unwilling to leave the Xianglu, saying that he wants to protect the Xianghu."

"It's been seven days, and those people have lived in the Dixiang hut, and they haven't come out..."

"Your second uncle and the others didn't come back... I don't know what to do, Ping Jiang was also frightened..."

"Also... the mayor Tang Song led the militia to surround them, but the militiamen acted like they had hit a ghost, and shot randomly... Tang Song was killed, and at least a dozen militiamen died. People dare to come out..."

Bai Shuangqin was frightened too much, what she said was somewhat out of sequence, and the logic was not very clear.

But I have roughly understood...

Many yin arts and yang calculation masters all showed anger.

Gu Qijie said: "I'm afraid it was because we came out along the way and told about Lai Qian's matter, and when we set off, the news spread too much, which attracted the attention of some young people."

"I think deep hatred and hatred are just words used for fighting."

"After all, if you just come to Tang Town just to grab something, you will be condemned morally if you hurt Mr. Li's family while we are away. Are they trying to make a name for themselves?!"

I didn't answer, and said in a low voice: "Aunt Shuangqin, you rest in the house, I'll go to the Xianglu to have a look now."

I am very calm,

But my heart is full of emotions


Worrying about He Zhi, Dun Kong, and Second Uncle,

And anger, anger, after getting the news, this group of "careful people" came to Xianglu to outflank us.

I also have tremors.

Because they live in a ground-level apartment!

The master's geography hut, the geography hut of Mr. Hei Yinyang, who has been studied in the past dynasties...

In the Dixiang Room, there are also the heads collected by the master all his life, and the travel notes of 26 Mr. Yin and Yang...

There are the biggest and most secrets of geography...

Tang Ding stepped forward and came to help Bai Shuangqin behind him.

I stepped out of Li's house and walked straight to Di Xianglu.

Jiang Pan followed me, his face was also livid.

The paper figurines Xu and Fan Wei followed behind me respectively.

The paper figurine Xu's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Not long after, Tang Ding also followed, and Mr. Yinshu and Yangsuan behind him were a little slower.

In about a quarter of an hour, we arrived at Dixiang Luwai.

The gate of the earth phase is closed tightly.

There are some horses tied in front of the door, the ground is dirty, and the tree trunks are also worn out by the ropes.

Paper figurine Xu's footsteps were a little quicker, he walked straight to the door, stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of Di Xianglu!

The moment the door opened.

It was a whistling gong, striking towards the top of the paper figurine Xu's head!

The face of the paper figurine Xu changed suddenly.

He suddenly reached out and grabbed the hand under the gong, while turning his head to the side.

The attack did come quickly, but the paper figurine Xu Kaimen was also on guard.

The two immediately fought together!

The next moment, the paper figurine Xu shouted in surprise: "Immortal thing! It's you?!"

His tone was shocked to the extreme!

During this period, Fan Wei took a step and rushed towards the door.

He also held a gong in his hand, and smashed it fiercely at the head of the person inside the door!

I also saw clearly the person behind the door...

It was an old watchman whose hair had all fallen out. He was unusually short in stature, and he was dressed in dirty and old cloth.

The bags under the eyes were drooping, and the eyes were particularly cloudy.

I haven't seen him for a long time...

It can be seen that the moment he saw him, his head buzzed!

The killing intent rose violently from the bottom of my heart!

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